Intellectual Desire Development

 Intellectual Desire Development

    As I study human beings' desire and emotions, I have come to an astounding realization. Some desires cannot be developed without certain prerequisites. For example, without food, water and shelter, one cannot develop intellectual desires to pursue things like studying neuroscience or any other intellectual or otherwise academic endeavor for that matter of fact. This is generally how people perform.

    Similar to how classes work, without the physiological needs serving as a pre requisite for everything else. One cannot be skilled in academics without this.

    This theory of human nature can be explained via Maslow's hierarchy of needs/desires where it details what are the pre-requisites for pursuing certain desires.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs jpeg
This is literally what I was looking for my entire life: formulation for need. You can't come across these intellectual thoughts if you don't have your physiological needs taken care of. Similarly, you can't pursue curiosity if you have to constantly worry about safety and security and food. This is why people academians are elitist.

    Don't allow the enviornment to control your physical body limbs and thoughts instead find an enviornment that allows yourself to think allow not to become overwhelmed with over stimulation and confusion (there is only one objective way not to become overwhelmed and that is no an opinion or a feeling, it is a fact about thinking behavior),. Find a place where you can reflect upon the causes of undesired behavior for the goal upon reflecting on it and either change experience or become more resilient.

    There are mental variables that are able to be measured to measure the amount of commitment you want to your goals, don't let "subjectiveness" trick you into thinking all judgement styles, reflection styles, and thinking styles are the same. Basic psychology says as otherwise.


  • being with others prevents deisre to read


emergency priorities, purpose of creating children,
