Death is not "permeant" or 'final"

 Defining death: The brain losing consciousness

Inspirational Articles:

Executing the Innocent | ScienceGate

Life After Death: The Other Side - Dolores Cannon

Afterlife - Wikipedia

Losing the plot: death is permanent, but your grave isn't (

What the Bible says about Death as Permanent Cessation of Life (

Face It: Death Is Final | Psychology Today

"Suicide doesn't take away the pain, it gives it to someone else" : quotes (

Keywords: executing of the innocent, exploring your mind, close to death, no reversing the execution, your body lives on after your consciousness is lost, even those who are executed are not dumped, 

So, if death was final, then, shouldn't we all want what lasts forever and die already, yes, formally known as committing suicide.
