
Showing posts from April, 2022

I want to have my mind changed

  When Your Mental Illness Makes You Want to Punish Yourself | The Mighty Stop blaming mental illness ( Become aware of what your body is doing:  Incredible Things the Human Body Does Every Minute | The Healthy Lord, change me from the inside out. Keywords: I want to be punished/penalized, sensitive content, my body won't let me change, seeking therapy, my parents won't let me, thinking past selfishness, thinking past desires, thinking past, needs over wants, wants over needs, changing feelings, attachment to feelings, 

The image of "me" isn't "real," I am a social construct

 The image of this version of "me" is rather the image of my body. Pain keeps us alive. It's that pain that makes up who we are. When you are saying, stop taking control of me, you really mean for people to stop taking control of your body. Demons taking control of my body. How thinking effects behavior. Thinking conditioning physical behaviors. Keywords: are you your mind or your body, mind-body (and soul) connection, 

Death is not "permeant" or 'final"

 Defining death: The brain losing consciousness Inspirational Articles: Executing the Innocent | ScienceGate Life After Death: The Other Side - Dolores Cannon Afterlife - Wikipedia Losing the plot: death is permanent, but your grave isn't ( What the Bible says about Death as Permanent Cessation of Life ( Face It: Death Is Final | Psychology Today "Suicide doesn't take away the pain, it gives it to someone else" : quotes ( Keywords: executing of the innocent, exploring your mind, close to death, no reversing the execution, your body lives on after your consciousness is lost, even those who are executed are not dumped,  So, if death was final, then, shouldn't we all want what lasts forever and die already, yes, formally known as committing suicide.

Preventing mistakes is to prevent the living out of life

 Contrary to the title, there are some mistakes that result in long-term harm (nothing is permeant, even death  - yes, you can live on after death, death is not permeant ). I have a theory that  we, as humans, are all robots controlled by some entity that we have yet to identify, or we all have mutual control over each other.

All fears stem from the fear of death

  Relatable Articles: I’m Too Scared To Commit Suicide. …because I don’t know where I’m going… | by Dayon Cotton | Invisible Illness | Medium What It Means When You’re Suicidal but Too Afraid to Die ( When Your Fears About Dying Are Unhealthy ( That being said, it should not be used as an excuse to comfort you being scared of death. Rather, the only real and valid fear we should have been the fear of fear and other good fears as listed here. Also see necessary evil is defined as being both good and bad.

Environment Matters: I am only as good as my surroundings (team)

 I now derive this thought out of this necessary. I wanted to distract myself by breaking the petty rules so that I can focus on feeling guilty for breaking those said petty rules and instead of worrying about breaking a bigger rule of getting addicted to the NSFW contents again. However, it seems as if I abuse this it, too, will not work. Keywords: team, accessible, accessible friends, knowing how to make friends, my surroundings are my team, accessible team, you are only as good as your team, you are only as good as your weakest link, you are only as good as your last performance,  > A team isn't a team, if you are not in proximity. It's like playing soccer across a world-length soccer field. For humans, it's near impossible to coordinate.

Why is it possible that the human body is so resilient to the point where it involuntarily survives torture against the command of the brain?

  Keywords: why is the human body so resilient, why are we able to survive torture, why is this possible, acknowledging that mistakes are real, resiliency,