law vs theory vs hypothesis
The Difference Between a Hypothesis, a Theory, and a Law
notes on opinions:
> opinionated people are very stupid and should not be making our decisions, we should be as closest to the facts as possible
living does not make sense
most effective way to stop abortion is not via man-made law and it's been proven over and over again; So, how many times will pro-lifers finally realize that their theory of the government sopping abortion isn't going to work longer or shorter term?
Opinions are not measurable since they use vague words indicating a wide range of possibilities under unspecified conditions.
Sure, the death penalty does deter; but, how specifically, is the next question. And from there, we can formulate a more effective formula to reducing the need to use the death penalty - and being so opinionated.
If one asks, why does it need to be specific (because reality is specific, and the goal is to explain reality), you should respond with why not and what prompted this question, as they are the ones that have a biased against curiosity. And we all know that if you want to measure opinions, measure the number of questions they will answer and the level of curiosity; the more curious, the less biased; the less curious, the more fearful, subconsciously.
Taught to reward stupidity, and not genuine intellectualism [2] [3] [4] [5]; Learning for the sake of learning is not rewarded
Vague words are not measurable, accurately to the bone, it rather uses increments of biased measurements since you feel like you are too lazy to get up out of that couch and measure how we should measure: thinking about thinking; using your body as a scale, as a tool.
facts are the same for everyone: it's just how people evaluate the existence of, and mentally use them, that is different.
opinions are how you view facts (and that is a fact); opinions are sometimes confused with facts and treated with the same respect as facts - which is wrong.
opinions can be measured objectively, it's called coming out of the delusional phase, and it's called therapy.
Religion should not be rewarded; it should be treated as a mental illness.
take a science class to change mind
ask yourself: what is this an example of?
real social construct: By that definition, my identity is a social construct.
Morality is not subjective because the measure of human stupidity is not; Morality is a code word for human stupidity
study sociology and all will be clear
it does not make sense how we have raised you as a morally good person and you still behave badly, that, is beyond my comprehension.
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