Thinking and feelings behavior - analyzing opinions and how they are developed with specific examples

 Specific Examples of Mental Thought Processes

    Thinking is a part of our behavior, also governed by the same physical laws our physical body is. I am currently performing thought experiments to isolate variables of thinking behavior.

    The purpose is to defeat conservative ideas.

    Describing mental thought processes using mental words like focus, prioritize, etc.

Types of thought processes:

  • Reflection on experience
    • thought process of reflection judging not understanding why
    • If you truly want to understand instead of judge your past situation you must consider why, including the factors that were present before you were alive - considering history.
  • Judge + conclusion implied words
    • usually adjective that carry emotional weight, such as beautiful or stupid
      • When calling someone beautiful that is one's way of expressing it via verbatim, when one calls someone else stupid, what really happens is - is the person who is calling the other person stupid that feels this way towards them, so in reality, the person who was judged according to a set of applied criteria and concluded as "stupid'
    • remember to when your English teacher would make you write a conclusion paragraph summarizing why you think the criteria in the meat paragraphs were justifying the conclusion
    • All justifications comes from (shared) human feelings
      • justifications are literally feelings. This is what enables a feeling of homeostasis amongst each other, excluding psychiatric patients.
    • This is where I derive my conclusion of: no one who takes the time to think will end up with a dumb conclusion
    • Having an opinion on someone else's opinion or behavior is in and of itself a type of judgement and focus and goal-setting for identifying
      • This is why I say opinions are basically just how we utilize factual information
        • For example, one person might not want to kill someone because they're a part of the human species, however, for another person it might be the very reason or motivation to kill someone - of course that depends on the overall goal.
  • Considering why
    • When applying a set of criteria - ex. dogma, justification - 
  • Focus
    • "Focusing on thoughts"
      • Formula for describing the characteristics of thinking
    • On an idea or a goal or a set of characteristics (usually done for a goal of convincing or identifying; for example, seeing a block of metal shaped in a cylinder is called a water bottle, when in reality is just shaped aluminum)
      • Isolating/emphasizing characteristics
        • For example, what characteristics are empathized when I say African American -> this implies the characteristics that are emphasized the race of the organism.
    • The goal is identifying the idea
    • Consideration of certain physical qualities to come to a certain conclusion for some particular goal
      • If someone tells you they have no goal or purpose in pursuing their goal, that is an indication of unawareness of one's own behavior and programming and how the world affects their senses.
    • What factors or qualities or characteristics do you consider to come to the conclusion of identifying this [organism] as [insert name here]
      • Basically, remember what you learned back in pre-school?
      • Usually an oversimplification logical fallacy
    • Most common type of thinking, identifying process is just hyper-focusing on certain characteristics of something to suit some goal in identifying something. For example, in public, your subconscious brain evaluates for the presence of human being based on common characteristics
    • how to mentally focus?
    • Change focus
  • Perspective = mentally use = mentally categorize based on certain characteristics (ex. racism is black = bad and unsuitable or unjustifiable to continue living, white = good and suitable or justifiable to continue living)
    • How we identify factual information based on a set of applying criteria and concluding is called an opinion
      • This is why opinions are a form of method of identifying factual information as when learning about factual information - ex. science, scientific thought process - you consider all possible factors affecting
      • Yes, technically, identifying an organism as a human being is an opinionated thought process since you are emphasizing certain characteristics of this organism by referring to it as a human being.
        • This is an example of a "hidden," rather overlooked thought process. It is what leads to opinions forming instead of facts forming.
        • by emphasizing certain characteristics of the enviornment, you are now forming an opinion based on the way you identify a particular object/being. You have been taught to identify things based on certain charsteristics in preschool.
      • mentally use sensed information
    • Perspective = goal in identifying a fact. How you identify a factual theoritical situation is a perspective.
      • What factors are considered from a factual environment to come at a conclusion. Identifying/thinking is a process where you consider certain physical qualities to identify something as such.
    • Everything is a perspective, meaning everything is a viewpoint developed via evaluation for some sort of goal for identifying set and pursued.
      • Including mind-blowing things like pedophobia - it is a perspective, it's not just magical evaluation of someone's attraction towards children.
      • You just think of opinions as facts as other people with similar goals are cooperating with you within your presence.
    • Perspective is not just "the way you see things" more specifically, it is the way you evaluate things, the type of criteria you mentally apply for a specific goal
      • The way you measure your feelings and how external stimuli affects your feelings
    • Understanding the science of how perspective changes is ability to see others perspectives
  • By thinking pro-life thoughts you are not considering why one is "moral" to begin with - rather just being dogmatic.
    • No rational person would come to a pro-life conclusion if they completely comprehend the reasoning behind human behaviors
  • Theory: all actions are motivated by a certain level of conditioning out of distraction of curiosity, fear, desensitizing, normalizing new-goals, focus in identifying enviornment a certain way, focus on identifying goals via enviornment
  • Think of people as a part of their enviornment, not apart from it - this will help you understand the cause and effect of your feelings
    • human beings are a part of nature, we must take care of human beings
    • Feelings are what initiate thoughts - without this, we wouldn't even be thinking. Yes, curiosity is a feeling. Therefore, feelings do indeed matter.
  • adjective = measurement of one's own feelings
    • adjectives are pointless without the criteria being explicitly explained. For example, person A calling person B small wouldn't make sense without the criteria for smallness being below average of below a certain height. For example, I can call a 6 foot person small, when a 5'7' person might think of that person as tall, or at least taller. This is proof that all perspective depends on physical stimulation
  • How does it affect your 5 senses?
  • What if we had no feeling?
    • This proves that feelings matter, all of the time
  • All feelings come from an abuse of trust
  • everything makes sense even if it does not you just don't understand it
    • For example, if you feel confused - yes, confusion is a feeling - it is because: 
    • even when a situation seems confusing or illogical, there is likely an underlying explanation or reason that could make sense if you were able to fully understand all the factors involved; essentially, it suggests that the lack of clarity often stems from a lack of knowledge or perspective, not necessarily from the situation itself being inherently nonsensical.
  • Feelings indicate mental limits
  • "know how you will respond to certain experiences" is just another way of saying be aware of your programming
    • tolerating presence of
  • i can't tell you what to think or feel directly
    • indirect communication
    • body language
  • What mental what variable needs to change?
    • cause of feeling
  • All feelings derive from physical sources
  • People don't just develop opinions out of nowhere, it can be explained by how someone learned this particular opinion
    • This can be used to explain how educated people tend to be liberal because when you look at the facts unbiasedly instead of using God, Magic, Free Will to describe human nature, you tend to look at things differently, more in accordance with how reality actually works.
  • metacognition
    • taking the time to identify one's own current describing feelings describing mental processes
    • Also knowing how one will react / respond in certain situations
  • (peer) pressure
    • correlation enviornment to decision making
  • Decision made for us before we realize / become aware of it:
    • factors in choice, free will isn't real if you acknowledge that there are things that affect the decision making process mentally
    • There is a cause and effect thinking system of thoughts, just because you don't understand it does not mean it's not real. The reason why this matters is how else would you know how to navigate amongst this world set and pursue goals without actually understanding how things work, it's like on a road risking being hit, now having a car, but not knowing the route or even being able to see the road, therefore, how would one be able to set and pursue practical goals without actually understanding how things work.
  • Goal for evaluating criteria based on goal things to change
  • Reflection upon past events - judging past events or theoritical events
  • If you can't change using physical means or identify a mental plan or pursuing another goal then the problem is mental and is on a deeper level.
  • Imagination
    • Thinking of a theoretical event
      • Remember, all words indicate a theoritical event. For example if thinking of a cat, a cat can't exist without an enviornment to sustain homeostasis within.
    • Usually
    • level of rules restrictions (measure how different from the current present tense situation, stress develops from here)
      • Objectively speaking, we can compare the physical rules of the world to the made up social rules of the world to measure the difference between in terms of identifying goals and pursuing the goals, this is the formula for stress in terms of identifying.
  • Identifying goals
    • setting the goal of identifying goals
    • planning to plan later
  • Pursuing goals
    • making opinions a reality
  • Ask yourself - how does knowing this affect my decision?
  • Categorization
    • mental
    • this includes identifying something as an obstacle or something avoid
  • how goals change
  • All actions have to do with what your purpose in life is
    • everywhere i go i see an obstacle - just being around other people, you are mentally using their presence as "something to avoid" meaning you have a goal and seeing them makes you want to avoid them to achieve your goal.
  • no reason is a reason not to
  • thinking in terms of words
  • measuring the change in goal
  • What factors are being used to identify in this decision making process?
  • Know the facts before developing an opinion
  • A source is in relation to how has their physiological needs met - maybe they were around and found cars near them that arent theirs they may be overwhelmed by the presene of so many things they weren't allowed to interact with.
    • For example, a rich child might have many sources avaliable to them - like a outside courthouse just to relax in solitude, wheras a poor kid may not, they may just have their room with occasional yelling in the background - that being said, this depends on how our physiological needs are met. For example, the courthouse outside will be close to their presence of living quarters meaning they won't have to travel that far to reach it, however we take the same courthouse and make it 3 miles away from the poor child's house, now its makes it to where if the child had a desire to pursue solitude in an outside courthouse, they either must travel 3 miles by foot to arrive there or they must find another alternative. That decision is affected by things like food, motivation, balancing other priorities that affect survival, comfort, and well-being, appetite.
    • Things like survival factors - comfort, welll-being, appetite, all encompass our physiological needs at the source and determines what kind of goals we set and pursue, without first a good set of sources - including headspace and alone time like being at the courthouse - one cannot pursue more complicated tasks upon that. For example, if you're poor and have jeopardized them next place you're going to get food, how are you supposed to study well for a test if you can't get your physiological needs taken care of? This is maslows hierarchy of needs.
    • This is why it pays to have more than just bare minimum basic necessities like the right to life useful - more resources for basic necessities including mental well-being and headspace will help people thrive both intellectually and physically.
  • Subjective just means every person feels differently or thinks differently about a given fact or topics - it does not mean it's is unexplainable. For example, we all know those who are racist share the common characteristics of lack of curiosity and desire to learn about other races, an early conclusion being made- usually due to security being jeopardized, or
  • all words are adjectives, therefore all words are a form of expression and measurement of how we feel our senses
  • Weather we give up or pursue intellectual endeavors and identify something as  a source depends on how our physiological needs are met
    • For example, if we get hungry or bored searching for a lost video detailing a really skilled intergender match, we will eventually give up on the goal temporarily until we meet our human desires, then only we will be able to pursue anything else, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs physiological needs are a pre-requisite to pursuing intellectual endeavors
    • being around many obstacles will make one feel sad - this is why I don't like living amongst people, as that will halt intellectual thinking. 
  • To prove that thinking is a behavior, take a look into the factors in the decision making process for purchasing a vehicle
    • For some a fog light might be a deciding factor and others may not with different goals for sustaining the presence of something.
    • By looking at it this way, you will see that everything is a decision and some decisions are merely effects of a prior decision
      • Not running away from an abusive family cause bad decisions to be made later in life.
  • why does being called stupid hurt because you trust enviornment and therefore that person and they're only sharing a conclusion not the entire train of thoughts, no one cries when being explained to why stupid rather they realize, it's a natural right and just reaction to get upset over getting called stupid as it should motivate us to avoid it
  • opinion on opinion
    • either can cause feelings of happiness or sadness - someone congratulating accomplished work or criticizing work
  • Everything comes down to how things affect our senses
  • feelings are based on programming
    • For example, I get the feeling of exhibitionism and the thrill of being caught when mastrubating in public
  • Maintaining Homeostasis means present tense is the problem
  • What variables are considered to mentally come to the conclusion. what definition and criteria and characteristics are being considered?
    • Definition itself acts as a form of criteria consideration of variables? For example, what is defined as evil? And examples of it showcases the qualities of an event existing or a particular action happening an example of "evil"
  • Getting mad at someone calling you stupid is like getting made at someone calling the sky green colored, like what differences does it make? Apart from wasting time?
  • indirect measurement = using adjectives
    • adjectives represent verbatim measurement of feelings, similar to that, using physical, verbal and emotional abuse is just as abusive 
  • Saying the cause of something is a lack of something else is like me saying sunlight is the absence of darkness and darkness is the absence of sunlight - the point is, I am not asking what is not there, I am asking about what variable exists that is causing this variable to be as is - it is the first step in science, is to identify variables.
  • Before you explain complex concepts to people, first ensure that they are able to comprehend it.
    • Don't make the mistake of explaining calculus level concepts to a 5 year old.
  • Trust = letting go of control; by trusting others (tolerating them in your presence) you are letting them control you.
    • We learn this at a very young age - to trust human-like creatures and to NOT be curious about it. This is why I tend to not like being around people, since I cannot practice my intellectual curiosity about them and it leaves a rather air of mystery around people which gives you a lack of clarity and understanding about the environment.
    • Trust is a pre-requisite for sexual actions
  • Distraction
  • Emergency
  • Symbolize
  • Subconsciously affect = trust, level, awareness level, focus level
    • Indirectly learning
    • Become aware of what you're actually learning subconsciously (the content that you are not focused on)
    • Unspoken communication is subconscious
  • Anger can help motivate us if channeled properly
  • Understand why you're feeling what you're feeling, instead of focus on the anger emotion focus on why you're feeling angry. This should help you target the source of the problem.
  • Involuntary Feelings
    • Once you become aware of why you feel the way you feel, you will feel compelled to address the reasoning for this feeling. For example, being in the presence of others feels different as such as feeling scared indicates a lack of control towards one's own intellectual goals (indicates a goal change), this means you will want to move to an environment where you can personalize at will and not have will deviated with other rewards and incentives.
  • There is no other way I'd rather have my feelings system operate.
  • The goal is to satisfy my curiosity to eventually make the thing that was once interesting, now become boring
    • This is why seeing something and suppressing that desire to simply "not steal" it, is rather a bad thing when practiced too many times as it suppresses curiosity which subconsciously applies in other areas of life.
  • Opinions are based on level of understanding if you can't answer questions about it then you don't understand it yourself 
  • Saying there is a lack thereof of something does not explain what was there in lieu of that lack thereof. Also, how do you know how to fix it if you don't understand how it works. This reasoning works nowhere else in life.
  • Think in terms of cause and effect of feelings - long term feelings; The most clear example of this is how (“love”) attachment is learned in childhood and how it affects one if their mother dies, the child (now adult) cries.
  • Logic of learning using curiosity stopping it cause feelings too much resiliency cause feelings as well not enough time to self control - this is why I don’t like middle class neighborhood, my goal is to move out asap
  • Once you understand that you're limited only because of what you learned when most vulnerable, by reparenting yourself and rewriting your own childhood you can change your adulthood.
    • Think about all of those things that you couldn’t control as a child, be a child again and recalibrate your desires.
    • For this, don't lose sight or un-focus on the goal in mind. Don't take anything seriously.
  • Make it make emotional sense - why would you stay if It makes you (justifiably) angry?
  • I believe in the intrinsic value of emotions for this very reason
  • I believe emotions indirectly affect our ability to set and pursue certain goals
  • Consider all emotional possibilties?
    • Such as being happy being tortured - formally referrred to as sado maschocism, related to many BDSM practices.
  • Reminder
    • (active) Recall
  • Prediction 
  • Identfying practical possibilities

Think of experiences in terms of this: As a teacher, what experiences would you want your students to make them think about mathematical calculations or [insert any topic here]?


Studying human behavior
explain mental thought process
measure affect sense limits feelings
change goal limited awareness
perspective obstacle identification
mental skills
able bodied mentally
affect senses measure
should this change your mind
allow things
goals depends on needs
raise standard of living
to allow thoughts
able bodied everyone is different so able bodied isn't an adjective that can be used to describe most people
geniuses mental illness - church that killed scientists - don't hang out with peasants
relationship between thinking process and environment
law making process reasonable limits on why specifically those vague limits
decision making process why does it matter depend on further follow up question
theory of thinking process
Think of the brain as a thought generator, there is a formula for thought formulation which is basically identifying goal setting and pursuing, we are born wanting to pursue goals, 
allow mind to be changed by being open to learning - this is how the brain works
no reason is a reason not to, unconditional love is impossible because everything is conditional - no one has infinite tolerance all have a breaking point, use more adjectives, measurement adjectives.
treat it as a need
Early sympathy
perspective evaluation trust control
There is no other way I'd rather feel right now as my feelings are a good thing as they indicate something that you must understand why. This is called truly, understanding your feelings. To do this, you must metaphorically, mentally, and physically stop fighting your feelings.
This is called putting into words, identifying it as a limit, setting a limit on identification factors.
Thinking process

"the limits of my language are the limits of my world"

Why I am doing this

    I haven't been taught how to think, how to control impulses, when to allow impulses to control myself, how to set and pursue goals, so I am studying my own behavior and identifying methods on optimizing it because my goal is to become a billionaire. In other words, I grew up poor and i don't have a strong base.

    I strongly believe the best way to learn is to learn like a child: learning how to learn go back to preschool

    It's hard to come across these thoughts because no one around you think about these thoughts in a manner of behavior, no one has been directly taught to feel something, all of that learning is rather indirect.

    To learn how to be creative and consider all possibilities

    To become aware of what the brain and body thinks -- Am I my brain or my body?

    To learn how to subconsciously detach from everything balancing vulnerability non-vulnerability
