
Showing posts from August, 2024

Timely argument against spanking justifications

 Modern-Day No Spanking Why Timely?     Spanking was largely seen as a reasonable things to do back in the day given the situational context of lack of knowledge. It's similar to how a child learns thru trial and error. Reasons: "I was hit and I turned out fine" or "I was hit and suffer from a psychological condition known as "respect for others"" could you have been a better person if you weren't hit? A thief that had their hand chopped off for stealing can theoretically say the same thing, thinking they deserved to get their hands cut off for stealing. Basically the same thing as saying: I'm going to expect and wait till my son murders someone then I'll whip him, at that point the damage has already been done is the way you should see it. waiting for the crime to take place, prevent it Prevention is better than cure A smart parent would prevent the desire from developing Sure, at that time in moment, you can choose between the lesser of t