Can be reached when all human beings lived in solitude without contacting each other Morality isn't all bad per say, sure, all sane human strive for objective morality, however, is only makes sense that we strive for it by making it easier to be moral. For example, we don't willingly go to the donut shop when we are no a cut because we know that exposure to sweets will lead us to crave more, as we know how the body works and can expect those feelings. Common sense morality is what is stopping many people from being socially inept. You must know how to use social events to power thru your personal struggles instead of letting it get to your head. so what if you're a human being, why does that make you special suddenly, I can use the same logic for anything, and claim that it is intrinsically special, but what is the cause of this thought? Also, we can see that moral perfectionism isn't possible as there are always people that will be created to develop into serial kill...