Justified or Unjustified Feelings | How do you know if what you're feeling is right justified?
How do you know if what you're feeling is right justified?
Asking and answering this question is what lead me to the conclusion that everything it motivated by our desire to pursue curiosity as it is the reason why we are living, from birth onwards, we want to pursue curiosity in peace.
Our feelings indicate our mental limits, with feelings persist, it indicates that we refused to think past that particular point. For example: when you were a child, you cried because there was no other place to go as a kid for a solid based in trust. As an adult, you are a little more resilient because you know that if all goes wrong, you at least have a strong base for trust and support.
Moreover, asking this question leads to me to the conclusion that feelings always matter as that is what determines what you pursue and decide what not to pursue. That being said, there is a limit to how these feelings are developed. For example, if an elephant was raised to be chained to a stick when it was younger, it will be thinking the same thing as it grows older, much older, that being said, when it is bigger and stronger, it will continue to think that it will not be able to escape the chained stick, even though it can if it puts it's mind to it, depending on the goal and change of goal.
The goal of this post is to explore what makes our feelings feel justified in our pursued actions, weather that be deliberate, autopilot mode, or in-deliberately.
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