
Showing posts from December, 2024

Distinguishing between fact and opinion

 Distinguishing between fact and opinion Since reality has a liberal bias

How to correct mistakes - stop stigmatizing mistakes

 How to correct mistakes - stop stigmatizing mistakes

Linguistics can explain the science of the universe and more!

 Linguistics can explain the science of the universe and more!

Feeling Adjectives

Feeling Adjectives

Justified or Unjustified Feelings | How do you know if what you're feeling is right justified?

 How do you know if what you're feeling is right justified?

"Measuring Feelings" - Objectively Measuring Opinions | Identifying The Facts About Feelings and Their Development

 Objectively Measuring Opinions and Feelings

Intellectual Desire Development

 Intellectual Desire Development

Human Being Programming Formula

 Human Being Programming Formula

Thinking and feelings behavior - analyzing opinions and how they are developed with specific examples

 Specific Examples of Mental Thought Processes

If you can't formally explain it, then it is invalid

obstacles in education

Save Me From Myself

 Save Me From Myself

Interchangeable Words

Interchangeable Words

Science of confusion

It's really easy to change your mind

  Everything is a method of interprtation and awarenss of evaluationconclucion and judging method

Nothing is perfect or PERFECTION is NOTHING

  Perfection is simply nothing - no thing, it means not existing, not continuing to exist as time pass, meaning no limits, meaning no physical limits, meaning we wouldn't exist as existing implies physical limitations.