Intellectual Desire Development

 Intellectual Desire Development

    As I study human beings' desire and emotions, I have come to an astounding realization. Some desires cannot be developed without certain prerequisites. For example, without food, water and shelter, one cannot develop intellectual desires to pursue things like studying neuroscience or any other intellectual or otherwise academic endeavor for that matter of fact. This is generally how people perform.

    Similar to how classes work, without the physiological needs serving as a pre requisite for everything else. One cannot be skilled in academics without this.

    This theory of human nature can be explained via Maslow's hierarchy of needs/desires where it details what are the pre-requisites for pursuing certain desires.

    Here is a clear example detailing what I mean by prerequisites to desires and intellectual desire development: do you think a poor person would develop a desire to pursue going on vacation and planning it? NO. they don't have the perquisites settled.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs jpeg
This is literally what I was looking for my entire life: formulation for need. You can't come across these intellectual thoughts if you don't have your physiological needs taken care of. Similarly, you can't pursue curiosity if you have to constantly worry about safety and security and food. This is why people academians are elitist.

    Don't allow the environment to control your physical body limbs and thoughts instead find an environment that allows yourself to think allow not to become overwhelmed with over stimulation and confusion (there is only one objective way not to become overwhelmed and that is no an opinion or a feeling, it is a fact about thinking behavior),. Find a place where you can reflect upon the causes of undesired behavior for the goal upon reflecting on it and either change experience or become more resilient.

    There are mental variables that are able to be measured to measure the amount of commitment you want to your goals, don't let "subjectiveness" trick you into thinking all judgement styles, reflection styles, and thinking styles are the same. Basic psychology says as otherwise.
    Clear example of "prerequisite to developing desire": In the same way a person in a war torn enviornment can't study in peace, merely even formulate such a desire as war does not foster such a kind of an attitude. This is why pre requisites matter to any goal. Without a calm and safe home enviornment, it is mentally impossible to stimulate thoughts of pursuing intellectual endeavours like reading books and learning to appreciate femdom.
    This is why i claim that "if you can't dream it, you can achieve it" and also "if there is a will there is way" - because if you are merely able to experience war torn enviornment and develop the intellectual desire to be in a non war torn environment, you CAN achieve it!! Moreover, if a person is in a war torn enviornment and wants to contune being in a war torn environment by adapting to it, they can also achieve that but that is less ideal for intellectual desire development. This is why initial deisrs and chilrhood desires are important. This further highlights of vision- keeping that mental picture in your mind to keep you hopeful in times of despair.

make sense of why you want what you want


  • Being with others prevents desire to read
  • Intellectual goals come after basic physiological needs are met
  • Intellectuals avoid problems as they see what causes it, whilst normal people are subconsciously unaware of them so they keep making problems
  • Everything is identifying, identify a good life
  • "Fostering/nurturing curiosity"
    • "creating feelings"
  • The prerequisite is the why
    • The reason for desire is the pre-requisite, without a strong, convincing one, you will never be able to move on and make intellectual decisions. Don't decide to stay in an abusive relationship. Only you and your feelings know when it's time to leave. Know how complicated the decision- making process is.

Vulnerability Points:

  • Physiological needs
    • food, water shelter
    • The reason why the poor people stay in their poor homes and the reason why prisoners in isolated prisons stay in their isolates prisons is because that place is the only know source of food water and shelter, there is a common sense business and leadership mindset why prisons aren't build in high income areas.

Intellectul Desires Examples:

  • Reading
    • prerequiste to want to read (develop the deisre to read, cultivate the desire to, foster curiosity) and to want to look at woman as skilled human beings not sex objects
  • Look into that document detailing what men like and women and women like in mean in the post ideal girlfriend charasteristics - I know one of them was playing an instrument

Provoking Questions:

  • Ask yourself: What are the prerequisites for developing the desire to read, gymanstics, grappling, calisthetnics and other intellectual endavours


emergency priorities, purpose of creating children, intuition, let your feelings guide you, instinct, don't doubt their intuition, mentally learn, prerequisite to developing desire, 
