
Showing posts from December, 2021

Involuntary Desire and Voluntary Force - An Oxymoron?

 Common sense is but a perspective of the thousands. What is the commonsense view of force? "Desire and force between them are responsible for all our actions; desire causes our voluntary acts, force our involuntary. Edit: right after publishing this (at mentioned time above) I added the text of "- An Oxymoron?" to the title

The effects of morality

 The effects of morality Impact of Slavery in America | World History The Bible and slavery - Wikipedia All thoughts indicate a desire; For example, morality represents a desire to think about it Keywords: ideas that explain effects; level of comprehension, effects, ackwoledged, consdiered, need formula, everything we do is done in self-defense as a root cause, measuring morality, morality  depends on the goal ? , long term effects of slavery, denying facts, accepting facts, measuring facts, 

The process for formulating scientific theories

  This post is supposed to answer the question of why you can't just propose a theory based on anecdotal evidence , and rather must be an observation that explains nature to it's most specific measurable value. Of course, it has it's uses, it just may not be practical everyday general knowldege - but it's still useful skill, as without it, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the luxury (or rather tortous I'd say, as studying science is better than a reward punishment phase) of using common sense, as this common sense may lead you to cancer, or worse: death. Keywords: it's about the how, not the what; anecdotal evidence, journey not destination, answering the "how" not the "what," 

How to observe

 As stated in the very first step of the scientific method - to observe Quotes on the importance for observation, to be used as motivation and inspiration: Keywords: the criterion for real and fake it indirectly the scientific method; the thoughts are the same for everyone;  Notes: Stop reacting, start observing and know the difference between the two perfection doe s not come when you deliberately chase it, it naturally comes when you pursue the goal of being excellent The Way We See the Problem Is the Problem Most of the time, our thinking is a comparison - either towards moral standards or towards other people . The way you identify the problem is the problem; Observe, don't react. Keywords: observing feelings, 

"Emotional Attachment Disorder" explains a lot

 Definition of emotional attachment disorder  as linked. Other forms of this illness (problem) mentioned here:  5038f5c3f3831b29fa0dd2f442fee9a8.jpg (290×1309) ( ,  This is why most of your moral opinions learned in childhood will stay in adulthood. Keywords: ways of caring, taught from an early age, practical, limits of thinking, metacognition, learning how to learn, science is learning how to learn, I get bored and uninterested when it gets repetitive: those are just my subconscious feelings that are out of my control, differences between ideas that only exist in the head, effectiveness of ideas, situational ideas, parts of speech, ask yourself, science is earning how to learn way of thinking, formula for thinking, the limits of morality, feelings and morality are the same: morality represents an expression of feelings, I know because I've been there, measuring opinions is not subjective opinion (absolute fact), yo...

Opinions cannot be facts

Opinions cannot be categorized as facts   In response to: How NOT to Teach the Difference Between Fact and Opinion Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts [^*if paywall blocked, use the archive ] An opinion is an evaluation of the facts - in the form of abstract ideas; categorizing abstract ideas A fact describes the effects and relationship between measureable variables Off topic: Sometimes I think of why someone would want to ruin something so good - factual informtion and caring to understand - I often think to myself that religious people aren't humans and should not be treated or given respect as such. keywords/phrases: good is bad and bad is good moral practical guidicace, the desire to live, should need,  Some words don't exist if you don't respect them, and their definitions - for example, good and bad only exist in the mind as concepts comprehended due to bad definitions, these defintions don't describe the limits of nature, rather is a form of co...

Definition of "Good" and "Bad"

 Originally titled: Meaning of "Good" and "Bad" Good: Keep the same Bad: need to change, do not tolerate the presence of. Basically, good and bad are set to determine what to trust and what not to trust; They are only labels, which, by definition, are supposed to be unclear. I would further like to investigate how this type of thinking style effects our behavior (see: sociology; how does thinking effect behavior?) Is good and bad self-explanatory? I think not. Therefore, such ideas should not be treated as a fact. what does it mean to agree

The usefulness of emotions

 emotions can be used to be studied and measured to tell us the real reason why one is doing as such "Be kind for no reason" as it is stated: there is no such thing as a good or bad emotion - only emotions.

The characteristics of facts and opinions

  Facts - The only specific type of goals that exist are identifying facts, all other goals are vague; Thus, proving that opinions are vague and unclear, whilst facts are specific and clear. - instintual curious intellectual curiousity' - consdiering information = thinking - facts are never vague "The good thing about science is that it's true weather or not you believe in it. ~ Neil Degrasse Tyson Opinions - conditioned behavior (measuring feelings, behaviors comparisons relative to standards) - Usually vague indicating a theortical rage of possibilties, emphasizing charasteirsics, not specific facts Notes: Main Frame in Frameset 31 ( Many people confuse common sense opinions and the usage of vague words for facts. keywords: part of speech, questions answered, asking the right questions, past that phase, moral side of history, only way, facts don't care about feelings, what are facts, 

Do not reach your breaking point! Stay with problems longer!

  Lack of understanding is requiring for one to ask questions and pursue goals. for example, if you ask yourself: Why do you want Gucci shoes, most people will say: I feel like it, but most won't question their feelings, which are controlling their very desires. lack of curiosity takes conditioning and learning, which is why such opinions are measured as such; remember, not all opinions are equal and should not constitute as free speech since the line has to be drawn somewhere. by that logic (criteria applied and used), even p*****les can justify their verbal responses under the vague label of freedom of speech. Mentally use=evaluate, consciously or subconsciously bias. takes too much effort = means it's too opinionated, and only dumb people are opinionated.

Stupidity-Rewarded-Addicted Generation

 I just wanted to document the rhetoric as mentioned in the title. Keywords: rewarding immoral behaviors, not all opinions are equal, all opinions are learned behaviors and self control, facts don't require a bias (meaning replaced with something else no bias), 

law vs theory vs hypothesis

The Difference Between a Hypothesis, a Theory, and a Law notes on opinions: > opinionated people are very stupid and should not be making our decisions, we should be as closest to the facts as possible living does not make sense most effective way to stop abortion is not via man-made law and it's been proven over and over again; So, how many times will pro-lifers finally realize that their theory  of the government sopping abortion isn't going to work longer or shorter term? Opinions are not measurable since they use vague words indicating a wide range of possibilities under unspecified conditions. Sure, the death penalty does deter ; but, how specifically, is the next question . And from there, we can formulate a more effective formula to reducing the need to use the death penalty - and being so opinionated.     If one asks, why does it need to be specific (because reality is specific, and the goal is to explain reality) , you should respond with why not and...

Measuring morality

 Measuring morality "Moral Decline" Moral decline: The myth that won’t go away | 5 Media Since there is so much talk about moral standards and goals, we should talk about how we should measure moral behavior, criticize it by identifying its pros and cons theoretically and go from there. My argument: we were never moral to begin with, since moral perfectionism is impossible, therefore morality is impossible to achieve. (Think of this as achieving nirvana)

Sociology: The explanations for how different interpreting styles come to exist

All can be explained by a language barrier. Everything we interpret is a form of language.  The worst place to get stuck is where you think you're not stuck but in reality, you are; This is an example of working against yourself and the Bermuda triangle of bad thoughts (causes of feelings, causes of thoughts). Keywords: Understanding society vs. knowing society,

Unexplainable Stupidity

 opinions are bound to change, which is why they are called opinions I am explaining about the phase where your mind can't think about anything except morality; this is also a part of the "why is this possible?" post

The effects of thinking on behavior

 so called "ideological differences" and "intellectual diversity" - truth is there can only be one fact and maybe one opinion. Goal setting (and goal-enforcing) requires a lack of understanding which is called curiosity - all goal must be to find more knowledge forgiving vs. nurture vs. punishment Answering the question: how does thinking effect behavior and behavior effect thinking? Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior.

Facts of life

 Facts of life that must be accepted

Concepts that school should teach

 Instead of stalling us till we are 18 years old, they could instead teach us the following: 1. Common sense  - and why it's flawed. 2. Explain that there is no such thing as morality and is rather a code word for reaching ones' breaking point, taking things personally, and having a lack of access to intellectual support. 3. How to prevent (or accept ) suicide (ironic, just stop going to school, as school will blame everything but the problem - just like narcissists); And yes, suicide should be considered as an academic concept. 4. How to fare in the real world, since most of us are going there anyways. (Or are we?) 5. How to accept change and transition smoothly 6. Facts, not how to form opinion ; It's like saying: How to be ignorant. 7. The illusion of free will (yes, I know, some religious peoples' feelings will be hurt, but they deserve to be; Can't pretend like you're a winner all of the time) 8. An example of moral flaws 9. The difference between intention...

How does society work?

 How does society work? Comprehending how society works I've been trying to answer this question for my entire life It'd be nice to understand the limits of society, and when human stupidity will end, but that's the nature of stupidity, is that it has not end (like generations are supposed to have no end to their heir); So, I am guessing some people are destined to be and morality has no ending, as long as it is believed, it will have no ending. I theorize that everything in society has a function, from the usage of the death penalty to church centers to schools. They all teach us how to mentally use and symbolize pieces of information. The magic of society is that it can bring a person in and change their mind about something.

Observe, don't react

 We must first define these two terms, as such: An answer to the question of: "What is the difference between observing and reacting?" start typing answer here. If most people cannot afford to solely observe instead of taking the presence of certain things so personally (goal moral bias) and interpreting as such (take sociology class if wanted to learn more about this), then we cannot get past the first step of the scientific method. In truth, it's the moral people who have a bias towards science, as science neither supports nor opposes opinions and rather only facts and theories, know the difference. what keeps society together? A: Violence, fear of leaving, lack of peer pressure to behave morally, etc.

All human behavior is goal setting, weather done consciously, deliberately, subconsciously, or involuntarily

 So, if you want a more productive life, just set goals for yourself, and not ones that someone else sets for you subconsciously programming your feelings or ones that are easy, but rather take a challenge [ 1 ][ 2 ]. The goal to success is to deliberately set your goals as any and all goals set by someone else will fail you in the longer term. And morality is a clear example of it. Question it to identify what it is an example of. All human behavior is motivated by goal setting in pursuit of life, death or sx Theory: Life is a continuous process of setting goals, that is all too human nature; most people share the goal to live. Yes, this implies that "You feel what you feel because you've been manipulated into wanting to feel what you feel right now.[ s ]" set goals high life is as simple as setting goals life itself is the process of setting goals (at least for humans), because if you think about it (consider about it), you can see that you are constantly learning: Lear...

Making survival an obstacle

  "Thrive, don't just survive" Is also the same thing making morality an obstacle

The process of identifying facts

The process of identifying facts how does a hypothesis turn into a theory? how does a theory turn into a fact? Similar to asking: " How a bill becomes a law? " What does it require to take to identify this as this? For example, in order to identify there being two cars, one must be drunk in order to identify it as such? What if we are all drunk and being drunk is just another level of being drunk? Process of identifying involves the scientific method for the most unbiased results. however, biased results aren't always a bad thing.  common sense replaced with specific goals, in this case, identifying facts; And the only facts that exist are facts about nature' behavioral goals identifying criteria used opinions do not answer the central fact question: What are you identifying? Is it a noun, adjective, etc.? but what is it?

You are what you predict, and all thinking is predicting

  The nature of the thinking process practiced by human beings. Or is this event true. everything can be declassified by neuroscience specifics no matter what the anti-science squad says. manual labor les awareness awareness is key cannot predict your behavior if you are the behavior > all thinking is predicting If only people knew this and stopped pretending like their thoughts are somehow enlightened. This is an example of being aware of the effects of thinking.

Motivation to pursue goals arises from a lack of understanding

 This is formally known as "curiosity." Using what you have to find out more is called deductive reasoning, Can also be used as a reason to fear, formally known as the fear of the unknown.

The science of setting goals

  Religion exists to explain the unexplainable Since everything you do is about setting the goal of being alive

You must come across the conclusion yourself

 or else it isn't a valid conclusion

Feeling Formulas | Feeling Variables

 Feeling Formulas

Moral Opinions

  A: There is none, treating opinions like facts or like kings does not magically make one a king or a fact. Stop playing make-believe > An opinion is a euphemism for a flawed theory, otherwise known as human stupidity. > If the goal is not to explain, the goal is to create fear to set practical goals. > Laws are opinions moral opinion are to be focused upn effects tools

Logical Reasons for Illogical Behavior

This proves that everything is an interpreting style Yes, it's just you. I also remember one from the Simpsons: "I am the only one that is sane"   everything depends on perspective (so, yes morality is a type of perspective), even facts are a perspective, a way of processing of information This means morality itself is a perspective Why isn't morality a part of formal education Subconscious feelings programming keywords: making sense out of nonsense,  This is proof that everything depends on perspective and most problems arise from taking things to personally Violence = effort put into something

The psychology of convincing

 Formally titled "The phrases of convincing"

Either your obstacles can act as a barrier or as a motivator

 Either your obstacles can act as a barrier or as a motivator It's hard and that's the very reason why I don't want to do it Other quotes on obstacles: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger Keywords: mentally use

On so-called "Justified" opinions

 Sure, it is true that not all opinions are equal and that some deserve to be treated more formally than others, however, all forms of opinions are illogical, as that is why they are called opinions. There is only what we understand and what we don't understand, and it seems as if we are motivated to pursue practical goals from experiencing the presence of things that we don't understand. Justifications - weather or not you believe it is really just popular opinion, whoever has the power to violence gets to rule and make the rules. Most problems arise from a willful ignorance, known as opinion, also known as "I don't care or care to understand, because I'm already emotionally attached to this goal and not pursuing the goal of understanding things on a molecular level"

An explanation (theory) for stupidity

 Due to the very nature of stupidity, particular human stupidity, it cannot be explained. As a matter of fact, most of us do not understand what the very "it" we are speaking of. I theory, that the very human stupidity Einstein was talking about is the ability for humans to develop "opinions" - This is because there is no such thing as an opinion, only hypothesis that aren't proven true yet, it's just treated as if it's not a hypothesis because no middle-class idiot with many opinions has the guts to test them. Common sense is another word for human stupidity in action Theories of religion - Sources Remember, a theory is not an opinion, it is an attempt to describe factually, it's not a goal set to create fear to make people set other goals, the goal of this is to explain the facts ABOUT human behavior, not participate in it yourself. Our goal is to understand not to develop an opinionated goal. THEORIES OF RELIGION: DURKHEIM AND THE SOCIAL AS SACRE...

why is this possible?

  Keywords: understanding pain, is pain to be understood, based on how you treat it, religion is an example of mass confusion, religion as a necessary evil, 

Long Term Effects of (And After) Dying

  Keywords: Focus on morality, proof of selfishness, 

Involuntary subconscious desires/feelings

  Feelings are desires; Meaning you want to feel what you feel

The actions of feelings


Concepts that should be taught in school

1. How to think 2. How to identify facts 3. Psychology 4. Setting goals 5. Identifying criteria used 6. Idealism vs. Realism (and Utopianism) 7. " kids have no common sense " which is a good thing Because teaching love is the same thing as teaching opinions and opinions are only for the ignorant, facts are not. Unfortunately, if we teach such things, religious softies are going to whine Not this b.s.: "teaching common sense in schools" "PhD in common sense" school of hard knocks But do; Stay a student of life

Introduction to Sociology

 Most of the questions people ask about society, such as "Why do people believe in a God?" are more directed towards professional sociologists, however those average laymen won't tell you, as they are victims of a bad childhood, so bad, that they think child abuse is actually good (See: cultural attitudes towards hitting the young ones, I was ran over by a car and turned out fine) - those who understand and care to ask questions and are rather not the ones being affected. It's like asking a doctor about a patients' status rather than the patient itself, as the patient, more than half of the time - might I say all of the time - is not aware of their own health conditions. The common man is a very bad source of information, as they will only provide anecdotal experience, a category of information typically misrepresented as wisdom, of course, this is only bound to happen when theoretically categorizing ideas. Fun Facts: (Extreme) respect is a sign of child abuse, or...