Miscellaneous Original Freethought Notes
These notes are from the beginning of the year 2021
I have decided to remove all gadgets from the homepage since it seems distracting to those who wish to focus on reading the posts' contents and rather prefer not to multitask and deliberately avoid seeing the right side of the page bar.
Not thinking like a scientist and learning (learning from mistakes)

Only one way to do it over the passage of time. Plus YOLO, age bias.
Change nature or understand it? Your attitude changes based on newly gained information. hence the antinatalist phase to natalist phase.

There is such a thing as going too fast: Slow Down! You're Learning Too Fast. | Learning Lifeguard ...
Commentary: This is what brings oversimplification and confusion and suppression of curiosity -> forms of fear, behavioral logic.
You go too fast and you want to do it no matter how stupid it is, so that you will not think about the past or why and keep making the same mistake over and over again, no one but you can be stop that, and in order to do that you must be aware. [1] [2]
Needing more specific words to describe feelings, state of mind, attitude, because "ideas" don't cut it - they're plain out manipulative.
All of what you expect now is a short-term goal not a scientific prediction. Don't learn the wrong things. [1] Same logic as practicing bad things. No one should ever have to be offended.
What information did you physically consider vs. what information was emphasized and interpreted from the energy from the past events you've experienced.
How did you interpret it? Explain the changes going on in the brain.
Don't worry about all of the other thoughts I derived, I can compare them later, I am in flawed times, I should be able to reclassify them once I get in the lab.
What do you think you learn vs. what you actually learn? The limits of the events experienced. Explain your own mindset -> if you cannot even do this, then you are brainwashed with a form of fear energy called trust, motivating you to pursue manual labor goal.

Use what you have
Subconsciously learn vs. Consciously learn.
Notice the fact that most of the feelings you feel (ex. laughter) are usually related with the experience of the presence of other people via verbatim communication.
All you have to do is to be curious and to care to spend time learning how we learn [type of change] (since we are a part of this world) and care to spend time identifying the specifics. Don't misplace feelings.
Measure the effects of your lifestyle and be curious since it's in the middle - meaning you're not dead and also not a snowflake baby.
Something else has to fill in the void of insecurity.
You must study it to understand it, not study it to personally affect you, indoctrinate you - it's far more common than you think.
If you cannot point out how you have learned the content, you have been indoctrinated, not learning the right things ~ Ebenezer SureshGoal: To identify the interpreting style, feelings system, thinking system.
Notice pattern
goal: to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.
Smart people aren't organized at first, don't worry. But remember everything is in the head, so organize thoughts.
I play the role of being a scientist at this play called 'life'

You're not too dead and too snowflakey- you're in the middle, using theses ideas being communicated to you verbally and symbolistic ally, use this as inspiration to find out where in the middle you are.
I wish I could reduce the manual labor required (I hate this era) and have something magically (yes this is a word that fills a void) document all of my feelings via words on this blog - like a heart rate monitor does, other people could do that to be, but they interpret my behavior wrongly and it's toxic and contiguous energy.
It's all in your head, think the right thoughts to get out of it.

No such thing as predicting the future, unless you are actively predicting it right now.
Discovering how it feels to be 10 years old for the first (and last) time.
It's not about the content, rather the limits of the content called the variable - weather independent variable, dependent variable - whatever way we choose to classify words (look at the complexity of neuros - that's the properties of information, this proves that we ARE a part of this world)
Your greatest sources is all around you, it's called nature - observe it.
How to become a scientist
Just observe what happens without a biasTo Do:
2. Classify different types of perspectives (aka. attitudes mindset)
3. Answer the question "Why do we turn around when other people call [our names], when we hear them?
Short Answer: Because we have been trained via pattern fear, to do so as such.

4. Emphasize past repetition over fear mind concept.
Emphasizing vague facts over time in your mind is proof of fear pattern.
Oversimplified words are fear vague loaded pattern words.
5. Visualize how you learn.
6. reaching conclusion takes time therefore a mental attitude in order to reach right answer in math one must be aware and curious
7. Ask yourself "what does this word even mean" - You will then realize that the information is stored in the brain as a part of the variables of the properties of attitude, which is thought process, which is the very experience in the making at that very specific time, no situational fallacy [1] - recalling events is the same thing as imaging things and being on drugs - same logic basically.
Note: The amount of gaslighting, bashing curiosity curriculum, and pattern words stored in the brain is used to measure manipulation and fear involved, the rest is fear [refer human nature].
[1] situational fallacy - observation of any thoughts that do not make up a part of the environment you are communicating with in the moment, basically it takes fear and focus from past events in order to mentally reach such a conclusion, imagine this as the sandbox mindconcept.
8. Document how we are trained to react not respond whilst verbally conversing with others.
9. Purse Project: Resisting Indoctrination - to get out of the flawed times.
10. make a pragmatic mindconcept for how verbatim communication is understood.
11. Document that all words, including factual content, describe the attitude used in order to reach said content of the conclusion.
This is why people say, "you don't understand how it feels to [lose a baby child, lose a mother, etc], so you shouldn't give me any advice"
12. Make a mindconcept classifying the conclusion. What feelings represent conclusion - it's in the definition of the word.
13. Project: Learning how we learn, being aware of how we learn.
14. how being judged based on past events makes one feel bad.
15. Identify subconscious vs. conscious
16. "how words work" in the limited physical realm, identified via the limited human being body.
17 . study how the idea/ plan of school stresses them out -> an example of an emotional attachment.
18. Declassifying subtle form of physclgical warfare - practicing morals, even thought this is just a phase to categorize ideas and is merely a useless label.
19. Declassify pattern words
20. Why a person cannot sit still - connect this to curiosity mindset gaining new information over time.
21. Explain how introducing the idea of God via verbatim is manipulative.
22. Explain how people can sympathize with complex ideas.
23. Limits of reasons means limits of the events the body can experience at that time.
24. Declassify adjectives and it's relation to human being limits - what make us humans. We use others are a survival, coping mechanism.
25. Why criticism is stupid, inherently judgmental; We judge only because we are human beings whose limited are being abuse to set goals.
26. To understand the meaning behind the rhetoric "I feel like it" or "I feel like doing this."
27. Categorize words, all words; All trains of thoughts. Discover new things by the day; If interpreted and categorized accurately, you will be curious, if not, then you will form a mental barrier (usually in the name of 'responsibility' assigned by another person).
28. Map out the judgmental focus ignorant (like 'eyes on your own paper' mindset)
Add: Judging event experienced. Event is a variable, refer event variables.
29. Learn from the only thing that you can learn from (and be aware of this relationship) is the past, so learn from the past.
30. Keeping up with body health is nurturing the limits of the body.
31. The why you're doing something is the emphasized facts. [1]
32. Make a list of useless phrases; For example, 'liberal' and 'conservative'
33. Declassify why phrases like 'don't be depressed' is useless.
34. If you're really smart, you should be able to explain it, therefore make a cirricuculm out of this.
35. Memory engravement (confusion between mental limits and human limits, only reach this if you deserve it according to human nature limits and nature, don't fight with nature) vs. human limits. In school, you've been taught to remember and memorize, not to understand.

Memorizing is like cheating, you're only hurting yourself in the long run.
36. Why there is no such thing as understanding, only memorizing as time passes. Only repetition of living life.
Why there is no such thing as
38. Document the media bias in showing the truth about the phycology of children. And why some anti-vaxx (aka pro hitting) still exists - like trying to find a phycologist at a pro-hitting convention.
39. Limits of comprehending ideas.
40. Use the archive.is website and highlight the portions you want and link it in this blog.
41. map out the personally affecting me mindconcept (a subtle form of this is civil verbatim communication, mental limits, physclgical warfare)
42. Something has to take place of the void as time passes, that's why you sometimes, are likely to recall random thoughts usually derived from the past events that you have experienced.
43. Cult members are brainwashed with the the content of the ideas of what (school is an example of a cult) not the 'how' they learned it. As doing so would be contradictory.
44. What 'practicing morals' really means you have learned from the past
45. Add morals and other-similar-like words to the euphemism document.
For example, what does it mean if you interpret it as running [note: how I used the word 'interpret' and not just running, as merely saying that would be to focus on the content, not the mechanics of the attitude used to interpret it as such, doing as such would mean one is ignorant and surrendering control and unaware.]
To do: categorize the content of idea words, such as running vs. common euphemisms (language).
I just realized that the English language is like a criteria for judging sounds/sound waves and reacting (not responding -> the more quick to react to sounds the more scared and sensitive, if you practice verbal communication, we all have a form of trauma (hence morals and being judgmental), that's the behavioral logic of practicing morals and not categorizing accurately) accordingly, this is an example of an emotional attachment (aka, ideal variable manipulation).
This is learned via abuse of mental limits practicing the reward and punishment methods and confusing them with human limits, being aware of developing the care to kill someone - but, of course, this is suppressed by society at all costs (and they don't care if you get confused, because accordingly to human limits, they are selfish naturally and confused) and they'd rather you commit suicide.
We set goals more often than you think -> declassify and learn from this. Also note how (forms of) resting is an example of manual labor (forms of violence, common one is morals and verbal communication) abuse aftermath.
46. Stockholm syndrome abuse human limits, reward and punishment.
47. what is the word for the specific phycological condition you are practicing right now -> this is an example of looking at the best of it and not from a brainwashed normies' perspective.
48. https://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/trauma-types/early-childhood-trauma -> we have all experienced this that's why we trust and respect too much, (which is merely wanting to stay in society -> excessive trust) this is also why people abuse this and bomb people. As a sociologist that predicts trends, identify the energy being displaced amongst people.
49. Mental thought process words, like predict; words like running, interpret the content of the thought process used/practiced, which is an oversimplification thought process, in this case. Map out the physical sciences behind this thought [1].
This is an example of a judgmental, alternative fact, fuzzy image, (laymen, oversimplified facts are as good as opinion, as they are loaded words, derived as a goal of identifying vaguely [1 - this sketch is vague, just like the idea of action of merely existing], not science lab specifically) - deriving the judgement by it's content of idea.
50. Document how interpreting propaganda is what makes someone laugh, cry, angry, etc. etc.; One must be personally affected (example here, here; basically misplaced energy abused trust) by that in order to reach such a state of mind as a conclusion.
This is how people push social agendas, which take up the space of the brain.
51. List out common examples of gaslighting (so that I can learn from my mistakes and know what to avoid)
Examples: reading a text that wasn't meant to be read. Using a reddit account and turning into an atheist was a punishment for being smart.
52. Morals are for the uncurious, non-morals/immorality (as defined by society, how most atheists are dems or libertarians) are for the curious.
53. Document how 'to remind someone' is to indoctrinate with content, not learn new thought process.
54. Study the pro-life pro-choice debate and identify the variable of planning, predicting and goal.
55. Subconscious vs. conscious; Short-term vs. long term memory
56. Poor people are often smart, don't let Republicans shame the poor for "not working hard enough." We should make it easier not make others struggle, like that father said "I don't want to have my kids go thru what I had to go thru."
57. another way to say goal is opinion, your goal is to judge not to practicing the care to understand, and this goal is set subconsciously, outside of your power usually, usually depending on others for security, therefore depend on them for thinking for you - those very others who practice gaslighting.
58. Relate the term computer scientist and an actual scientist. Focus on how they're similar
59. Declassify this phrase and it's phase formula -> this is studied [example here]
60. Add that manual labor takes judgementalness mindset.
61. Document why things should be categorized by how they are learned. Not by what is learned; That is why we have a lot of useless labels!
62. Curiosity killed the cat - Wikipedia; Don't confuse human limits with mental limits [don't be programmed] - that's the same thing as being judgmental racist and misplacing feelings, not being independent (because of excessive trust or misplacing trust [1]), rather depending on the cops.
63. How, when talking about one idea, that very person is focusing on IT, not other idea, but subconsciously gaining other information.
64. Categorize Quotes? [as quotes are what got me motivated]
65. Compare behavioral logic and certain actions are just as bad as [insert thing here].
66. Archiving all of my twitter posts. [1]
67. Identify the level of ideal indoctrination one must have experienced in order to come to such a conclusion. [1]
Tip: Classify it as an example of a set definition. Aka the variable.
68. Compare perfect lifestyle to imperfect lifestyle
69. Change is inevitable
70. Study the sociological effects of capitalism
71. Note the specific differences on using an object via experience limits for entertainment vs. using it for behavioral studies.
For example using the news for entertainment (a form of judgmentalness) and using it to study the content. Two different lens. This is how one can categorize reality. Develop individualism curiosity and chase it.
72. Note the specific differences on how one comes to the conclusion of insulting, compromising, and sympathizing? What mindset does it require?
73. Even though most of the time you are going too fast or participating in socializing, make sure to self-reflect constantly, just like a scientist would whilst studying the environment.
74. Add more to that document on how I can easily come back to the scientist mindset again.
74. Unfortunately, angriness takes the higher ground against pacifism.
75. How predicting something vs. being the prediction plays out and what kinds of thought processes do they require.
76. How religion is like feelings dump and the feelings clashing mindconcept. One must be free from manual labor goas in order to sympathize.
77. How the house is like a deradicalization camp.
78. Categorize words and how they are able to be identified
Note: any euphemism for gaining information -> ex. identified, is the process of learning, as life itself is learning.
79. According to behavioral logic, why practicing morals is just as bad. Changing the letters of a word does not change the actual physical denotation -> aka the meaning of said word.
"physical denotation -> aka the meaning" -> euphemisms like these are what I want to categorize, I want to understand imperfection, now that I have tested my limits at an early age, which I should not have done.
80. In order to identify it as [insert word here] one must be ignorant to how you got there to begin with, as it's all about the thought process used to identify it.
But shhh! capitalistic employers don't want this secret out so they manipulate the masses via propaganda.
Yes, I've said it many times in my head, but I fail to chase after it due to my flawed mindset.
Remind yourself by the fact that we are shaped by our life experiences, we are bound by them; Not too hard or too soft, just right...
Don't be indoctrinated with conservative ideas (affecting too personally) rather be aware of the sciences - physiology or sociology.
Studying behavior and not being a part of the drama as YOLO. Spending my time trying to change it, in a science lab.
It's not about the content, it's about the location of the content, when and how you gained it.
Other useful notes:
Morals are subjective and judgmental by nature, so it's up to someone else to determine who is more moral and who isn't. For all I know it's even more immoral to force a woman to have kids and to indoctrinate her with judgmental attitude, which is the very nature of debate -> to comprehend ideas, not to comprehend nature.
Moral is a euphemism for judgmental (implying they had a bad childhood to reach such an ideal conclusion), just as bad as being against the very idea//goal/opinion/plan of traditional marriages.
Note: Once you think of an idea that is not in the present, it's thinking in theory and planning for the future, as now is the future, and are being manipulated in the present.
To-Do: Study how thinking certain thoughts change your mood.
Morals are a subtle form of mental illness, phycological warfare. This is why religious people are always together, as that's how they keep their 'faith.'
Individualism breeds social stigma, which is why I don't condone it. Conservatism is a cult.
I've always felt as if there was some sort of logic that I was following which was inherently bad.
If you don't find the secret, (aka they "key") nobody else will do it for you.
I am my own test subject, even in a lab, you are studying your sense and how they affect you, that's why people get different by similar results. This is why we are our body and so is our attitude.
This is why we conduct trials and tests in a lab, inherently observing ourselves going through phases of life as time constantly passes.
I know how their life will end up, that's why I'm not going to pursue it, I've see history and their plans. [1] [2]

Learn from childhood and trace back how you learned and pre-childhood, don't let anyone else indoctrinate you. Doing so requires abuse of trust, be self-aware, emotionally aware, emotionally intelligent.
This is how independence can be gained. [1] Know your physical limits, not mental limits, don't be repetition feared (deluded) into thinking as such, that's the same thing as judging and being racist, in this case eventist, aka pessimistic.

If you are refrained from answering your own questions then how are you supposed to learn from your own mistakes?
Don't be confused
There are dots on my skin.
Project: Undoing discipline because discipline kills creativity.
Dangerously similar, I don't like the looks of these conservative facasits:

The very struggle in the process of identifying the formula itself.
Since I am not there yet, it tells me that I have yet more to learn, don't give up hope, trust yourself and gain new information to fill that void of hope to become detached to the idea of hope.
"Rediscover yourself"
"Rediscover yourself"
What motivated me to do this is to identify how our feelings system works; What our feelings really mean.
I like to take notes and categorize them later.
I wish I could restart my life.
when i mean i hate it i mean i love it, it's a love-hate relationship with myself, and the placeholder of facts.
reaching conclusion mentally takes time, an action that takes time to change.
Technically, speaking verbatim, all words are expressed as ideas, past, present, or future; The thing is, is that in science, the words expressed are usually present, and used for formulas, not to indoctrinate or command another person.
You set short-term goals more than you notice (hence, practicing the engagement in morals), make sure to get out of the moralistic mindset by distancing yourself from people.
The hardest part is simply identifying the variable - except that won't be hard if you use the limits of your attitude, the interpreting system - the how.
Not asking for the what, I am asking for the how.
If only people could interpret what we were actually saying - we are crying for help.

Most people are so confused that they don't even know that they are confused.

* If you can't explain it, you're a part of it. Don't be a part of the drama. Rather observe it. Don't let your own science experiment attack you, this is why you learn from the past and wear a mask, test your limits and trust others when deemed necessary.
Retracing back to childhood
My life is the testing of limits. Refer bucket list.
Instead of assigning fancy names to a set of ideas, why don't you just describe the experience of the thought process that lead to such a conclusion.
To Do: study the similarities and differences of these vague words to identify the formula of it, like you did to the linguistics ideal system (parts of speech are this).
Everything you do is learned.
All ideas, if are truly ideas, the content should be a theoretical action taking place.
Training myself to use words to identify feelings. This is a self-set goal that I will use to take care of myself as I have trained to be dependent on others via jeopardizing security (by simply being born) and via fear-mongering repetition breeding trust and pseudoscience mindset as its based on trust not prediction of nature - it's like the religion of pro-life. I realize this now, and I must pursue the goal of being independent. And knowing my own phycology. Ignore others if you must. You have learned the wrong things. My goal is to become a neuroscientist, and I will not stop until I have reached that goal, even though it's too early to be set as I cannot categorize the information now. [1]
Treat this blog as a source haven for all sorts of content that you like.
When we are young we haven't tested our limits yet, because we are suppressed from doing so.
Don't be tricked into practicing morals your entire life.
Training myself to become truly independent; Slogan "trust no one" trust requires abuse.
When I show love, I really mean I am showing hate, no matter whatever way anyone else interprets it, or however I interpret it. Facts don't care about your feelings, be aware and "in touch" (means to consciously be aware of the) with the facts.
Next time someone tries to confuse or convince you otherwise; Take it as an insult and know that the confusion they cause is intentional.
The conclusions you reach takes time to reach implying that there is some physical cause that goes on - I am in the process of identifying this.
It's important to use the same words (like event) and not invent new variables because they can be confused. Labels are meant to polarize and confuse and divide. Labels are meaningless.
From imperfection to perfection; Don't be mentally handicapped to think that one person as bad just because of their skin color, we learned from that judgment.
"thoughtcrime" [look right down below]
why do you think some reach different conclusions than you? [1]
You wouldn't reach the conclusion being a boring adult if you were curious and not manual labor goal oriented (it's hard to explain a complex process in so few words).
This all started when I questioned the way that I interpreted the way I interpreted things. When I questioned the way I interpreted other peoples' behavior. When I questioned why I interpreted only the sounds, and wanted to categorize this style of interpreting nature. When I questioned "who to trust." When I questioned "how does knowing this piece of information change my attitude" -> for example the manipulation tactics used by the pro-lifers in the pro-choice vs. life debate.
Our whole life is bottling up emotions
Keep asking the same question to yourself, don't conform (Aka. systematically lying to yourself by focusing on content not the 'how' - aka. the experience experienced, you must be lucky in order to reach such a conclusion)
Document the limits of experience, comprehension, information by identifying the limits of the human body -> this is where one should go next after practicing common sense.
The right-wing wants it's base to be scared.
Everything in life is a test, don't get sad because it failed over and over again and now feel hopeless, human nature is an obstacle to your train of thought, but don't be hopeless.
Why do we feel confused and understood? Words?
The energy is all in the logic used to identify the content.
Everything has to do with the limited attitude of the body because Y.O.L.O.
Compare what you currently know to another set of ideas; For example, if you wanted to pursue interpreting styles, see how different languages interact with each other.
So many people have opinions on other people, (aka themselves, as it is their own experience) yet have no idea about the science of phycology [this is why I want the most unique and the best from people]
All ideas you know are goals that are to be achieved by nature, a physical limits. The others are science fiction of the linguistics system.
Friends and all others are a mere placeholder for coping mechanism with the crappy nature of reality, until you get to be a scientist, use people and eventually adopt the science mindset.
Use the need to classify the actions of bond.wres. as a motivation for continuing this project.
Also use the motivation of scientifically calculating basketball going into the hoop, not blindly practicing something because of pressure for manual labor - common sense is bad, you should use it for survival and to get to a state of mind of curiosity.
This is why I started the manipulation projection, now renamed to the 'awareness' project:

Debug yourself, must be aware of the coding language first.
Use deductive reasoning (the only reasoning) to identify the limits as such. We are a part of this deductive reasoning, we are like leaves to a tree.
We are born perfect, there is no need to oversimplify things as such [1]

Don't be a hypocrite:

You are your body surroundings and experience, don't let practicing morals confuse you. It's like a steak on a perfect piece of paper. It's deemed as a necessary evil.

If you are in the need of identifying why, use the formula and care to identify the specifics of your experience using variables to calculate.
School of life

think of your home as a deradicalization camp. as a reeducation, brainwashing camp.
Trace it back (refer past events, categorize information accurate)
Judging is fear, like focus on own test, propaganda interpreting style
Behavior and its relationship to human beings' limits
I can also feel my body shaking and my shoulder muscles twitching when I am thinking of certain thoughts.
More working, less (free)thinking, more resting, more delusional.
Being around others even after being hurt by them is a form of being too attached to others -> right thing for wrong reason.
Taking care of human body health limits IS taking care of your mind, aka. the attitude because the attitude IS THE VERY human body limits in and of itself.
Describe mindset to understand derive insulting words if you are personally affected by it.
If you practice oversimplifying outside, lord knows what you do to yourself!
This is what oversimplifying does to your brain, phases, eventually you'll crash and burn, I know, because I experienced and learned from it.
I know, because I was that very person.
Testing the limits of experience.
everything you do is learned
As an adult, I can see that my whole life is a coping mechanism. -> this is proof of a feelings dump, the miscategorized feelings overtime has to go somewhere.
Don't be a procrastinator. don't practice that behavioral logic. Use the motivational quotes.
Learning is to learn from past, which is inevitable because time moves on, constantly. This is how curiosity is formed.
Document the specific time and how you learned it. Can you do this? If not, then you are being personally affected and indoctrinated. Why do you think we have things such as personal space?
Once you notice the similar patterns, you can and will then start to formulate ideas.
When you are born, you don't get to choose what happens when, it just happens, that's nature! This is why we are bound by our desires.
Describe the thought process, not the content of the thought process -> that's called focusing content.
State the rhetoric and it's example.
On Learning
Stop learning to be lazy
On Using Words to Describe Events
What does it mean to 'know' or to 'understand' these are fuzzy concepts.
train tracks, circuits
use these concepts are mind-concepts as we constantly perceive information
Interpreting senses as feelings at that time, not theoretical words
There is no such thing as understanding ideas you will have to see it for yourself. In the same way students need a teacher present, and not mere videos.
Current Discoveries:
Testing Limits by critiquing
Event Ideal System
Testing limits by information gained in the form of attacking the person
Phycology and manipulation of ones' attitude by expressing facts via fear. Ex.

This is an example of being scared to set goal to listen to someone, only if are not chasing a goal already, if you are it'll most likely be considered and felt - distracting, if flawed learning process.
to do: classify feelings words via mindconcept, feelings formulas.

Project: Categorizing Useless Words
Project: Resisting Indoctrination (getting out of flawed times)
Project: Learning how we learn
Project: Understanding manipulation/Imperfection/Nonsense by sympathizing with ones' attitude (-> this is called being aware of mental thought processes) not criticizing.
Enlighten state of mind, Meditation
Sometimes words cannot express state of mind, or even be possible to be expressed, it can only be experienced, like Jesuses' presence.
Difference between these placeholders
Action - ideal placeholder
Event - bodily experience [this is the thought process] [1]
Interpreting - thought process [refer visuals]
Don't ask "what is [word here]"
instead "ask how did you reach the conclusion of the existence of [insert word here]"
For example, how do you know that "Jesus has risen?" [theoretical action, past tense, present tense] Answer: Because I have seen (seen is an experience, seen means to 'sense' vaguely speaking) him.
'fight' 'greed' - pattern word, all of these words are used to oversimplify and manipulate out of fear - merely interpreting as such, says a lot of about.
ask them like a teacher would 'how did you reach that conclusion? tell them based on what your body did [refer gears turning in head gif]
Attitude Information
Slogan: "Sympathize don't criticize"
Proof: "The police keep us safe" -> this is an example of a mindset, an idea derived, a mentally handicapping idea, one that abuses human limits - as it's a vague word.
Speaking certain words imply an interpreting style in the head [that can be represented by the focus and recall model, refer those];
For example, is speaking in the future tense, you are planning goal, manual labor goal out of fear. For example, if you are speaking in the present tense, you are describing the experience you are experiencing right now. For example, if you are speaking about the past, you are recalling an event, and subconsciously learning about it.
Tip: There are a lot of thought processes that occur in the head that you don't know about.
Tip: Identify the variables, not the content of the words.
"It's all a part of nature."
How Indoctrination works
How Indoctrination works (learning form my experience as a former cult member; The cult of modern day society)Going too fast to realize and self-reflect
Example: 'Military,' 'Battlefield' Environment
Repetition - it emphasizes and brainwashes your focus, this is basically focusing on anything via fear.
Most people are trained to identify listening for the sake of survival, yet they go out an enjoy - they are indeed brainwashed.
Most people don't become scientists and identify the real reason why something occurs because it'll make their relationship with that someone special meaningless, as the real reason will have been debunked.
Most people have been programmed to take commands - as mindless robots.
Short/Long-Term Goal vs. Predictions
Feelings are specific, like experiences, and there are not enough words to describe it

That's why all of the words we express are feelings that we are expressing; For example 'investment' is a feeling word, all words are feelings words, no matter if it's content is deemed as factually true (hint: nothing is a fact, as we don't know that there could be new information, all are only theories based on repetition of the limits of the comprehension of senses - actually, no, maybe, yes, but anyways, the smallest unit of measurement that we can perceive is the cell -which is pretty small - so be aware of this theory.), as it's all stored in the brain as feelings.
Feelings are not words:
If you're ever insecure, one must first map out the mental actions they practiced over time, as it all takes time.
All words are placeholders for emotional baggage.
The answer to 'why do you feel this way'...
The answer to 'why do you feel this way' is always because (from the pattern I've seen, thus formulating and identifying the formula) of the way you interpret it vs. the way it's supposed to be interpreted for accuracy and awareness.
Why I hate thinking in terms of words
What I can do to solve it:
Since all words should represent ideas, all of these ideas should be represented in the form of a mental image or an attitude.
Education is an investment - most people don't get this.
That's why our education systems sucks; What it actually teaches is to make people conform and be selfish by jeopardizing our security thus making us act on fear and 'common sense' for the sake of survival.
On Fear and curiosity mindsets
All focus is a form of indoctrination, if motivated by a form of fear, only you can care to identify this for yourself, if you listen to someone else that's bad logic and social construct.
However, if the focus is conduced thought a very specific perspective called curiosity, then it's fine.
Explain thought process, like practicing math.
When explaining thought processes, you are explain the events you experienced and the variable of how you interpreted it. Not necessarily what happened as a whole, as your body isn't trained to interpret the event as a whole - even thought we naturally do, without any fear-mongering, fear-mongering breeds Stockholm syndrome, aka emotional attachment, aka ideal variable manipulation.
Fearfulness breeds selfishness as human limits are being jeopardized.
Repetition of curiosity leads to freethinking.
Useful Quick Notes
Attitude and (vs.) Ideas:
What it means to truly understand the idea - means to actually understand the idea, meaning there would be no room for criticism in the mindset. Meaning it's not derived via forms of fear, rather curiosity deriving plan predictions.
This blog is to be used to document any thoughts I come across that are too forbidden to be know by the public.In order to comprehend the idea, you must comprehend the need for the content of said idea. As all ideas are identified via body senses, which are the thought processes themselves.
Understanding an attitude, means to understand the derivation of the goal, the attitude, not solely considering the idea in and of itself. That formulas is the limits of human beings themselves.
Attitude is just being aware of the information your limit human body's processing and considering. Remember, these are vague words, they have specifics, because we live in a specific, physical real, limited world.
Phases of life:
If you are doing something for comfort and not for survival or curiosity you are at the phase of taking rest after performing manual labor derived from fear-set goals.
On Judging thought process.
Judging an event as an idea is ideal goal derived, refer necessity is the mother of invention.
Judging ideas individually, is fear-derived.
Judging is focusing.
Classifying information as, either:
Content of variables (ex. action -> crying), Event Ideal System (5 senses), Physical Realm Limits (limits of the world as a whole, includes the content both that are aware vs. unaware of [1]), Linguistics Ideal System, Attitude (perception, ex. focus [the word, focus, describes the mental thought process used] interpretation to get to such a conclusion).
Classify everything as nature, human nature. Including the way your body gets affected by the level of violence.
To identify the real reason, consider all of the information gained.
To identify the feelings, identify all of the trust and expectations abused. Look at the learning curriculum. Does it make sense?
Complex ideas take time to comprehend, don't oversimplify it out of fear.
Words like pro-choicers means state of mind, a perspective on the judgement of an event, usually done theatrically, not only in-situation.
Any and all words, if not specific, rather vague describes patterns of actions, recognizing patterns mentally is the first step to realizing and identifying the specifics. #becurious.
Think of the vague words as a placeholder in the brain for remembering where you left off.
You are your body, you are your experience.
Interpret behavior not words.
Common Issues:
Going too fast, it's always the fight or flight responses, human body limits that kill it.
Social Life
True ideas aren't ideas, true ideas are attitudes, categorize them on the model correctly.
Feelings expressed are supposed to be interpreted as ideas, classifying it via a formula, not based on feelings of fear.
Ideas are mental images that are supposed to be understood.
Fake ideas (expressed via verbatim, interpreted as words, as focused and expected from repetition, pattern word, therefore fear.), such as words like 'family values' and 'liberal' and 'conservative' is meant to cause division, in reality those words classify absolutely nothing, they classify not content of whatever variable.
Add: "more focused on this sense" [refer that mind-concept]; This is proof that we are becomming aware of ourselves.
Question: How did I learn to interpret words as such?
Do I need to move onto using a different language to communicate to myself to do different things, do I need to move on from using the English language words?
The word "made" is a useless, gaslighting, vague, stupid word. Don't use pattern words like this.
The word, 'liberal' and 'conservative' are useless labels and categorize a set of ideas - they, too, are pattern words.
Pattern words, are basically any sort of vague words, vague words are loaded words, are used as ideal variable manipulation, as specific words could never be used as manipulators, as specific words are being aware of mental thought process and how the environment physically affects ones' body; They are used out of fear, not curiosity. These are the only two different types of energies that exist, that are known, and even if others do some to exist, it's probably going to come in some way shape or form of either of the two categories mentioned.
Other Notes
Knowing your limits in society and who to trust is a social construct, these take mistakes and hardships to learn.
Only communicate to others only if you think your life is at risk, other than that adopt the libertarian mindset. Let others' act as a part of nature.
Directly affecting you and creating ideas because of the way one affects you involves two different logics.
I am past the freedom phase, because we all derived better, more specific, ideas; We conform and change our attitude based on newly gained information.
The truth is, logically, we shouldn't be passively engaging with each other, we should be barbaric as there are still people out there, that will break out trust - for example, the Boston Marathon Bomber.
To do: classify different perspectives and exactly how they are adopted. Specifically describe the level of fear and the level of curiosity involved. YOLO, so the answers could be biased.
The only way to defeat them is to join them, so stop expecting respect and be immoral.
Be like Water.
If you can't beat them join them.
Trust no one, don't make that mistake again.
To do: friends are proof of emotional situational attachment.
About This Blog:
Remember, there are other sources of information that are far more organized than this blog; Just use this blog to document thoughts so you can come back to look at them if forgotten.
Consider this as a news site.
Practicing freethought
Organizing and categorizing information accordingly here.
Goal: To categorize ideal virtual pieces of information
Your mind is an information categorizer.
Categorizing feelings by (naturally) identifying them as ideas. Grateful for the opportunity for doing this as some didn't have this opportunity.
Everything exists only in your mind, forget the abuse of human limits used to motivate one to practice manual labor.
Current Goal: Understanding manipulation whilst being manipulated.
Goal: To criticize everything harshly
Project: teaching myself, anything that's taught by anyone else falls under the appeal to authority fallacy ad is a form of indoctrination.
"If not you then who?"
Mastering awareness of attitude because only you can achieve this, for self-control too.
Currently using deductive reasoning to identify the limits of my experiences.
"When You Do The Right Thing For The Wrong Reasons ..." - a clear example of this is school manual labor.
Trying to find the limits of human beings, not mental limits, rather physical limits, and going though the phases of life.
things change constantly, therefore evolution.
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