All human behavior is goal setting, weather done consciously, deliberately, subconsciously, or involuntarily
So, if you want a more productive life, just set goals for yourself, and not ones that someone else sets for you subconsciously programming your feelings or ones that are easy, but rather take a challenge [1][2].
The goal to success is to deliberately set your goals as any and all goals set by someone else will fail you in the longer term. And morality is a clear example of it. Question it to identify what it is an example of.
All human behavior is motivated by goal setting in pursuit of life, death or sx
Theory: Life is a continuous process of setting goals, that is all too human nature; most people share the goal to live.
Yes, this implies that "You feel what you feel because you've been manipulated into wanting to feel what you feel right now.[s]"
set goals high
life is as simple as setting goals
life itself is the process of setting goals (at least for humans), because if you think about it (consider about it), you can see that you are constantly learning: Learning how to feel, etc.
Life Tip: Don't get discouraged, life isn't perfect, and that's why Evolution is still classified as a theory, since we are attempting to find a better solution.
If you are not setting goals this second, then someone/thing else is setting goals for you. This implies that you are letting your emotions control you.
If you and you alone control your emotions, then you wouldn't have any.
Some people cannot afford to think
if it does not help it hurts
All obstacles are unnecessary
Don't make yourself have to deal with it, an artificial obstacle, one that is not natural but rather man made and imposed.
Feeling trapped as there is nowhere better else to go.
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