Moral Theories

 Moral Theories

The purpose of morality is to live civilly amongst like-minded creatures.

  • All of the crimes people commit are done in an altered state of mind
    • For example, all murders are always committed with self-defense in mind. For example, abortion is self-defense for job security, murdering is self-defense to keep honor killing
  • Criminals are victims too - victims of their enviornment/childhood
  • We are constantly trusting our enviornment, this includes the people in it
  • By tolerating and practicing self-control whilst others are in the presence of us, we are indirectly accepting to trust them
  • The cause of intrusive thoughts is from a lack of proactive self-control, allowing our enviornment to control our minds - yes, thoughts can be immoral too.
  • Not every human being is a morally able-bodied human being
    • Just because you look alike to another creature (in this case, human being) does not mean they have the same morals as you or that they have the same preferences as you - Meaning, it is possible to be moral, and yet, have completely different personalities
  • Everything affects morality, from bigger actions that we symbolize to smaller actions that we may not even know may be affecting our moods and thereby our actions.
  • The more self-control one needs in a situation, the less scientific or aware one is of how their enviornment is affecting them
    • For example, how often is it to find a scientist working as a preacher of a church? Literally, never.
  • Trust is the medium we use to communicate with other human beings of similar moral behavior.
  • Unconditional morality is not real, is it not possible at all. That is an impossible goal to achieve. That is simply not understanding the limits of each unique human beings' individual tolerance level. A mentally challenged person has a lower tolerance level than a non-mentally challenged person, a poor person has more of a tolerance level to bad environment than a rich person does - that is what makes the poor man poor and the rich man rich, since you get what you tolerate.
    • This comes by recognizing that everyone, including human beings are difference and therefore have difference tolerance levels. Not recognizing as such is simply saying you are not recognizing the existence of mentally challenged people or autistic people or dyslexic people.
  • We are constantly depending on our environment in order to survive, this is how the body maintains homeostasis. However, the level of dependence we have on our enviornment is the level of trust we have in our enviornment. As a baby, we are of very much dependence and trust on our caregivers.


moral intuition, intuition, make sense, 
