The characteristics of facts and opinions



- The only specific type of goals that exist are identifying facts, all other goals are vague; Thus, proving that opinions are vague and unclear, whilst facts are specific and clear.

- instintual curious intellectual curiousity'

- consdiering information = thinking

- facts are never vague

"The good thing about science is that it's true weather or not you believe in it. ~ Neil Degrasse Tyson


- conditioned behavior (measuring feelings, behaviors comparisons relative to standards)
- Usually vague indicating a theortical rage of possibilties, emphasizing charasteirsics, not specific facts


Many people confuse common sense opinions and the usage of vague words for facts.

keywords: part of speech, questions answered, asking the right questions, past that phase, moral side of history, only way, facts don't care about feelings, what are facts, 
