Feeling Adjectives

Feeling Adjectives


    Emotional Illiteracy is a problem amongst a lot of people. Particularly amongst those who rely purely on "common sense" and intuition. These people pretend as if the most simplest of pheromones are unexplainable, pretending as if it's a form of magic, whereas, unbeknownst to them, it is not magic, they just don't care enough to allow their curious desires to develop and learn more about it.


    Those quiet words you hear in your head? Those are a mental decision, not necessarily made by you at the current time period as not all decisions show their effects immediately, like not brushing teeth at nighttime only shows until after a couple of years of compound interest, all thoughts and actions are forced by what we learn in our childhood. If you want to change your life, identify what you felt during childhood and justify it.

  • Reliability
