Thinking Tips

 Thinking Tips


    Thinking soliloquy's that I can use to get myself out of a dark situation


  • I am defining mental variables to look out for when leaning - this way I can learn how to learn.
  • I want to read people like a book
  • Understanding the longer term effects of childhood into adulthood will help you target the root cause - understanding confusion.
  • Looking at thinking as a process to prove that the thinking process isn't confuzing.
  • To approach trust, authority, and "justified" dogma with an attitude of skepticism.

Tips are as follows:

  • Metacognition
  • Asking why behind the why
  • Thinking process is identifying (criteria)
  • Thinking is considering
  • Thinking is applying criteria
  • Cause and effect of everything including a minute level
  • Think of everything is a goal, even identifying certain objects since you are evaluating atoms based no a set of recognizable criteria - think back to preschool how to you learned to differentiate cats and dogs, when in reality we are all made of the same exact thing.
  • Everything stems from curiosity
    • There are boundaries to this in a social setting though. You can't apply the scientific thought process when driving out in public because the purpose there isn't to learn but rather to evaluate and apply knowledge - those are the mental actions behind your behavior
    • That being said - with boundaries - there is a limit to everything, including curiosity.
    • Limits indicate the formula based on the way something works
      • This can be shown by the most basic of math formulas, the quadratic formulas, it does not matter the value of ABC, rather just that the values of each must be quantifiable (not words, but numbers basically)
  • Teach yourself by teaching the thought process behind and the conclusion
  • Ask yourself: what is the point of setting goals?
    • The point is to survive, why, you may ask - that goal is set by you. The purpose of life is to learn more about it and set goals on how we can improve our current standard of living addressing our needs and wants and other desires for a goal of cooperation.
  • knowing why will change your mind
  • understanding why you feel the way you feel
  • Many of the times when you are in public you feel scared because you see others as obstacles, which is justified, however, you need to learn resilient, encouragement and focusing on goals in order to achieve something
    • You must have a strong justification for pursuing something, this is called having a strong base - otherwise known as building house on rock, not sand. As if you don't have a strong reason for doing something, eventually when obstacles arise you will quit.
    • Knowing why you feel the way you feel is important too, this will help identify the mental variables that need changing.
  • How do you measure feelings?
    • I am trying to understand how feelings are developed and pursued to understand the way people work so I can navigate amongst people.
    • unfinished feelings
  • How do you measure what affects your senses?
    • Applying criteria
    • Seeing things as atoms as the way they are
  • There are justified and unjustified emotions
    • For example, you can't feel scared when bird watching - that is unreasonable fear
  • When you are learning you are indirectly teaching attitudes
  • everything stems from physicality
    • symbolism and applied criteria is common in identifying facts. For example, it's not a bed it's just atoms put together in such a manner. Just like we are all a clump of cells.
  • Most people can't identify what a fact is
    • This is why there needs to be a class detailing the difference between a act vs opinion
  • If the goal is to persuade someone - to change their mind - to change the way they evaluate a situation (or a series of events), you must first understand what criteria they apply to observing the events and for what goal
    • decision making process persuasion factors symbolism
  • People are different due to nature vs nurture: nurture aspect
    • how are physiological needs taken care of goal
  • all problems arise from lack of basics
    • for example, if you are mad at coworker at work either that co worker genuinely crossed the boundary or because you lost anger due to not having enough resilience - notice how both are evaluated / judged towards a goal and applied criteria?
  • raise the standard of living to meet intellectual needs
  • Feelings are created based on the evaluation of a situation or event.
  • Definition of a word is the criteria that is considered and applied to that theoritical event.
  • Knowing when to consider why and why not
    • it does not matter why
  • How to measure opinion objectively? Is the same thing as trying to understand the person, which is literally the definition of sympathy
    • By constantly saying objective morality, you are literally failing to consider why another person does not think this
  • Mental variables are defined as variable you look out for when doing something practical. For example, mental variables when considering car sales are price, gas mileage, etc. Comprehending these are examples of mental variables.
  • There is a defined limit to how physical experiences objectively correlate to our mental examples
    • For example, it is a fact that you went thru the goal setting process of being confused to get here. It is also a fact that the US had to go thru setting the goal of pursuing slavery to get to where we are at now.
    • Another apparent example, "constantly having security jeopardized" will lead someone to set and pursue goals (aka make a decision to pursue) that aren't the most comprehensive.
  • Knowing what will change your mind is a good way of understanding how you are programmed to set and pursue goals
    • it won't change my mind
  • There is an objective way to measure mental variables such as curiosity level
  • The why is complicated and requires literacy to understand it
    • This is typically not taught in schools
    • Schools need to start teaching basic psychology to all classes, this will help students understand how to learn and what the basic necessities are.
  • psychology is the understanding of words and how the work mentally within our brain
  • Examples of psychological words describe mental thought process
    • sustain desire psychology 
    • Use these words in your vocabulary more often to help people understand your thought process
  • Limits to understanding and sympathy
  • subjectivity is a lie, everything is objective, the way you came to your so called subjective evaluation dubbed (called) an opinion is a fact not an opinion, it's a fact about the way you think it's called psychology
  • Curiosity is an intrinsic desire, the reward for curiosity is in and of itself
  • Be curious about the curiosity process
  • There is an objective way to measure curiosity and other mental variables and states
    • everything is a measurement including thought process
    • when you say something feels sad you are measuring how you feel towards a particular event
      • everything, including abstract concepts is objectively measurable using a factual perspective, instead of an opinionated perspective.
    • Thought process is objectively explainable - For example, you know for a fact that the thought process isn't all the way at the depression end of "I want to kill myself" or at the very happen end such as "I AM IN HEAVEN."
  • Mental Health effects are objective as to how it affects someone, meaning it is explainable. It is useless saying subjective as we know that all rocks are different and will crush under different weight, however, it is goofy to consider that we cannot identify at what specific weight each rock will eventually crush at. That is objectively measurable. To measure this, we will measure how you were persuaded as a child onwards - explain your childhood desires and how they changed, if you have genetic conditions that make you as otherwise other than able-bodied, then we will have to consider your past before you were born such as genetic predisposition to depression.
  • mental thought process of : emphasizing characteristics; For example, when saying human, you are specifying type of organism by DNA. Look into the definition of a human being.
  • Thinking is complicated, therefore, everything is complex. I've been trying to find out the formula humans set goals based off of. I know that the more security is jeopardized, the more one prioritizes the goal of attaining survival.
  • Focus idea and sympathy, sympathy is hard because it takes a different type focus to focus on a different idea
  • There is a not difference between sensation vs feeling
    • This might be confusion to certain because when you are identifying the limits of your feelings, you are indirectly identifying the way you are conditioned and what program you run on. For example, many people run on the program of waking up, hygiene, eating or skipping breakfast.
  • Everything you do, mentally identifying or physically pursuing a goal, is perspective - goal or non goal based, pure curiosity or biased based
    • The way someone identifies a theoretical event is:
      • When you say any word including abortion or torture, it indicates a theoretical event based on a specified set of characteristics, think about it, abortion or torture can't occur without maintaining homeostasis in an enviornment. This environmental variables aren't being mentally considered.
        • Another question to ask is: what allows torture to take place? My answer is the weather conditions, as without it, torture or any event can't take place.
    • What is considered torture is subjective or objective?
      • Someone can say spanking and poverty constitutes as torture, others disagree, whilst others say it is a form of justified torture.
    • How it mentally affects someone, how much conditioning and changing goals, and how much symbolism regarding how a particular event affects someone is not subjective, it is objective when looking at it from a sympathetic perspective instead of thinking "humans are magical"
  • address the cause, not the symptom
    • For example, living too close to people can be a moral compromise - objectively one has to adapt more if living close to people
      • adapt =  instead of changing environment, your goals or feelings change - this is an objective change as we can measure the change of goals, persuasion since you were a child
  • Persuasion can be objectively described - check out my post on the science of persuasion
    • measurement
  • learn first then make decision
    • when to stop learning
    • prioritize setting goals
    • teaching a thought process evaluation method
    • seeing people as obstacles
  • logic of identifying
  • secondary goals mentally categorize as a goal
  • anything goes if you can't justify your perspective and why your feelings are justified. This is only possible if you can look at your past and explain. If you can't explain how you learned these feelings and teach it to others, then it is invalid.
  • how do i know when to quit?
    • How do you know when to continue applying self-control, limitations of trust, etc.
      • For example, you can't solve the problem if you don't identify why.
      • How much self-control - it is quantifiable. Clearly so because thinking is a form of behavior.
  • When dealing with setting boundaries and social conflict
    • why should your goal be prioritized over my goal?
      • How does this affect the purpose of my life and how I formulate my goals?
      • Remember everything has to do with environment, including identifying mental variables.
        • When asking why experience this? and focusing on a goal, that is inherently what you are saying about the purpose in life is.
  • Asking the right questions:
    • How do I mentally plan my goal?
    • Why experience this experience?
      • For example, ask yourself: why would I want to experience being skinned alive or why would I want to experience the thrill of a rollercoaster?
    • What makes you allowed to desire to pursue these things?
      • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    • How do I organize priorities?
      • For example, you must control impulses when you see something new and desire to explore it as the characteristic goal here is respect since it does not belong to you, however, you must realize that you prioritize another goal of something else that is not curiosity or exploring the thing that you find curiosity about.
        • Similar to how academics prioritize studying over trying to steal others things. Basically, find a goal that you will prioritize over impulses.
    • What is a justified reasoning vs just a reason?
    • Why should I set this goal?
    • Why should I avoid you and see you as an obstacle? If a place was burning, should I react by merely avoiding it? or putting out the fire? What should be my goal?
    • how to do you know when the time is right?
      • studying the goal-setting process
      • how should you program yourself?
      • what should my next goal be?
        • the goal is to make a goal
        • how should you react programming?
      • questioning morality
        • here, you will learn about the goal-setting process and mentally organizing priorities when in society.
        • This is basically how to teach someone to become self-control and resilient to torturous situations.
          • remember when you were a kid you were crying at everything simply because you desired to be curious and rather you were faced with many obstacles towards your goal. This built resiliency, but a of children forget the purpose of life is to be curious.
    • why sense why experience why?
      • how it affects senses = interpretation and symbolism, if it has symbolism or opinion or evaluation method it is a fact about the way people think and feel - that is psychology, objectively observing thoughts and feelings and causes behind them.
  • Maintaining homeostasis goal is the problem present tense
    • The fact that you are conditioned to tolerate the presence of many things you are curious about and not react by setting the goal of pursuing respect.
  • conditioned to let give control
  • adjectives = measurement
  • making sense of confusion
  • don't be mentally lazy - laziness of categorization based on characteristics
  • The rules exist cooperate within the presence of
  • mentally effects perspective cause thoughts feelings limits of feelings
  • compare my life to a billionaires and find out how to become one
    • addressing intellectual needs as a need
  • understanding is a reason why
  • everything has to do with enviornment and adaption, just look into what enviornment it takes to be in an ideal reading enviornment - this is objective with everyone, we simply can't focus on words and symbolism and comprehension with there being too much going on.
    • reading enviornment
  • decision correlation to environment
    • thinking behavior and physical behavior
  • Since everything is perspective
    • Why are some perspectives banned, for example, like not being able to kill someone might be torture to someone - grant it, a form of justified torture for some, abstract concepts like these have criteria that is identified set and pursued mentally - these mental actions affect behavior and there are limits to how this affects our feelings. For example, seeing Femdom content WILL humble a man - this is definite to how we operate as human beings.
    • This should help you realize the limitations of your own opinion  and help you see others opinions
      • everything from:
        • property is theft
        • rape is justified
        • spanking is justified
  • There are objective ways to measure measure self control level
    • for example, self-control will be harder and unsustainable when being tortured with a waterboarding technique, for others, it may not be enough to cough up information.
  • how many physiological needs are met determines how one sees sources, etc.
  • "Adapting" -> word used to measure how one sets and pursues goals
    • measuring level of adapting - what next goal should be set - (hearing excess sound: either leave area, kill those who do excess sound or put on noise cancelling headphones)
  • Why do you want to because i literally don't know why which is curiosity - you want to know why you want to know quest for knowledge
    • focus on the change of feelings (tolerance feelings) good why, next time do elsewhere -  do this in library
  • "objectively for me" = subjectively for others
  • moral objectivism is all about everyone having the same morals so that we can all communicate on the same page.
  • emphasizing characteristics = oversimplified situation and not understanding
    • this is sometimes hard to identify as it is not explicitly mentioned rather implied as a mental process - focusing on this is what prevents manipulation
  • "god made me do it" is the same thing as saying "hogs made me do it" - we need some clarification as to what hogs are so we can specify what the issue is, by setting emotional and mental  boundaries and what not
  • If your justification for pursuing something was because "you want to" - can that justify things like murder simply because "you want to?" This is why I claim that there is an objective way to live life and it isn't unconditional morality.
  • words to describe desire:
    • prioritize
    • goal-setting
    • mental processes of thinking and feeling
    • desire
      • you only know what you want
  • which characteristic gives it a feeling of uselessness? for example, when discussing usb storage you should mention storage amount not the color of the usb stick as that characteristic does not matter
    • but specifics matter as without the specifics the usb stick wouldn't exist- without color means no physical property no physical property means the usb stick does not exist
  • To think is to imagine
  • interpreting what we sense = perception = physically senses
  • How to change goals why specifically use spanking why not reason this proves specifics of interpreting including vagueness being specific and why depends on goal and experience
    • the people who depend on vague answers are the ones who don't understand and is the reason why they don't understand
    • The logic of changing goals by getting spanked does not makes sense - from childhood purpose is to pursue curiosity and that is objectively how goals change femdom comp neuro
    • Observe how your goals changed objectively to identify that we are meant to be curious children again
  • what characteristic makes it [cause feeling]?
    • Is it the fact that it is new?
  • What program does the human brain run on?
    • there are limits we obviously don't teach academic lessons via torture tactics like chopping off limbs and we don't showcase love by betrayal of trust
  • setting boundaries = mentally categorizing abstract words
  • no one is self made
    • it all depends on level of resiliency (ignorance to cause)
    • enviornment part of the equation
    • childhood moral values are actually just bad goals - your purpose in life is not to constantly ponder about admiring people via the sanctity of life, we were all born curious, our purpose is to chase that curiosity ethically
    • focus on why instead of the dogma and not reflecting on the situation
      • most people were raised to just accept a goal just because of the way it is - intrinsic value, obedience, etc.; this logic of learning is inherently anti-intellectual and does not consider the value of learning from the past
  • You can't tell if someone feels forced to or not
    • Forced is another mentally categorization abstract word and therefore depends on person's physical perspective and resiliency level.
    • This is why it's hard to get someone to go to therapy as you need to be on the same medium of communication as them.
  • You are satisfied based on how your physiological needs are met
  • Resiliency level of based on
  • How do you know what you're feeling is what you should feel and should do and should live your life as?
  • mentally speaking: what should we do next?
    • Consider why
    • Set the goal to pursue punishment for criminal or consider why criminal did crime to factor into punishment equation
      • Basically: focus on a new goal focus on the past
        • When you are being chased by a lion, you won't care to consider why that lion is chasing you and if it's justified in doing so, you will only care to run away or fight back to save your own life depending on the goal of sustaining survival
      • being "forced to" is a perspective and even free will is a perspective and even thinking that you can fly is a perspective - if anything opinions and perspectives can be called level of lack of understanding, or a lack of something thereof, because goals are not set and pursued to do something unless there is a lack thereof of something. 
    • Punishment and justification and words of such are abstract words that represent mental processes of evaluation and criteria and feelings and where thinking stops and (supposably justified) feelings start
  • all words are adjectives therefore all words are measurements of our own thought processes
  • Good and bad don't describe what the actual thing being described as good or bad is, it actually describes your feelings towards the matter. Nothing is intrinsically good or bad, it's rather just the way you feel about things, notice this as a mental limitations and change your feelings about certain topics
  • Awareness process: why specifically unspecified
    • analyzing what exactly you are unaware of that makes you come to this conclusion
  • why specifically unspecifcally?
  • explain to the child the specific level of resiliency that they need to have - literally, how to mentally have resiliency.
  • Explain to yourself that resiliency cannot solve everything, sometimes you need to let go. since one area of life can indeed affect another completely unrelated area of life like how exercise can positively affect education and cognition 
  • Needs depend on the goal and if the goal is bare survival then your needs will only be enough for bare survival, however, if your needs are for needing to be a billionaire, then you will pursue it.
    • When someone says "do you have your needs of food water and shelter met?" I am just like that depends if the goal us mere survival of thriving. Specifics matter too, not all food is equal, I can't eat candy and claim it will make me healthy, sure, I can survive from candy, however, this isn't optimal for physical or mental health.
  • every goal is specific regardless
  • specifically using what characteristics to justify belief use same logic for elsewise
  • mentally effect others areas of life
  • think of it as simple as meeting your needs
    • needs don't just stop at physical needs, they encompass intellectual needs to or else the needs of just meeting the bare minimum are just as specific as it is - i can use candy or healthy foods to meet bare minimum, technically both fall within this range, but one is obviously objectively more healthier.
  • I am studying the relationship between thoughts feelings and behavior and thinking behavior categorization of abstract words mentally
    • I want to study using my own past experiences
  • what is the goal and how to achieve the goal, everything is specific, even if it's vague, it's specifically vague, which allows for multiple interpretations, if not specific about goal then nothing can be done
  • stop tolerating what you don't want
  • What characteristics makes you feel this way?
  • "should" depends on goal
  • on mental health
    • Should this factor affect your decision to pursue [insert goal here] - this is called resiliency- the more one has to measurably practice resiliency, the more torturous the situation is.
    • objectively measure resiliency to get out of the situation
  • think of formulas as formulas for thinking
    • thinking = considering charsteristics
  • When you think about it like this: everything, all factors that we experience, affect our survival, so we should take care of how we take care of our everyday needs just as seriously as we take care of our diet and what not.
  • how go guide yourself throughout life what should you want
    • according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • focus on why and how it affects your survival
  • How do you know?
  • Measuring how it affects survival
  • explore sexual curiosity unbiased
  • change goals based on how it affects survival - this is why how you are specifically meeting needs matters (both healthy and junk food, by definition, meet needs, but needs are always specific)
  • spanking disallows the prefrontal cortex to develop in the background - this is why spanking and socializing is bad and is something not to be pursued as done by intellectuals as it changed their minds - as it literally makes you dumber- can't decide everything based on feelings
  • decide if it's something to pursue based on purpose and values and good and bad
  • what will change your mind?
    • This is why people say education makes one calm
  • Without feelings we wouldn't be motivated to do anything, this is why feelings matter.
    • The feeling of calmness sustained in the presence of stimuli means conditioning from prior events that you simply ignored and "gotten used to"
  • identify why you're feeling the way you're feeling
  • complex thought process behind thinking and identifying criteria
  • everything has to do with basics
  • to learn is to change
    • For example, I can only share the effects of smoking cigarettes with you, if you continue smoking being aware of the effects vs. not being aware of the effects, both are a different story. Of course, psychologically speaking people go thru a multitude of thinking processes.
  • don't assume people are the same due to some of the shared charastersitics
  • Feelings are pain receptors
  • Natures' decisions are chemical reactions
  • Learn about the effects then set your goals
  • mental health = how things should mentally affect you
  • Thinking is hesitation - thinking is overthinking - thinking is imagination skills in terms of words
  • What is thinking?
  • why are you curious? It speaks for itself, I am curious because I want to know more about, it's an intrinsic desire, I want to know more about of because I simply don't know more of. I am also curious so that I can set practical goals based on the knowledge I acquired.
  • Why do I find this fascinating? It speaks for itself? I find it fascinating because I find it fascinating, because I simply want to know more about it.?
  • Think of everything as a psychological concept
  • Objectively, the best perspective to have is the factual perspective: the perspective of seeing how others develop their opinions and perspectives
    • The funny thing, is that anyone can have an opinion, only few have facts. I can ask a homeless person what his opinion is on calculus - if they call it stupid, that shows you how much information they have been given to be convinced to categorized as if it's "stupid." I want to study this thought process, what makes them develop this feeling and desire of pursuing thinking that is it is "stupid."
    • Your desires and views will naturally change as you learn more about something (change ni awareness level) - for example, as you learn that the darkness and unknown is scary (all of the time), you let go of your "fear" and replaced it with curiosity.
  • it is easy to explain how to physically do something, but how do you mentally do something?
  • How to build resiliency?
    • moral support, moral encouragement
  • It takes trust to explore
  • Focus on the complex cause of why - this requires empathy and addresses misunderstanding, which is arguably harder (because most peoples' goals are not to understand but to judge and move, build resiliency)
  • Seeing thing as they should be or seeing things as they are
  • To teach means to learn indirectly to learn means to change, to know what you are learning - in other words, being aware of what you are changing, you must be aware of the complex nature of what you are learning and the psychology of learning. And no, learning to spank isn't really academic learning- rather it has many fallacies based on the way it affects the brains functions.
  • focus on what you sense
    • physically affect me. I am what I sense
  • I am a part of my circumstances - realize this and become aware of your programming to change it
    • If free will was real, those who were tortured would easily be able to "snap out of it"
  • Thinking formula:
    • Logic of learning new ideas and lessons vs. dogma
    • Which characteristic if what feeling is creating. For example if you don't like dogs because of their fur, it creates a feeling as opposed to not liking dogs because of a past traumatic experience creates a different feeling.
    • Also feelings are specific to the time period, you can't say I don't like dogs, rather, you must specify, as if right now, I don't like dogs. This is because not all of the time will you like dogs, such as whenever you are trying to sleep you may not like the presence of dogs as much.
  • Desires and emotions always make sense it's all about being aware of the cause (for example, you might be scared of dogs because of fear of the unknown instead of being curious of the unknown)
  • Resiliency is like saying I am going to eat unhealthy food but due to my mental resiliency I can make this unhealthy good have objectively position benefits to my health - this is why specific characteristics of what kind of food matters as not all food is equal.
  • Some things are just mentally impossible
  • Emotions make sense as there is always a reason why it's just being unaware of why that will make you continuously on the same loop over and over again (this is not called learning, as to learn means to change, literally) - not to mention, thinking that something "should" be like this whereas nature does not care what should be, but rather what is.
  • What you call morality, I call a measurable level of self-control
  • Don't get caught up in mentally categorizing abstract word
  • What you feel depends on what on what you mentally focus on
    • For example, when spanked, the focus is shifted from your bottom being on fire to what the spanker is telling you: mother telling to spanked daughter, I told you to not steal those cookies on the dining table - shifting the daughters focus to the words the mother is saying along with the pain on her bottom bared. not to mention this desire of baring the bottom on develops when the parent does not understand simple cause and effect and mental perspective change.
  • cause and effect is complicated, to identify, one must first identify the boundaries of all of the variables involved
    • And no, a "human being" is not a variable being tested, since human beings are made out of atoms, we must consider these atoms as variables not as whole human beings. Identify a set of patterns of atoms as human being is from a common characteristic of a human DNA - that of which we assume all human like creatures have.
    • Identify the cause and effect of taking a car and getting butt spanked bare bottomed is a false notion as what is really learned is they get mad instead of what you feel. In reality, they are showcasing their behaviors, not what you actually did. What you did wasn't good or bad, it was just something that the other person feel sad about and wanted you to change it, they decided to go about this by causing discomfort to your human physiological need for comfort and survival by taking pants off and belting the bare bottom.
      • Once you understand that people are just a reflection and an implication of themselves, all makes sense, instead of mentally using the presence of others as dogma. This is the turning point of how you can learn to manipulate people. You can literally read people like a book.
  • identify limitations of variables
    • boundaries - for example, the legal boundaries of human beings' bodies are where our skin ends, however, we can sense much farther than where our skin ends.
    • we are what we sense and focus on - this is why thinking and focusing matters so much
  • Think of yourself as a business leader - you must predict behavior
  • setting boundaries to curiosity and predicting behavior being a leader to predict behavior
  • everything is specific even if vague - this is called specifically vague it encompasses many possibilities including those that are not known to mankind
  • Most of the time to think means to focus away from identifying physical parameters and ponder upon abstract notions based in physical parameters. This is why thinking is identifying focus. This is why thinking about abstract thoughts is rather a distraction as it meads our focus away.
  • keep calm nothing is a big deal
    • This should help you realize that we are all atoms and identify the scientific nature of the present tense, then, you can about relearning how to mentally categorize abstract concepts.
      • how far the goal is (opinion) is from the actual nature of the present tense situation
    • Doing this will reset your mind and recognize what you need to focus on in order to achieve your goals.
    • Recognize how you were taught "how" to do certain things was done in a rather flawed manner, with logic that you apply subconsciously to other concepts.
      • Doing this you will realize that a lot of what you were taught in childhood was false.
    • impulses from childhood into adulthood - longer term effects of childhood into adulthood (elephant chain theory)
  • evaluation range of possibilities = specifically vague
  • Correlate the Environment to evaluation method
  • How you treat someone determines a part of who they are - similar to a science experiment, you are an observer, meaning you must not react unconditionally.
  • To learn is to learn how - the formula for deriving - this is why learning to do something by reading a book is really just teaching you how to read the book, not actually how to do the particular action. This is why learning how to do something is best done by actually learning how to do the thing that is being taught as opposed to merely reading about it, as the only thing learned by reading is how to read.
  • Abstract categorizations are always derived from physical characteristics
  • The mind is delicate to distractions, take it seriously
  • To learn is to change and to become aware
  • vague = specific range of possibilities
  • All emotions do make sense when you understand the reasoning behind justified emotions - we are all built in with a sense of ability to experience emotions
  • Can't separate the cause from the effect
  • Is desire the same thing as longing for or is desire what you feel good doing? Because I can long to change my desires but I can also desire for feeling good about donating to the poor.
  • the greatest insult is to be ignored (because you find them boring, and being called boring is the greatest insult of all time)
    • This is very true, when a bully become boring, when any subject becomes boring, it is because you already understand it.
  • goal survival subconscious body goal = what the body thinks is subconscious communication (unaware of communication)
  • It is possible to become "too smart for love" because once you satisfy your curiosity, you are inclined to move on instead of developing feelings for something. This means that once you understand a person, you no longer have any cares towards them.
  • everything is literally perspective
    • This is why words like "control" are meaningless unless you define them yourself
    • define control mentally mean to you
  • people aren't special understand them
    • special indicates confusion and curiosity, make people boring by actually understanding by understanding the principles of: subconsciously practicing, security jeopardizing, only here for the food.
      • subconsciously applying the same logic of learning for all other areas of life. For example, if you were raised to treat women as submissive creatures, you will be rather uncomfortable with a woman's' success in skilled sports like grappling and gymnastics beating masculine males, humbling you further showcasing that masculinity means nothing, and the only thing that matters is skill.
    • "special indicates unidentifiable curiosity"
  • Blind trust and willful ignorance are the same things
  • how do you know when you're in control of something?
  • What does it mean to desire something?
  • Understanding why children "steal" is important as it leads to curiosity and understanding of their environment which decrease the amount of blind trust that is required.
    • What I am missing in my life is moral support.
  • Unconditional morality does not explain behaviors, as it is impossible for human beings to be unconditionally moral. Also, just because something is identified as wrong does not mean the person won't pursue it. Like I can indulge in fast food knowing that it will affect my health negatively.
  • Saying don't blame parents is like telling a raped person: don't blame your past or the rapist, it's your responsibility. The point it, without coming to peace with your past, you won't be able to move on.
  • Do people deserve to be alive - because there are many many ways of being alive, this is why specifics matter? Do people deserve to be alive in poverty? Do people deserve to be alive in poverty and an abusive childhood? What does it mean to deserve anything? By caring for others, you are caring for the environment.
  • no reason is a reason not to
  • You are the system, you are part of it
  • Question your desires, when asked why are you tempted to draw on walls or take property.
  • Saying huma rights is like saying bees rights, and if not, what difference in what characteristics makes human beings so special?
  • Environmental communication via feelings and words
  • understand people by understanding their environment, since the environment makes up a part of who they are both literally, physically, metaphorically.
  • Environment is what enables behavior, so in order to understand why, you must understand environment
    • Environment requires homeostasis.
  • Justification - the why - matters more than the action itself
  • Environmental stimulation makes the person just like the environment makes the rock
    • For example, if a rock experienced erosion, parts of the rock will literally be done. Think of yourself as a self-aware feeling rock
  • Your effects don't stop the day you die.
  • How to learn is how to set goals and how to be a leader
  • Think of everything as an experience
  • make them want to - means to use salesmen tactics to change the sustaining of their desire
  • The answer to why is always "the past"
  •  Likes are developed based on situations:
    • For example, you wouldn't reflect on your favorite coffee when being shot at
      • Aware of likes when in emergency situation thoughts thinking of in situation
    • Under what conditions do you like this?
  • Why the how matters
    • subconsciously= not focused on part of affectance, for example, when saying no to someone as a conclusion without explaining how to reach conclusion is a flawed example
  • People ask why because they want to see if the goal matches the actions because every second you have a goal of sustaining life weather or not you are aware of it 
  • My kid could point out a cause of success better than a conservative dumbass
  • Be skeptical about everything, never trust anyone or anything, require understanding, so you don't have that sense of curiosity lingering.
  • Basic necessities should include living in isolation in a mansion not dealing with people
  • How do you know what is good and bad? And why should we leave it to the individuals? Even a pedophile can can their life good, what makes it good for you?
  • The way human desire works - you wouldn't give depressed person a gun or a obese person to a fast food joint instead of that understand how desire development trigger and avoid triggers
    • Most people can only sympathize with others goals if they themselves have experienced it.
  • Prevent the need to
    • To understand how to prevent the need to, you must understand how people set and pursue goals. For example, you know that just because some coffee spilled on your jeans, you won't react by setting the goal to pull a fire alarm.
  • In the same way, it's hard to generate intellectual thoughts when in a stressful emergency situation, same thing good for everything else
  • To "sanctify others" means to make them mysterious - meaning there is something about others that you're curious about for some goal - the thing is, I refuse to be ignorant to the point where I don't formulate ways to understand people (I understand people, which makes them boring; similar to how you don't teach yourself what you already understand but you build upon it)
    • Three reasons why I refuse to teach my kid to be ignorant about others:
      • Don't want to jeopardizing security level as I don't want to train them to practice being tolerant of B.S. - I don't want them to rely on the presence of others.
      • I'd rather stimulate intellectual curiosity as anything but is rather boring, like most "normal" people are rather boring.
      • I'd rather them pursue intellectual endeavors as attempting to pursue them with pro-spanking mentality will prevent you from pursuing intellectual endeavors as that way of thinking, formula of thinking to concluding does not work well with science.
  • become bored of it because you understand it - this is the goal with everything, I simply don't enjoy anything anymore because I actually like to learn how to learn about things.
  • I want to be my own leader
  • To avoid problems, you must understand how things work, how people set and pursue goals
  • How human beings work -> awareness of your own algorithm: how you learn is literally how you live routine and curiosity.
  • The "you have nothing to hide" argument has invoked a desire to explain how we set and pursue goals and determine what is worth our time and not be leveling our understanding how doing certain things jeopardize our security. To put it both ways, I can also say "I have nothing to show."
  • Don’t take it seriously pretend like you’re a billionaire businessman, consider life is like a game
  • To further understand this, think like a leader and create a game with your own power-ups and what not.
  • Focus on the formula not the conclusion
  • Prerequisites and intellectual desire development:
    • Think of it as a process of developing desire, a “how” “formula” type process. For example reading step by step instructions of "how to pursue real estate" is one thing, but if one does not have the prerequisite to pursue real estate (ex. A loving home, a stable home) one simply can’t mentally or physically comprehend to set and goal to set and pursue real estate without tending to basic physiological needs first. This is why all complicated goals like pursuing real estate come from focusing on the basics first.
    • This is why I theorize that everything has to come from the basics - how your routine is with sleep diet and exercise. Master this before pursuing any other intellectually developed goal. These are non-negotiable.
    • set and pursue goal foundation must have love
  • What variable are you trying to identify? What are you curious about? Would you change your mind about living with parents if you were offered to live under Jeff Bezos as a billionaires' son or daughter?
  • Focus on the process not the conclusion, means to focus on the how, the formula to truly understand something. For every problem, focus on how.
  • predict your own behavior (otherwise known as "plan your actions") indicates you know the limitations of your practical behavior
    • For example, when predicting your own behavior, you identify the fact that if you were given the opportunity to go back into a time machine and change the families you were born into - choosing between a billionaire or a poor person, any sane person would choose the billionaire as it tends to basic necessities and allowed for intellectual desire development the most .
  • curiosity level (why religion makes people stay religious sustain curiosity level unknow (How God is the unknown variable in thinking framework, thought experiment)
    • religion and identifying the unknown
    • prerequires to intellectual desire development (this is how desires work)
  • You need some rest time Suresh, you've been freethinking for too long.
  • ask and answer: what makes you curious?
    • is the aurora of mysteriousness that makes you want to learn more?
    • I want to identify what it making me curious to satisfy my curiosity
  • Before you change your perspective, ask yourself: does it make sense to mentally change your perspective? Can the same logic (formula of thinking) be used to justify torture?
  • Think of sentences as formulas
    • remember when you were a kid learning sentence formulation?
  • Don’t think it’s magic, desire is explainable.
  • if you use adjectives that means it's personally affecting your own routine
  • Everything has to do with level of curiosity, it’s all about focusing on the formula used to learn the concept
  • To change your mind see possibilities instead of conclusions
  • You need to allow yourself to be angry to change the cause of these feelings instead of bottling them up
  • You need to be able to see multiple perspectives and know how to change perspectives and goal in mentally identifying, this way you can see through multiple perspectives from a child to a conditioned adult. You need to use this to be rich, it does not make sense to be poor anymore. You have elitist desires.
  • Preventing the development of the desire of pursuing impractical goals (like theft) is done via formal education, like formal sex education.
  • Don't blame something you can't change for the better
    • When we were children we were taught that we can't change our surroundings to pursue our goal of curiosity
  • Why would I want to have children without understanding how children work? Why would I be interested in children? What goals would that solve?
  • if you can't convince them then you're arguments aren't confusion enough according to my theory that we all work the same (since we are all born the same - as scientists curious about their environment)
  • The answer to the question of "why" is in the current moment, understand the current moment implications
    • this is called the universe becoming aware of itself
  • You must consider all of the possibilities including the naughty ones
  • desire development formula for understanding behavior what does this even mean (meaning = possibilities)
    • remember, sentence formulation = formula itself. 
    • to prevent the development of malicious desires you must introduce formula educational as opposed to not formula education
    • spanking cause intrusive thoughts and jealousy
  • The goal is to become aware of the present-tense
  • Remember when you were a kid, you were scared to trust new people.
    • Return back to that level of skepticism.
    • Stop being forced to be vulnerable (always whenever seeing food, that is whenever you are vulnerable)
  • Question your feelings
    • why are you tired of it, does it make sense to be tired of it
  • By spanking children you are indirectly preventing developing desire
  • By spanking children you are teaching them to rely on external fear for self control, when, in absence of this external fear, they will resort to continuous badly learned habits like eating junk food, why do you think the south is so fat?
  • Ask yourself: What variable are you chasing? what are you chasing? And what does "finished" look like?
  • What does it even mean to be a Christian?
  • Seeing many routes, not just view, your perspective and the way you see things can determine what kind of routes you see for escaping this boring middle class lifestyle.
  • It does not make sense to ask: What do you want? When I don't even know what I want because I haven't explored enough.
    • Also, don't you think that: if i knew it i would say it
  • Q: what are you trying to identify? What variable are you trying to identify the answer to?
    • A: If i knew it I would say it.
    • If you were given the opportunity to become a millionaire ATM and learn leadership skills along the way, would you take it? This proves that love isn't real.
  • Think in terms of desire - why do you want to sustain this desire?
  • Avoid middle class hangouts, take everything seriously, don't become vulnerable in a non-intellectually friendly way. I've done this before and it never ends well, especially for intellectual development.
  • Don't apply the logic of ignoring why you're feeling what you're feeling. Identify why your feeling what you're feeling so you can avoid it instead of crashing burning and then repairing- that's what resiliency feels like. it's like voluntarily crashing and burning and then repairing it, why goal thru all of that when you can just avoid app of that hassle altogether?
  • There are not multiple ways to reach a specific goal- if goal isn't specific then you have no tangible goal.
  • Anytime you're confused, just think of it as "exploring feelings"
  • Formulating questions - question the questioning process
  • stop chasing feelings that will get you nowhere tangible
  • Subconscious just means "unaware"
  • By identifying a mental variables (like physiological needs like food, water, shelter, sleep, and vulnerability around those areas; like how it requires vulnerability in order to sleep) you are indirectly proving free will to not be real. As free will requires unawareness (unlearning mindset)
  • When faced with adversary, you can either: improve or or adapt to it
  • To those conservatives who claim safe spaces are bad claiming it is a bubble making it intrinsically "bad," even if it was a "bubble" what is so bad about? There is a "justified bubble" and "unjustified bubble."
  • Think in terms of desires: why do you want to pursue this goal and what is stopping you from it and making you cry?
  • Focusing on goal within what conditions?
    • For example, when tortured you are focusing on the goal of hope for a better life
  • Identify what it is that is making you scared either avoid it, remove it, or adapt to it (tolerate it's presence)
  • Focus on "thinking process" and correlation to emotions
    • This is why I ask what algorithm are you running on as uncertainty can cause feelings of eeriness or uncertainty.
  • what do you want to identify as imagination and in real life?
  • correcting what you don't like logic of learning - don't adapt correct it
  • I refuse to be ignorant to the mental cause of my problems which is why i want to identify the varibale i need to change and change it instead of adapting to it, as adapting to problems does not actually solve it, but rather just tolerates the presence of something, which is not a viable longer-term solution. It uses the same learning logic as torture: Torture requires that the person becomes "used to" the fact that they can't control their torture ending. The same logic applies on a smaller scale.
  • Trust and vulnerability are requirements in order to want to laugh at something
  • know why your desires change to become less persuaded by other reasons
  • I refuse to be a part of society that fucks up.
  • Be smart and avoid (needing to) make a decision under pressure
    • ask yourself how did you learn this beforehand so you can avoid learning it again
  • know what you are looking for in order to actually be tangiable and know when you've reached it, without a vision, identifying what you want, you will never reach waht you want because you don't even know what it is that you want without allowing yourself to develop a desire. Like a prisoners looking for looks to read and get smarter on how to escape prison.
  • It does not make sense to complain when I decide to be vulnerable. It's like crying that I cut my finger with a knife when I decided to cut it myself.
    • I can leverage this to my advantage and start my own buisness, being a leader.
  • Think in terms of experiences makes you think
  • have a vision and make it plan
  • Apply golden role
    • How would you feel if someone did that to you?
  • Evaluate who you trust
  • Always be skeptic when someone claims they understand how the brain works, especially the religious folk
  • prevent problems by identifying the variable to avoid problems
  • all sentences desscribe a formula
  • There is a formula for everything
  • identify why - the conditions behind emotions
  • identify what your brain thinks
    • this is called your subconscious brain
    • might sound funny, but without idenitfying the variable that needs to change (ex. curious desire changed to self-control desire)
    • Your brain is looking for an explanation, out of curiosity, for you to stop being curious about it.
  • I am only in society as it's the only known place to get food. If I could live off grid without dealing with anyone, I would do so.
  • would you tell a tortued abused person this?
  • Question your feelings
    • what should make you feel good? obviously not torturing others, if torturing others makes you feel good that had many implocations about your past regarding how you came to that conclusion
    • The answer to why do you like this? is always: it feels good. this is why programming feelings should be top priority, as smart people, find boring endeavours (ex. basketball) boring and pursue intellectual endeavours (gymnastics).
  • Conservatism occurs when you're educated but not too educated.
  • can't change the problem if you cant idenrify it
  • you will never feel happy here so stop trying to make it happen and change
  • To stop chasing the impossible, first idenitfy if it's even possible.
  • The goal is to Objectively observe feelings
  • can't seperate a rock from it's envionrment (enviornment sustains life), similarly you can't seperate human beings from enviornment (can't isolate their presence, this why judgement isn't ideal)
  • stop being scared to change your mind
  • Before you chase a goal, make sure what you're chasing is realistic
  • predict all of the possibility that can happen when someone is emotional, this will help you gauge what is mentally possible - such as is it mentally possible to [insert action here]?
  • In the same way you can't just tell a tortured person to go out on the street in search for job opportunities when they have practiced being submissive and tortured their entire lives. This is because it takes time to heal from trauma.
    • PTSD on a larger scale and smaller scale is areal thing
  • Life is a maze, there are obstacles, the first step is to set a goal that makes you recognize something as an obstacle
  • Return to being a curious kid
  • To change goal: guide your feelings
  • Know when to give up on a goal in favor or a more realistic goal
  • Get yourself to a safe enough place where you can reflect
  • how to mentally change goals?
  • Either you can choose to succumb and adapt to the enviornment or improve the enviornment, but you can't do both.
  • Expect problems to happen
    • This is largely a valid reason for not having children in a less than ideal situation
  • We depend on each other everyday 
  • There are many minor influences in everyday life that we don't recognize that affect decisions like carrying phones in pockets and decreasing sperm count.
  • specify your feelings, don't just use surface level interpretations like sadness madness, etc.
  • think like a game developer - in terms of possbile desires
  • you can't chase something if you don't mentally identify it first
  • Curiosity solves all problems
  • Spend time to practice your thinking skills
  • Measuring the presence of people vs actually understanding them: mental implications, it's complicated and not that simple, being empathetic is hard, knowing when to be empathetic is even harder
    • emphathetic is a type of evaluation
  • once you recognize that better is possible, you'll then realize the hidden social anxieties you had
  • recognize that something is wrong with you and stop pretending like you're okay
  • Everything you do is an indication of how you think you should live your life, therefore, make sure the formulation of these thoughts is exquisite and in alighn with "my humbling journey" post on
  • See everything as a process of goal-setting and decision-making
  • Understand your pain tolerance make it less to endure less crap
  • Everything is a decision, everything is a leadership decision, therefore, be organized in everything you do
    [Part of the problem] is the way you identify things as problems as without propert isolation and identification of the problem you won't be able to move on. This is why addicted people are stuck as they are in a state of hnawareness as to what variable to change in their life.
    You can't solve a problem if you don't identify it as one, to identify something as a problem you must understand the identifying and evaluation and conclusion process all done according to a set of criteria that is adopted and applied to view the possibilties of routes possible


Cause of self-control focus goal prioritize measure goal setting based on how it affects senses, limitations of human beings, thinking and behavior correlation, understanding is a reason why, effects of thinking, understanding changes mind, reasoning conclusion, what makes you want to have a good life (is this considered undisputed, unquestionable natural human desire), should and shouldn't want, mentally categorize, algorithm for everything, plan for living in life, nothing is magic, judging past vs understanding past actions, how minds change, organize desire, distraction goal, everything is communication it's just weather or not you can focus and change on an idea, people aren't special, mentally use, mentally categorize, what characteristic makes it suitable or unsuitable, organize desires, distract goal make me want to forget, optimize, prioritize, set goals, psychology is the science of setting goals and changing minds, don't allow yourself to be controlled by blind trust, what makes you want to, lack of knowledge and awareness of this lack of knowledge is called curiosity and makes people want to know more, moral boundaries mentally, care to understand, philosophy and the mental categorization of abstract ideas, learning changes minds, situational awareness, curiosity, change goal objectively self-control, focus oversimply, explain, theoretical event is what all adjectives identify as, mental calibration, everything can affect your sexual senses including seeing things as obstacles, goal, encouragement, environment, think of everything as a decision to make it easier to realize that it's not free will rather goal setting and priorities and socially assigned responsibility, sustaining desire, one more, freethinking, describe the characteristics, characteristics is a mental variable, trust, comfort, "love", define love, specifically vague measurable amount of self control, communication is complicated convincing, focus on thoughts, hyper fixating on idea (morality is a common one), focus is describing a mental thought process, practical usefulness, limits on feelings, mentally categorizing learning, how to raise a child, trust, teaching to feel, teaching shame, teaching embarrassment, teaching feeling, teaching how to feel feelings, boundaries variables, thinking formulas, survival sense, sense of comfort, trust, common sense is instinct, forced to trust child to parent, interpret sense objectively speaking, practicing letting go of control mentally and being submissive and all of a sudden you are tasked with being a leader, why attached (only known source of food), only here for the food, how to mentally, sympathy with children's goals, step by step how, subconscious autopilot, subconscious learning, practice, Measurable amount of respect feeling, level of jeopardization of security practice only here for the food, only here temporarily, gymnastics grappling, don't want to learn these skills, make it better, rite of passage, teaching ignorance is morality, curiosity hint of, indication you want to move on, master your feelings to change your situation, you must change fast don't tolerate presence o stay in private, for rite of passage it's about curiosity and logic of learning (goal to explore then set goals), subconscious desire to runaway, Sustain feeling, spanking makes it harder to learn other concepts are you are subconsciously applying dogmatic "moral" values, Everything has to do with comfort level, logic of learning, intellectual desire development, curiosity an self control and trust, self control is really trust, considering factor focus aware present tense affecting, learning logic formula subconsciously practiced, seeing it as a maze, there is nothing special (curious) about most other people, Exploring feelings characteristics, Subconscious effect of thinking that spanking works, How do you know? Ask questions., Interpreting experience, boundaries feelings, development of feelings, built on love, take time to think, school to prison pipeline is real, social psychology, see it as a way of thinking, what if you knew everything, comprehension level, how feelings work, how emotions work, how thinking works, how thinking develops, thinking process, learning process, easier instinct, spanking makes it harder to learn new concepts as the logic of learning from spanking applies to all other areas of life subconsciously (yes, this indirectly means if you are more social, the more stupid you are), don't change original goals resiliency, develop desire uncomfortable situation, want is a vision, it is objectively measurable to measure safety comfort, have high standards, specific conditions, underlying conditions, focusing on goal within what conditions, algorithm possible variables and developing desire, evetything has to do with how you tend to desire to stay alive, education as a business, involuntary cried, safe house, think like a leader, learning how to learn, decision making skills, system, maintain homeostasis, setting goals human beings, measuring adjectives feelings, measuring feelings psychology meaning, change human nature, my goals are beyond your understanding, make it make sense, desire avoid now adapt or overeome or improve desire mad lead, evaluation and feelings, reminder goal, thinking is complicated, feelings are complicated, subconscious thoughts, thought formulation, understanding human desire, rationalize emotions, the human algorithm, wisdom, the human algorithm, sustaining homeostasis, fostering curiosity, early conclusion, change goal, avoiding negative emotions, reparenting therapy, subconscious curiosity, identify the varaible that needs to change, isolate the variable, mentally challenging, you are not the problem, part of your lifestyle is the problem, cause of the problem, mentally impossible, adaptation to avoid, we are animals, you are your why, vulnerability feeling, know that better is practically possible, common sense, does not workout evaluation, indirectly care, make it boring, psychology is the study of people's decision making process, observe don't react, observe don't absorb, see multiple routes, undelying reason why, worse case scenario, I need a guide in my life, attacking safe space, common sense, calculation decision making process encompasses afford vague word, before i settle down better is possible, changing your family, learning how to learn, learning mental variables resiliency justification, 
