
Showing posts from July, 2024

Formula for justification: formulation of morality

  morality is dependent upon loaded words filled with vague categories.

Justified and Unjustified Violence

 Justified and Unjustified Violence Violence comes in many forms, be it passive or aggressive, hence the term passive aggressivism. Keywords: loaded adjective buzzwords,

Justified Dogma

 Justified Dogma - Why We Need Dogma

Don't change your definition to fit what is pre-conceived as morally good

 Changing Definitions for Morality     Don't get me wrong, I am pro-choice, however, many pro-choice folks don't recognize that life indeed does begin at conception, I am just okay with killing the baby for the sake of restoring sanctity of autonomy, I will say it as-is, because that is what abortion is.     It's basically as if saying if violence is good or bad. Some may define violence as unjustified violence without explicitly mentioning unjustified, for example, spanking is a form of violence that many parents to be justified, however, they call it spanking instead of hitting or smacking.     Some more blatant examples are the following: why gender inequality is a good thing

Use These Tactics If Ever Stuck In A Mental Rut

 Stuck In A Mental Rut? Do This. keep asking why use justified dogma dogma promotes practicality