Favorite Quotes

 This page should act as a source of quotes that I can go to whenever I feel down. (sometime in 2021)

> "Adulting is the worst. We’ve all thought that at one point or another. You say to yourself, “I wish I could be a kid again. Life was so much easier.” But unfortunately, time doesn’t move backwards. So, here you are, stuck as an adult.

But what does it mean to be adult? Legally, the government considers a person an adult when they turn 18. And yet you can’t drink until you’re 21. Also, most people don’t graduate college until they’re 22. So at what point should you really be considered an adult? With so many life checkpoints, it’s hard to say exactly when that begins."

> Even bad can be used for good, as an example of good mentally; Hence the rhetoric "that's what happens when you mess with me"

> necessity is the mother of invention

> don't make decisions under pressure

> Life is a constant struggle between good and bad

> Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other.

>  We are not scared of death we are scared of a painful death and a painful death means a painful life
- Ebenezer Suresh (Me) (4/24/2024 9:29 PM)

> language is the key to understanding everything including cognitive processes, I like studying linguistics and psychology and philosophy

> Language is the key to understanding [everything] - since everything must be put into language, put int words, in order to be able to be understood. "The limits of my language is the limits of my world,"  is a true statement

> Identify what you don't have and pursue it, that is litearlly the only way to get better.
