"measuring feelings" - objectively measuring opinions | Identifying the fact about feelings

 Objectively measuing opinions

What are opinions? | What are feelings? | What are the limitations of both? | What are their implications?

  • Feelings measure the level of symbolism assigned to an object/ being.
  • This feeling pattern is exemplified when you develop an opinion on someone else's opinion
    • Reminds me of judging the way another person judges. Like having an opinion on another persons' opinion.
  • Goal: survival, enable,
  • It is a fact determining if an evaluation/thought-process is rather judgmental or understanding
    • For example, when reaching the conclusion of "it's stupid" -> one performs a judgmental attitude instead of an understanding attitude. This will cause all sorts of feelings, when it goes unchecked and unconditioned, it leads to mental laziness and desensitization of what one was initially feeling feelings about.
    • A judgmental attitude usually develops if someone has their survival threatened. For example, people develop judgmental attitude about certain things if they are hit by a certain creature, by that creature hitting them, this threatens the other creature's goal of survival, to which they responding by judging and
  • Identifying the cause of feelings
    • For example, when identifying the cause of a feeling, you should understand that the feelings system enabled within your brain by the many different lobes are the one's that cause these feelings. This is where we can bring in feeling formulas. Essentially all feelings produced as produced via a sense of trust being abused or something being overlooked. For example, when we feel angry, it is usually because we have trusted something to expect a certain way without verifying it and it being completely different.
  • Studying how opinions are developed - there is an objective way to measure feelings
    • Instead of having an opinion on another person's opinion, you can see how opinions are developed and where logical fallacies are placed.


teaching people to feel feelings, Symbolic Meaning of Feelings, 
