Theory of Mind - Limitations of Thinking and Feelings (thinking formula)
Theory of Mind: How human beings are programmed and change goals
Tangiable Objectives:
- Know what your subconscious brain is thinking
- Identifying what varibales to change
- Explaining the real reason why the pro-spankers are pro-spanking
- Explain the concept of "forced trust"
- Explain the dynamics of choosing one choice over another
- no choice but to
- I've got an intuitive feeling, a gut feeling that spanking children is a bad idea.
- it is okay to have this intuitive feeling as this is the only way scientists formulate thoughts.
- To accurately describe what we are experiencing
- To accurately describe what happens mentally in the brain to explain mental processes
- To help other people better understand themselves
- More specificallly, conservatives, because they need the most help - saving from themselves.
Theories and their limitations:
- Breaking Point Theory
- People will eventually get to a breaking point when facing the presence of so many people that they have to mentally use to set the goal of symbolizing as people and avoiding them
- Think of it like this in an overcrowded place, one will justifiably get overwhelmed as there are many obstacles n the present moment.
- Identifying something as an obstacle so many times will make someone go crazy
- Basically, being around (seeing something as, measuring as) obstacles too much can negatively affect mental health - imagine being around int he presence of other peoples' cars so close to your body, at one point you will have to react. This is why understanding how the outside world affects your child's senses are important.
- Also, by being around things you have to constantly identify as obstacles can serve as an intellectual - thought suppresser. Instead, focus on teaching children to set goals and become resilient.
- This is the same reason why it is overwhelming in public, especially for children, and justifiable so, they don't have a goal of being there, they don't know what they're doing there, they only know to avoid human like figures, they don't know how to be resilient and focus on a goal and pursue it. The don't know when to identify their emotional limits - for example, listening to useless people, have a limit.
- Sexual desires development theory:
- When we are young we are taught to change goals from curiosity and socialize with fellow classmates. In doing so, you know that as you are socializing you can't automatically develop the desire to suddenly become overwhelmed with shyness and not do anything - that's how your feelings or conditions work. This is because as you were taught to socialize socialize when young, you had tlyr security jeopardized and were not allowed to develop anger feelings toward what was actually distracting your from curiosity goals - socializing and respecting the presence of others. This is why as we suppresses our desires, the more our sexual clock changes in the background and programs itself fo relieve itself after being exposed to sexual stimuli. The comprehension of sexuality usually occurs when puberty starts.
- Basically, it's hard to identify the problems as the presence tense when in the current situations. This is why intellectuals tend to hang out in libraries away from social peer pressure to allow them to think intellectual thoughts.
- Being conditioned to respect the presence of sexual stimuli and not do anything when in the presence eof will make you want to mastrubate - mastrubation represents a sense of suppressed sexual feelings.
- For example, you are our and about in public and see a pretty girl with sexually attractive sex organs, you will initially want to rape her or otherwise have sex with her, however, you are taught to suppress these desires, put them off at a later time, to mastrubate later. This is why, when teenagers have access to pornography, they tend to jerk off more, given the presence of sexual stimuli.
- Another example, you aren't able to formulated intellectual desires when you are forced to be in public, this is another way to point out the obvious and say why intellectuals hang out at the library.
- It's as simple as asking the question: during this moment in time what are you thinking of?
- Jeopardize security affect senses way human works
- Confusion
- Occurs when one is unaware of their goals
- Desire to Improve
- Occurs when a need for a goal is not met at the current moment
- Anger
- Betrayal of trust
- Why is it hard for you to set limits on feelings and conditions that you will accept?
- Because you are practicing a logically fallacy elsewhere in life.
- For example, if you mastrubate to fantasies without having a solid quiet place - meaning there are conditions where someone might yell and you have to sense it by hearing it, this implies that you don't have the best place to fantasize and mastrubate in peace - this also means you will lower your standards for curiosity in other places in life, like intellectualism and grappling skills and gymnastics skill. This is why you can't find a grappler who is into Femdom. It is just simply not how people work.
- Psychology behind setting a schedule
- Identifying a schedule requires identifying your own behavior - which requires life experience, learning from behavior, interpretation and perspective skills, etc. your own programming, underlying reason and feelings for doing something. This takes objective measurement of self-control, stressors, relivers, etc. - all variables for mental and emotional health; Ignoring these factors is just as childish as those who claim to be alpha male or masculine male tend to be. Without recognizing that calmness if a feeling and emotion as well as factor that sustain this sense of true calmness, one can't pursue intellectual desires.
- Explanation of abstract concepts and variables like "self-control"
- Nothing is "unexplainable," not even the abstract concepts of self-control - these do indeed have an objective ways to measure these variables - objectively, it takes more self-control to be resistant to sharing information when tortured, that is a fact about human beings feelings.
- There is a reason why certain professions get more respect than other professions.
- There is a reason why some sports are deemed more athletic than others. Because criteria for athleticism are objectively defined. For example, walking is not more athletic than gymnastics as gymnastics objectively takes more measurable coordination, skill, stability, mobility, strength, and cardio (if dancing)
- Examples of goals that require a lack of understanding in order to pursue: - this is a fact about how the brain works - this is what I've been trying to detail in the post of "The science of persuasion" so I can convince conservatives via intellectual arguments instead of feeling anxiety or rather anger towards them, I will use classical tried and true persuasion methods of explanation of the correlation between mental thought process and human behavior.
- Death penalty
- By definition, using retribution as "justice" requires a lack of understanding, which is typically done by a judgement thought process applying pre-conceived criteria to a situation without considering why actions were done.
- Spanking
- By understanding that children are curious, you will want to pursue the goal of nurturing this curiosity with reasonable boundaries set by how our physiological needs are met
- What if the child stole the car because they mentally felt overwhelmed by it's presence?
- Abstract ideas are just a categorization of a set of ideas/goals
- For example, torture categorizes actions based on it's level of perceived harm to a conscious individual.
- Recognize what your mind is constantly looking out for
- For example, when your outside, you are constantly scanning for the enviornment for human resemblance so that you can either avoid their personal space, etc.
- How needs are met physiological needs are determined rest of
- this is why specifics matter, not just the fact that someone's "barely alive"
- This is why it makes a difference between someone living in poverty and someone living in luxury.
- For many poor folks, education and practicing isn't a necessity, however, for richer folks who already have their physiological needs met, they can pursue their intellectual needs with no jeopardy.
- People get mad when their needs are not met, how it physically affects one's sense and yes curiosity is a need. Maybe you feel the need to explore something simply because you cane across it via your senses and it was close to you.
- Developing feelings
- You never know why, to know you must practice focusing and focusing and resilience go hand in hand, for example, you can't focus on developing intellectual thoughts in the middle of a highway.
- Identify the facts about the way you feel
- Feelings do matter anyone that says as otherwise is trying to bypass your intuition layer
- People don't like to explain how they learn or will react in certain situation as it reveals their programming - to that of which they're uncomfortable expressing that free will isn't real.
- There are levels to self control for example, one can practice self control when slapped however when chopped arm off that requires more self control it's a fact.
- Spanking and curiosity limits
- I can merely share the effects it's up to you to determine if it's something to be pursued based on the logical level.
- For example, when being spanked, you are making child focus on goal and intentions assuming trust level and interpretation is present between the two.
- For example, why make child experience spanking? to focus on idea of not taking objects they didn't pay for when they are in the presence of others' objects instead of focusing on curiosity
- The phrase "don't steal' does not make any sense because it does not address mental levels of self-resiliency. More specifically, it does not address "how to not steal." Self-resiliency variables include mental health, if physiological needs are being met, if curiosity and intellectual needs are being met, if sexual needs are being met, etc. "Stealing" is usually a result or not of a lack of the variable of self-control, rather it is a lack of curiosity needs being met. That is the goal for how a child should live. That is where I put my trust and goals in. One must focus on the goal and have a level of resiliency.
- For example, when someone says "climb this mountain" -> there are many ways to climb the mountain depending on your goal, it could be for speed, efficiency, convenience, etc. however, specifics are always involved. However, when someone says "climb the mountain using ropes and a belay" that narrows down to how it is being specific.
- This is why, psychology helps explain our thought processes when we are with others, for example, when we are with others we tend to not develop intense sexual urges and only develop those when in a safe private place after meeting someone attractive.
- Recognize the reason why people steal is because they don't have their curiosity needs met, and this is a problem because parents don't know how to identify children's curiosity needs and goal-setting methods.
- Thinking of morality in a morally compromising situation is what we call
- The goal of this post is to identify the cause of feelings and to which characteristics these feelings are caused by.
- For example, the feelings of sexual desires are caused by, following, being in public for a day, and mental thoughts reminding you that sexy girls and femdom exist, so that you decide to pursue them since they give you a feeling of humbling and traditional skilled girl sexiness.
- I believe there is indeed an objective way to address and measure differences in what makes us horny - for example, femdom desires humble a man whereas traditional desires only feel toxic masculinity incel minded men that needs humbling.
- We all know that death should make us scared, so we can compare it to this objective standard - how scared we are of death.
- Organize your life by organizing goals and priorities and justified feelings towards ideas.
- Goal-setting psychology should be taught in every school because that is literally the formula for how we work.
- We have a limit as to how far we can focus on a goal and perform self-resiliency during a given situation. For example, I may give up when I am faced with a little intimidation, whereas another person may take a lot more to break. For example, the torture technique of waterboarding may work on one person and may not work on another person - this all depends on level of resiliency and depending on weather or not the person thinks the goal is worth pursuing or not, all of this is objectively measured by how the person thinks.
- I theorize that we all (able-bodied) learn the same way - we are only different because of experiences (nurturing in the nature v nurture debate)
- I theorize that we are constantly being "born"
- I want to identify the algorithm that the brain runs on
- Resiliency:
- Focus on the goal in the presence of obstacles is called resiliency, for this, the goal must be worth it. Perspective: Mentally using it as an obstacle is implied that your goal is to be curious and focusing on another goal - this is a perspective.
- Debating between the goal of curiosity or controlling curiosity based on the goal. This is why I claim that we are all meant to be curious scientists.
- Resiliency does not make any sense, as it makes sense why the person has goals of being curious only when you are reflecting on it from a reflection perspective, however, in that moment, you were seeking comfort, which is why you pursued another goal. To seek comfort amongst like-minded people.
- Trust begins from a parent when the parent encourages the child to stop being curious and pursue practical goals, as without trust, not even goals such as curiosity can develop. Without having an environment to pursue curiosity, even that is not possible.
- Curiosity is how goals develop. For example, I developed the goal of attempting to understand the algorithm that human beings run on because I was naturally inclined to see an explanation given my unbiased exposure to the world, instead of just blindly trusting words others say.
- I would rather build my resiliency based on trust and reliance and trust as opposed to having my security and sense of comfort jeopardized. Doing this will reinforce my curiosity and love for learning in a safe environment. As constantly being exposed to a non learning environment isn't a good thing for the goal of sustaining intellectual curiosity in intellectual environments. Remember, what we consider as a source depends on how our physiological needs are tended to. For example, if we are offered food but are spanked by the only source we know that offers food conditionally, we are likely to go back to that source under the conditions of avoiding the spanking.
- In doing this, my goal setting process for controlling my impulses on sight will simply be to say: i know i have something that if worth my time in the end if I delay there impulses. By worth my time, I mean replacing it with another intellectual endeavors like reading not the thought process of "oh if I do this I might get spanked by mommy or daddy."
- To trust means to let to of control. we don't like letting go of control and rather we like optimizing our environment to suit our needs as opposed to the goal of cooperating for survival for being curious and alone. This is why we found it hard to trust people, especially different people than mommy and daddy at first, since we simply didn't know much about them, and our parents and Involuntary organs pressured and forced us to be alive in that situation with no other way out pursuing the goal of survival and forced trust to achieve that goal of survival.
- Ask yourself: what is trust? And you'll soon realize trust is highly dependent on the environment you are in right now. A tortured person will have a different example of what trust is as opposed to a non tortured person.
- Everything has to do with how your physiological needs are met. Literally, everything you experience is a part of how those needs are met, as without the environment, no needs would be met.
- Our physiological needs are met by the second by simply existing in an environment, this is why environment matters for intellectual development.
- Loyalty - how this sense is developed
- [supposed] "Unconditional" loyalty is developed stick to each other when they initially want to leave from each other and pursue other goals and that the only reason why they stick to each other is that it is the lesser of the two evils and it is the only known source of food or comfort - it's like asking a spanked child, who do you want to live with, mom who just spanked you or some stranger that you absolutely have no idea of - as at that time there was no one else to be with. This should tell you the real reason why you are living with your family is not because you find comfort and stop thinking about it, it is only because you fit your physiological needs of having food on the table, quite literally food on the table. This is why slaves would rather stick to their masters and why elephants don't run away when chained up as an an adult as they were chained up since childhood.
- This is why spanked children would rather go back to mom and dad as at the time is was the only know source of physiological comfort. Knowing this reason, you should leverage and pursue other intellectual goals and detach yourself from parents.
- Moreover, think about it like this: when you were younger and had no sentimental value to parents or really anybody, you would have chosen to live in a billionaires house who can tend to your needs much better.
- Everything can be traced back to how your needs are met and where you go from there. For example, if your parents spank you and want to run away but don't know anywhere to run away as you have been taught to be scared of exploring and parents being the only known source of food, of course, you'll stay to their conditions. This is why many rape victims go silenced as they know if they want food, they must be raped in order to acquire said food.
- Spanking causes a lack of emotional awareness - identifying why someone feels the way they feel.
- For example, you feel your life sucks because you're in a place where you can't control or change your environment around you pertaining to how your physiological needs are met. In other words, you are surrounded by many things you can't optimize in your current life. This is why teenagers and younger folks like to hang out in their own rooms as it is the only known source as to where they can customize it to their liking. Knowing this, you know spanking trains mental laziness and acknowledges that who you hang out with matters for goal-setting and pursuing and developing desires.
- If you don't like it change it - this is the opposite of what spanking teaches, spanking teaches forced trust and tolerance of things one does not like.
- Theory: all goals are derived by subconscious fear of death
- This makes sense as the bodies goal is survival
- This is an objective way to measure human behavior, in other words, to better understand human behavior, in other words, sympathy.
- I am trying to find a formula for understanding and predicting human behavior based on certain characteristics
- When you continue asking yourself: why am I even taking this seriously, you soon realize it jeopardizes some part of your basics physiological needs on Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Theory: Feelings are based on certain characteristics as opposed to the entire situation or experience
- For example, a child will be scared of something based on the fact that it is either unknown or dark, they will develop that fear
- Thinking is imagining and imagining is mentally categorizing. Is religion and acknowledging God as a category and talking to go being an act of schizophrenia is what allows us to mentally categorize? Also known as thinking behavior?
- Our current behavior is learning that what we know and pursue now depends on our awareness level of the past, this will lead our sense of curiosity and sense of doing
- Theory: some things are just mentally impossible to comprehend and think about from certain positions
- The idea of bringing of bringing possibilism into this session is fact that there is only one way to get to where you're currently at in life right now
- Feeling badness
- Comes from feeling helpless not from thinking that you did the wrong thing - because in reality, nothing is right or wrong - that is only a conditioned emotionally response and a mental categorization of abstract ideas and range of possibilities based on a characteristic of an event.
- How we change goals is based on what characteristics are considered and what we are aware of the past and how clear we see the past
- By claiming that there is no objective way to measure opinions, you are saying that there is no objective way to measure facts.
- programming feelings: being near too many people will stop intellectual development subconsciously forced to trust and become unaware of the physical surroundings.
- Subconscious learning = indirect learning
- We all have a measurable level of self control based on how our physiological needs are met. For example, if we have a good lunch, we will be willing to travel father on a vacation, however, if you are not eating right, you will be settling for the first food that you identified.
- How you live your life is important as it implies how you will raise your own child and how you wished you were raised as well.
- There is a way to teach mental skills
- Mentally how do I brush my teeth - I can comprehend how to do it, but actually doing it using motor skills is a completely other issue.
- As you learn more about the environment you're in, the less blind trust you'll have
- If feeling are involuntary, I theorize they are sourced from the bodies' involuntary response and this is what I want to decode and become aware of - I believe that becoming aware of the subconscious is becomming aware of our programming of our bodies and what we see as physically and mentally possible and impossible and how things physical affect our sense and survival without focusing on other words like ideas and moral ideas.
- Study the subconscious longer-term effects when it affects you in childhood when you are the most vulnerable
- Trust and Love - really means that I am only staying here for the food - this is the real reason why children "love" and "trust" their parents or caretakers.
- The level of unawareness you have towards the real reason of why
- Trust and positive reinforcement is what makes it worth it - end goal in mind pursue goal of curiosity
- This is why childhood parents is important as it is our first source of trust
- I can tell how a child has been abused by how long they spend in their room based on the logic of learning
- "What the body thinks" = subconscious effects
- The range of possibilities are specifically vague, for example, for example, one range may encompass all colors whilst another range adds a filter only encompassing one color.
- Resiliency will die aware in the event of aloneness
- If you like being submissive in BDSM, that means you've yet to become humbled with grappling content and don't see a way out of being submissive
- Focus on how it affects your senses. Like spanking focus on the fact that bum hitting can bring focus or attention (change in focus) to some other idea
- We are what we sense - this is why environment matters, since we are a part of the environment.
- technically, we are all studying words in action - this is why the limits of my language means the limits of my world is true
- Weather or not you eat food and how other physiological needs are met via trust depends on how you view what sources are (like home = food) and weather or not curiosity stays or goes away. Try understanding of people instead of judging like animals.
- judge people like you would judge animals
- We are what we subconsciously and consciously practice
- Acknowledge that some things are mentally impossible to perform certain mental calculations
- Define who "you" and "I" even are
- because I am a part of my environment, it is not just where my skin ends, as my skin can sense the entirety of the environment - this is called consciousness.
- Logic of learning example (thinking formula)
- What characteristics makes it equal? This means that i can have my needs met with 2000 calories met by eating junk food or healthy good they're is obviously a difference as the characteristic of calories isn't the only thing that matters also not yo mention what makes us human anyways id it DNA? If so, can a frog-like-creature with human DNA be assigned human rights?
- Instead of saying you don't like weak people day you don't like being around weak people femdom and Dominican and feminine and learn to change and learning changes minds
- Once you realize that everything is an opinion, you will understand via logic of subconsciously learning, why children are like their parents.
- Logic of learning: the way you learn ideas indirectly affects ability to learn newer ideas:
- Teaching content such as excessive submission to authority, will lead someone to dislike grappling content as it requires an anti submission to authority view based on skills to get out of certain positions and where a smaller person can beat a bigger person.
- Words and adjective like good and bad and stupid and smart are examples of words that indirectly compare using a standard
- This is what makes identifying so tricky, as by hearing and focusing on the word, a conclusion there are many background processes happening, namely, indirectly comparing actions to a standard to convince to someone to not do as otherwise mentioned.
- The real reason is you only here for the food - look at it this way, if the army had you got to San Antonio for training but the food for breakfast lunch and dinner was all the way back in little rock Arkansas, would you even bother doing the training? The body prioritizes survival - this is called subconscious thinking.
- Even if a kid so called "loved" - rather "attached" - to their abusive parents, this attachment will go away when they recognize another source of food (attached only because of physiological needs), as no more food is a breaking point that people will not tolerate anymore
- I theorize that our body has an internal clock called the feeling system - one of which all able-bodied people have - that tells them when they are deviating from the ideal lifestyle.
- For example, you're feeling sad, angry, or unjustifiably happy or aggressive towards an idea because that goal is deviating you away from the ideal lifestyle.
- On top of that, I theorize that our bodies get tired when we want to move on in life. For example, I feel tired of being with my family means I am bored of this family and want to move onto a different family.
- We only learn from experience which explains why we learn from others subconsciously
- You are what you sense, what you're sensing is only enabled by your 5 senses. Study your senses.
- Why is it acceptable what we can break things if they invade our personal space such as slapping a person but merely being in the presence of someone or something does not?
- what is so appealing? the mysteriousness?
- is this is why withholding information is so valuable like in law number 4 of the 48 laws of power, also why some folks tend to be mysterious in relationships to sustain curiosity.
- The reason why many people struggle with balancing caring with what others think and not caring at all is by their level of security being jeopardized which makes them change their intellectual goals for social ones, which leads them to subconsciously practice trains of thought that are flawed which carry over to other parts in their life (you can't teach someone to surface level understanding their whole life and then suddenly expect them to learn on an intellectual level, that's not how the brain works or learns), also recognizing that we are only here for the food.
- Voluntary is changeable variables, by who - and what are the limits of "who" "you" are? - and what does it require? What does it require to change?
- The legal definition of who you are is different than the philosophical definition of who you are - you are what you sense, meaning you are a part of your surroundings.
- Asking and answering the question of: do you control your brain or does your brain control you?
- The reason why you feel hard to move on or apply logical thinking is because you have been applying flawed thinking in your lifestyle beforehand, this is basically your brain doing what is has always been practicing.
- This is where my theory of "practicing" comes into play
- Once you understand you wouldn't want to be here anymore
- Basically, once you have satisfied your curiosity about the contents of what you're curious about, you will become bored of it. Think about it like this: would you read the same book over and over again within a timespan of a singular day every day for the rest of your life?
- This explains why I find most people boring as I truly do understand them. This is also why I tend to avoid a lot of conflicts, as I am an avoider of problems.
- We put our feelings into thoughts
- It makes no sense which is exactly why you're pursuing it to make it make sense
- making nonsense make sense is what changes your mind. It's like after knowing that what you're eating is slowly killing you, you will change your goals to not eat it.
- All impulses are sourced from childhood, an abused child will not know how to set boundaries, leading them to be abused later in life
- Magic, like the word God or Love, is used to describe what you don't understand, or care to understand, because once you understand you'll change your mind
- Adjectives are measurements
- Perspective = goal in identifying
- change the way you see it = change your perspective = change your goals
- Everything has to do with comprehension level
- It's hard because you're being subconsciously taught one thing and told to do the opposite
- Think in terms of prerequisites
- what do you beforehand in order to pursue this desire? Using common sense we can deduct that those who are in jeopardy won't develop the desire to study gymnastics
- Everything has to with comfort level - use emotional literacy to prove this. There are specific emotions, society has yet to recognize these range of emotional values though.
- Goal is pursue intellectual endeavors.
- All feelings are justified, it all depends on how you set and pursue goals with these feelings
- Theory: level of curiosity is only able to be developed whilst already having a source that one can trust - this is how you can calibrate yourself.
- It’s impossible to reach a dumb conclusion if you are given x amount of resources
- Example: it is impossible for a child to reach the conclusion of 1+1 = 2 when taught logically why 1+1 equals 2
- Understand why you're feeling what you're feeling and why, it's just how the human brain works and it's there to indicate something - for example, pain is good as it indicates us to change or move on
- Think in terms of prerequisites for intellectual desire development
- Observation: All traumas happen when you are most vulnerable (as a child)
- The purpose in life is to practically do, which can only happen via security being jeopardized?
- Think of thoughts in terms of experiences as without experiences thoughts wouldn't exist, this is why you must chance experiences thinking about the cause of a thought
- You are subconsciously looking for an explanation for your emotions to identify the real reason why you are feeling the way you're feeling to satisfy curiosity and move on
- "We are all the same" meaning it is only experience that makes us different
- The only reason why I am here is because it is the only know source of food and the only reason why I am vulnerable is because it is the only way I can get food, essentially a form of forced vulnerability since my body won't let me die (how to physically vs. mentally develop that desire to die, there is a formula to it)
- it's not like I can decide not to be hungry and tell my body physiologically what to do
- You do it because you practice it in another area of life
- "Source" pertains to how basic physiological needs are met (sustaining life - air food water, things we constantly need but don’t think about)
- The level of exploring will determine what goals are set and pursued
- confusion should motivate you to become more curious
- Feelings are subconsciously learned
- Think in terms of what are the requirements for desire? This is another question that will invoke you thinking about the past and historical events that leads to the sustaining of the present-tense.
- Think in terms of "desire" - what allows you to develop this desire? Because everything is desire. Why do you want to pursue this?
- Rationalize your desires, in other words, don't just use the logic of "I can do what I want" because that can be used to justify virtually any desire. Instead, justify why you want what it is that you want.
- Feelings are instincts that guide you into telling you what is right or wrong (no, not moral justification, I mean what makes sense for desire development)
- (theory about how feelings work:) Chances are, you know what will make you desire for certain things and what won't, it's up to you to listen to your feelings and change accordingly.
- Stop thinking of yourself as separate from the environment, you are a part of it, and you need to change environmental variables in order to change mental thoughts and goal development. This is why people think in a library and "do" on a sports field.
- This is also why I think it's smarter to prevent the development of feelings and opinions altogether. This is also why I feel tired of dealing with problems when I know how to prevent them, or, at the best, avoid them.
- "Too smart for love"
- Yes, it's possible to become too smart for love according to how the feelings system work.
- People chase feelings, this is why content creators for YouTube aim to make it the most entertaining (objective feelings here)
- "Addiction and curiosity" go hand in hand, as it is possible to become addicted to something that you will never get, once you realize this, you will change your desires to stop being curious about it and move on to other tangible endeavors.
- The reason why you are addicted is to chase something that simply does not exist or is not sustainable. These are the charstersitcs that make it addicting.
- I want to be a leader to solve my own problems, I am a business, a leader.
- Ask yourself: Why should you want this? Rationallize your desires.
- What does it mean to be mentally ready? [for marriage, for sex, for whatever]
- Desire is important especially considering what makes you happy and sad
- Proof: Have you ever met a scientist who was obsessed with religion and with religion being the thing that makes them happy? I would think not as intellectually have exquisite preferences, unlike unaware commoners who have their vulnerability level abuse and don't even know it; they have their leadership desires killed off.
- Moreover, would you trust a doctor who was a snob and liked video games geared towards children? Like playing flappy bird religiously in their free time or a doctor who reads intellectual books in their free time? I choose the latter.
- Even clearer proof: I am interested in the most athletic sports: tumbling, dancing, rock climbing, ice skating, parkour - these are intellectual endeavors as intellectuals find them fascinating due to their demand for core stability and coordination.
- This also proves why questioning desires is important as you must justify what you want all of the time or else flawed logic of whatever you want will justify it, thereby justifying laziness.
- how to mentally foster curiosity?
- A develpoed deisere to escape the matrix is based on the situation that one is allowed to experinece.
- This is why slave owners didn't want their slaves to have acceess to books as giving such access will make them more intelligent.
- Spanking
- When a child is first spanked, their goals are to move and find another place that fosters curosity as that is the variable they want changed - they want a differnet family, they don't want to trust and be vulerable again. This makes sense as it is the only varibale that can be changed to ensure a life of fostering curiousty. This is the "goal-setting-changing" process that everyone goes thru. It makes that their gaols are to move out of the house, as that is what they identified mentally (children have a vision, children put their desire into words)
- All feelings are involuntary and stem from trust and vulnerability - it's just that some feelings feel good even if involuntary and comparable to rape (ask yourself: should rape feel good or bad; why sexual arousal is not the same as consent) (by asking yourself: should you feel good doing this and trying to force yourself to feel as otherwise; ex. trying to feel bad when feeling good doing something, try it out, it's mentally impossible)
- Physiological need are our vulnerability as human beings
- Quote: "how you do the small things is how you do the big things"
- subconsciously practice - this is literally how the brain works, recognize these mental processes and know what variables to change
- i want to learn about emotional attachment and how it develpoments - most commonly known as "love" - so that I can avoid the devlepoment of love (deattachment) so that I can move on with my life and past abuse
- Yes, the goal of learning about "love" and how it is formed is so that I can prevent these feelings from forming so that I know what to avoid and avoid my past abusive household. So, I can pursue greener pastures and a better lifestyle.
- Requirements: trust beforehand allowed desired development patterns (like in order to peacefully pursue taking zyns. you must have had a challenging past with no other route or endeavors beforehand)
- This is why understanding why is important so you can formulate how you go about the problem.
- There is a clear difference between: how to physically do it v. how to mentally do it
- Understanding human desire - this is called empathy and it’s a part of taking care of the environment, not just human beings.
- Either you change or environment changes = adapt to or improve environment
- Reparenting yourself: What makes you want to adapt to this enviornment? What makes you want to be a human being?
- More on trust and vulnerability (allow control)
- Would you expect a tortured person to laugh at a funny joke? Clearly not when their security is jeopardized. This is called controlling what you feel. To control what you feel, you must control a lot of variables that are either accessible and around you. This proves my theory that finding something funny isn’t intrinsic but you are mentally humbled from beforehand. This is why skilled grapplers like seeing women succeed and become dominant, not submissive and only used for sex and children bearing.
- Would you expect a tortured kid to want to go on vacation and plan it out? no ofc not, they're not in the right state of mind. This is what I mean by physiological prerequisites.
- Similar ideas with: would you expect a kid without education to do well in a skilled labor environment? No. This is why prerequisites matter.
- Theory: Everything has to do with what you think the purpose in life is
- What you think your purpose in life is exactly how you will formulate your goals
- All fears stem from the fear of death - this is objectvely measurable and it is what is subcosncsuily calcualed
- I say subconsciosuly because regardless of wathor or not you believe this is how you work as a human being, it's a fact. Quote: The good thing about science is that it's true weathor you believe in it or not.
- impluses are just the subconsciously curious part of your brain
- doing out of spite or doing out of curiousity
- Identifying something as funny and humor requires vulnerability
- Would you think of a tortured or poor person who is currently hungry to be finding a joke "funny" or not?
- Sexual desires development
- Very similar to jealousy. Developed via tolerating the presence of pretty women whilst having a mother like figure as a mother showcasing subconsciously what it means to be feminine creating an involuntary sexual feelings.
- idenitfy conditions we are controlled by enviornment
- Identify how fears and opinions develop to avoid developing them
- What I learned is that if you're not willing to feel scared, you can't feel happy.
- feeling to adjective to evaluation
- certain evaluations and conclusions are made out of emotional goal develop. For example, after spanked a child looks for a new family but due to it not being accessiable, they fold and change their goals to compromise. The same logic happens with torture.
- No one lives life asking: "how to be scared of something"
- Trust means to change your goals to give up control
- This is more clear in dominant and submision relationships as outlined in BDSM
- Feelings are our 6th sense, in other words, our intuition
- Subconscious = unknown unaware control
- If it’s hard you’re doing it wrong, prevent it.
- Become aware of your emotions (meaning why you feel the way you feel - mental framework)
- All behaviors have a hint of curiosity attached to them.
- After spanking and other forms of torture, you have no other choice but to be strong - because that is what the body is subconsciously thinking
- hope for a better life = vision = what i want (desire for), realistic desire
- Most people are still going in the process of learning to love reading allowing desire to develop = fostering desire; liking mediocore sports is a sign of going thru that process of healing
- All tolerance is physiological, so compare ideas yuou are following with the goal of explaining the current present tense
- listen to your feelings and intuition, your gut is right, recognize that the only way to make decisions is to be emotional and then relatively calm to makea decision from it. And sometimes, emotional decisions are justified.
- Once I started making decision, I realize how much of it actually depends on emotions and feeling.
- Feelings are developed via exposure to that stimuli
- later or not logic of learning procastinating in one area of life will lead to procasting in another area of life
- This is why I am anti-spanking as it teaches procastination towards goal of curiosity. I want to teach my child to set priorities and clear goals.
- Understanding the source of your thoughts - formulation of thoughts - will help you idenitfy the root cause and address it to improve your life instead of constnatly dealing with issues again.
- Subconscious awareness
- identify the conditions behind thinking, focusing.
- The body prioritizes survival, this is what forces you to think and feel certain thoughts
- If you understand then you won't judge, it is mentally impossible to judge when you actually understand someone.
- Your boundaries are set in childhood by parents, abused children have a messed up sense of boundaries, everything else you do in life is set by your boundaries as that is how your thoughts are formulated, this is why I understand that in order to change the formnulation of these thoughts, you must recreate your childhood, reparent yourself, restructure your daily routine as all other thoughts are sourced from how easily your basic physiulogicl necessties (food, water, shelter) are met.
- Develop the resiliency towards the original goal of pursuing curiosity
- Intuition Theory
- feelings matter because intution matter
- This is why I claim that those who claim to be religious on moral ground don't even believe themselves, I believe morality to be a failed theory, proving itself to be an untrue theory over and over again, proof is all over us given the number of pedo priests and murders occuring amonst the human species proving not everyone can comprehend religious ideals,
- The initial reaction is the most truest form of reaction, all other reactions can be seen of as routes of reaction
- Example: spanking as a child causes more implusive and clumsiness-like behavior as an adult
- Theory of everyone:
- everyone is convinced the same way
- Understanding the mental implications of your actions is hard for some people as it requires empathy - understanding of people and how they work, mentally
- Staying calm in a stressful enviornment requires resilinecy
- Your body knows intrinsically know what variable to change, however, it is up to you to put your feelings into words
- Theory of comfort level
- Everything has to do with comfort? Are you comfortable enough to put your legs up on the couch and spontaneously look at the refrigerator in your friends' house?
- Self control isn't really self-control is it moral support from home.
- Longer term feelings are sourced daily routine at home
- Everything is about learning motor skills, yes, even so called "moral" justifications and ideals that do not accurately describe how our experiences affect our senses.
- Mentally identifying goal that is to be achieved is litearlly called a vision
- Study the behavior of children to learn more about yourself
- People only make a decision if it’s the only option
Provoking Questions:
- What is my brain (involuntarily) doing?
- What is it that you’re trying to identify? Wouldn’t it make sense once you identified it?
- clarify your goals, identify your goals,
- What are some questions that only you can answer for yourself?
- What is the goal is to sustain the present tense? Why set and pursue these goals? What does it really mean? What makes someone develop the desire to sustain this?
- What is your body looking for? Subconsciously? Identify the limits of the variable that you are looking for. Explore then set and pursue goals.
- What you are subconsciously looking for - this is what you should chase. This is how you should live your life. This is how you should love. Don’t listen to middle class people, listen to the billionaires.
- being social makes you stupid
- Think about it: Socializing is a part of life where people are allowed to feel good doing. However, we don't allow people to develop a similar feeling for things like stealing or murdeing others.
- does it make sense to develop this desire?
- Justify why you feel good doing what you are doing?
- For example, does it make sense that a tortured person when seeing rescures makes them happy? Yes, as it tends to their desires of living a safety life. However there are instances where this is not the case as seen with stockholm syndrome.
- All decisions are based on feelings.
- There is a quote that goes: "never make a decision when you are sad or happy or excited"
- What makes you curious/interested/[insert feeling here]?
- What thoughts are you mentally allowed to formulate?
- Think of in terms like this: thus event/experience will cause this, think like a leader, think in terms of practical psychology (words like incentive, jeopardizing security, moving physiological need), subconsciously practice)
- Emotions can be justified and logical. Emotions control behavior.
- Retrace your steps: Where you are currently depends on the emotions you experienced beforehand
- Love is just being unaware of the real reason why
- Defining love - because clearly "rape" isn't "love"
- The why behind our actions is the rationality of human behavior. For example, morality does not work as some people can think it’s wrong but still do it but what makes them do it? I know it has something to do with the past history (maybe impulses childhood)
- we all had it right as a kid, our instincts were right.
- literacy matters - both emotional and physical
- words indirectly describe goal-setting process, this is why internal monologue is important as conservative thoughts tend to create self-destructive thoughts and goals
- identify what something is funny what characteristics
- Just because I identify it as immoral does not mean i won't do it - this means there is something, some form of attachment that prevents us from performing perceived "unjustified" actions.
- feelings are unspoken communication
- describe yourself feelings with feeling
- I can tell by how much a person is externally controlled, mentally disciplined and humbled by what they laugh at.
- The more they laugh, the more involuntary (control) they are giving up - in other words: involuntary laughter
- everything affects physiological needs (ex. sleep)
- identify conditions
- The real reason why a tortured person stays at the torture site is because I can't find accessibility
- Human sense too many obstacles leads to adaptation (one cannot have friend without succumbing to peer pressure) show are you supposed to move on without feelings uncomfortable first
- Formulating thoughts algorithm (become curious of how emotions develop, study own experience, observing variables changed); why is it that you won't even think of killing someone else no a regular basis, why set and change mental goals as such
- too smart to be a cop
- So why bother? The argument goes that police work can inherently be boring and repetitive. A person who is highly intelligent will probably get bored, and look for a new job. When this happens, the department has to recruit and train a replacement, which takes time and money. They figured it was better to just hire average - intelligence applicants who were less likely to become bored and dissatisfied.
- [source:]
- Boredom comes after exploring all of the possible endeavors and putting into formula.
- When people say a goal-oriented vague word like "stop" or "go" - obviously the motor skills are present as one can easily stop and go (ex. stopping at a red light), however, what does it mean to mentally stop? Similarly you can't just tell an addicted person to stop using nicotine as that does not work as the process of "stopping" involves much more than merely saying "stop" - it requires a careful set of patterned actions for withdrawal process.
- I want to what know what makes someone want to change their goals after being instructed to mentally and physically stop and go do something - how are desries manipulated as such? In other words, I want to know why authority works.
- explain how goals change - How do goals change?
- what are you *subconsciously* looking for?
- requires trust - what does this goal require
- Implications of submissive desire
- Recognzing that your past does define is the first step to rewriting your life as without learning the effets your past have on your current moment will mean you make the same mistakes over and over again.
- you are your past
- Why is that? Because you ARE your past. Every step you took, every decision you made, everything that you did is the reason why you are where you are right now. A person with childhood trauma will have to go to therapy today. A person who got bit by a dog 10 years ago is still scared of them. You get what I mean. People who use this statement are very likely just really insecure and embarrassed about something they did and use this statement to cope. Acknowledge that your past matters and learn from it and stop running away.
- What "signals" someone to want to move onto a different home and what stops them from doing so? (balancing two desires)
- How are you supposed to develop a love for something if you aren't exposed to it or know it exists?
- Mental readiness: Are you ready to pursue intellectua endeavours and listen to Andrew Huberman?
- how would you react encourages you to think how should you react?
- After a spanking, what mental varible is changed to make someone feel a certain way being compelled to do a particular action?
- What does your body think?
De-mystifying "Love"
- How should you feel if you are raped, what variable should change if this happened?
- Can a person be raped out of “love” since people don’t want to define what love is, I want to showcase there are clear, definite, boundaries on what can be considered “love” and “attachment”
- My body forces me to be alive and the only known source of food is at home where I am abused. This is what keeps abused people at home, without knowing this and what variables of change (source of food), abused people cannot leave. This is the situation I am in.
- Would you bring a tortured person to a religious person or a mental health professional? I choose the mental health professional.
- How does this affect your senses?
- Exploring feelings
I know these aren't words to describe specifically how one feels, but i want a general formula of how these feelings work so that I can unjustified spanking by applying the same logic to other areas of learning in life.
The purpose of this post is to identify the limits where feelings start and developing how specifically thing affect our mental health. I know mental health a vague term without much definition, however, i believe in objective definitions to how all of us able-bodied human beings work. The purpose of this is to identify the cause of thoughts, how we identify certain thoughts, if we are doomed to identify certain thoughts and more.
Just because "everyone works differently" does not mean that we are all different in programming how we learn - we all learn the same way if we are able-bodied. For example, we all know that if a person is stabbed in the heart, they die - therefore, we are all similar with different personalities.
As I am documenting the observations of behavior, I want myself to observe how these words represent the mental thought process limitation and how it affects one's feelings.
psychology of scientists
psychology is the study of how goals develop and the program that we run on
avoiding bad feelings interpretation goal setting examples
maintain homeostasis means present tense is the problem
limit on learning and curiosity
curiosity level objective measurement
teaching opinions vs teaching facts
example: abortion and death penalty both kill human beings
algorithms theorize of the brain we all learn the same too close to people = more trust, spanking can lead to confusion as to what the purpose of being here is since all goals develop from what you think the purpose in life is - I am objectively explaining how the brain works and how we set and pursue goals.
How do you know when to be resilient and when not to? This is decided in childhood.
How childhood affects adulthood - this is my theory on every complicated issue can be solved by going back to the basics. This is why you build house on rock not sand, similar to physiological needs.
focus on words words are categorization affecting sense level
how senses affect survival on a physiological level- intellectual desire development
thinking patterns, theoritical thinking, focusing on specifically vague scenarios encompassing many possibilities including a lack of understanding human behavior as a part of nature
If the only thing we interpreted was curiosity and as is- for example, when being spanked, you are often scolded whilst doing so shifting focus onto what you are being spanked for instead of understanding the complex causes of behavior and treating yourself like a rock - understanding the implications of the existence of the rock considering it's past - understanding cause and effect - instead of judging it and moving along prioritizing a goal. Logically, depending on a spanking reduces creativity sectors in the brain during public time, which is a good thing for the goal of cooperation, however, too much, deactivation can lead to developing feelings like fetishes, this is the desire I am trying to study. If you are not able to prioritize then the goal you are setting is simply not worth enough to you and therefore not jeopardizing enough security or intellectual development.
I want to understand where all feelings and emotions are sourced and map out an algorithm for it - this is computational neuroscience. In other words, I want to put into words, how our subconscious mind works. To do this, I will study religion, not take it seriously, but study it. There is a difference.
Focus on the goal in the presence of obstacles is called resiliency, for this, the goal must be worth it. Mentally using it as an obstacle is implied that your goal is to be curious and focusing on another goal - this is a perspective.
Curiosity is how goals develop. For example, I developed the goal of attempting to understand the algorithm that human beings run on because I was naturally inclined to see an explanation, instead of just blindly trusting words others say.
Those who claim that spanking doesn't affect other areas of life like intellectual development are the same ones who think rape doesn't, or at least, shouldn't affect ones ability to go to work the next day, or the fact that the person may have flashbacks the next day.
Spanking does not clearly teach the child how to change goals, as that is essentially what is actually being taught, not but explained. moreover, what is really being taught is being taught to force to trust (subconsciously trust; subconsciously means to not be aware of the physical effects, in other words to focus on a goal and become resilient to a degree) others - this is the formula that I was looking for.
Specifically what you sense in the current moment cooperation in the presence of others focus on what you control behavior
There are so many people who want to change without first understanding how things work - yes, you can change the environment, change all of the impulses you are at right now. Impulses can cause
I am very interested in studying human stupidity - this is why I like studying religion - in other words, learning from religion of how people learn and what exactly what I want to do - explain to laymen in laymen's terms (like trust) to convince them to change their mind and get our of their crappy situation. Convincing a conservative to become a liberal would be my greatest achievement.
How to learn is how to think - to learn how to think, you must learn how to learn. You must learn how human behavior works.
To learn is to learn how, not to learn what - as the what is always derived from the how
I want to study why pointing a weapon at someone makes them scared, it is because they are naturally scared for life, instinctual?
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