Morality isn't real
If moral perfectionism isn't real, then morality isn't real
Morality describes an environment to be sustained, rather than a set of goals. A moral environment can be considered moral even when housing a potential serial killer in due time, misplacing innocents' trust. This is not a moral environment. A moral environment is not one that abuses children by making them less intellectual.
Boundaries are set by the environment. As a scientist and sociologist, I will recognize that society is real, however, what is also real is the fact that we are
Morality is based on one's ability comprehend stupidity, for intellectuals, that is physically impossible (due to physical differences proving that free will is not real)
- A clear example of this is the fact that a person will jump and run away if I charge at them with a knife. Our brain does with with millions of decisions we make on a millisecond microscopic basis, we are just unaware of it at the moment because our brain cannot process much information. See Einstein's brain vs. average joe brain.
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