
Showing posts from August, 2024

Anti Death Penalty Justifications

 Anti Death Penalty Justifications

Forever is true

 Forever is true You will just exist in a different form

Characteristics of God + Rebuttles

 Characteristics of God Incomprehensible to the human mind sounds like you're confuzing magic for "God" to me, unless that's what you mean. years ago, we the common man money came from God, now we knwo that is what we call the Federal Reserve, another example proving God is a euphemism for the common man to describe what they cannot comprehend. God is the ability to love - science mindset cannot allow us to be moral and love each other, such as the need to start and pursue taking care of a family.

Turning your opinion into reality = Turning opinions into facts?

Turning your opinion into reality = Turning opinions into facts?

if you don't use it you lose it: Theoretical thoughts don't matter now

If you don't use it, you lose it     This is the exact reason why you're able to get past a breakup, it's because it's not a theoretical thought that you may use to occasionally reflect upon. It's also worth noting that I don't think relationships are true relationships if they are susceptible to breaking up.

Debate Rules

 Debate Rules Yes, this is such a thing as necessary evil, justified opinion (relative to time period) and unjustified opinion Use consistent logic: Don't use logic that can be used to justify For example, if arguing based on dogma, that is automatically unjustified, as there is always a practical reason for pursuing things. Example: people support the death penalty because it makes (justifiably or unjustifiably) them feel morally superior

No Reason is a Good Reason not to put effort into something

  The default position in life is to be curious. When someone asks you "why not" you can respond with "because I don't have a reason to" as this implies the way humans work, we don't do something without a value reason to pursue something. Similarly, if a cop asks you why you don't want to open your trunk for an investigation assuming you have nothing you hide is an example of not having a reason to pursue anything else, as that is not how we formulate goals.

Metacognition: Thinking About The Thinking Process

 Metacognition Characteristics: thinking certain thoughts produce calmness we don't realize it because we are focusing on identifying another thought thinking is the process of identifying performing mental calculation

The Why to the Why

  Encouraged to ask this question by the thought of toddler constantly asking why to everything you say. Makes you realize that there is something innately within you, biologically, that wants to strive for life and betterness.

Objective Feelings

Moral Curiosity

Types of Words

 Types of Words Why?     Because I want there to be words to describe the mental actions we take. We can physically do something, yes, but there are words to describe your mental actions. Thinking is a verb and is therefore an action.

Timely argument against spanking justifications

 Modern-Day No Spanking

What makes something right and wrong?

  it's practical value provided towards our biological goal of pursuing innate desires of human improvement.

What enables morality?

What makes something moral? Applying consistent logic everywhere

Why is evil possible?

Understanding is a curse

Why are evil things possible? Comprehending (the state of) confusion Feelings don't make any sense

"Last a lifetime, a lifetime isn't forever"

 A lifetime isn't forever "till death do us part" I don't like how this implies that all romantic connection ceases to exist upon death. I don't want that to be true. I know it's not true because we realize that love is something more than mere chemicals in our brain sending signals, unless I am fundamentally misunderstanding something. 

The science of attraction