The Science of Persuasion/Convincing - how we change our goals and minds
The Science of Persuasion/Convincing - how we change our goals and minds
Here I will detail the methods of persuasion used to get people to change the way they identify facts and set goals.
Goal: study how we change goals; I know there is a limit to this because we obviously don't use methods such as pointing a gun to someone's face to change their mind.
Be aware of how your mind can be changed - means to be aware of your limitations
my perspective on having a perspective
Explaining mental processes, such as process of persuasion and mental variables like trust involved and how we changed goals as a child from being curious to being self-control and controlling curious impulses.
You can't change someone's mind without understanding their behavior first.
I am recognizing persuasion skills so I can use it to get what I want in life - by knowing how people operate, I can leverage this knowledge and pursue my goals easier.
prioritize goal, focus goal is to study science, mentally categorize senses, how things should be mentally how does it work
To learn the art of changing my own mind, mindset, mood, desires
This is the study of goals change
can't manipulate a person who knows how they're being convinced
Before you try to convince others, you must understand how they work, in order to understand how others work, you must understand how you work.
Convince yourself that your goal is worth it using how the brain is persuaded.
- Ethos, Pathos, Logos
- knowing why will change your mind
- For example, if you know why a robber stole your car, you might feel more sympathetic towards them
- Different reasons make for different judgment of opinion and justifications
- Maybe the robber was feeling overwhelmed at the presence of so many people - they weren't conditioned to be calm in public at the presence of many stimuli
- I say this because the more you understand how some system works, the more you will understand why your goals should change accordingly.
- For example, when you are curious you learn about how the system works - let's say you have a green button and a red button you press the green button and it gives you money and press the red button and it gives you more money, however, when you press the green button 2ce in a row fastly it gives you triple the amount of money and if you press the red button too many times it actual takes away your money. Without exploring the different sequences of how things work, one wouldn't be able to learn that green gives more money if the effort is put in depending on the goal and it's level of resiliency involved - what if the person had a broken arm and couldn't press a button a multitude of times and rather only once, in that case for the goal of acquiring the most money it would make sense to press the green button only once.
- The science of how you were persuaded to change goals throughout your lifetime isn't an opinion and subjective - sure you can choose to view or not to view it based on awareness it's dependent on somethign (refer to Maslow's hierarchy of needs) - it's a objective fact about the thought processes you were thinking and pursuing goals.
- We all smile in the same language
- This just highlights some of the commonalities amongst us human beings, indicating that there is a tolerable limit within the medium of communication we pursue.
- I say everything is perspective, including viewing factual information - how we use factual information to set and pursue goals is an opinion
- When we are young, we are taught opinions and thought processes of looking at situations as not life or death - like when your mother leaves you at daycare, as a child you might think that is danger and start crying for self-defense.
- There is an objective way to measure goals
- The most blatant example is this: From childhood curiosity to suicidal person, people don't just want to commit suicide out of nowhere. It takes an objective understanding of their thought process, trust levels, changing goals, life situation, etc.
- The science of interpretation is the science of thought processes which is the science of mentally considering and concluding which is the science of words and how they can be used as adjectives to describe the mental processes.
- There is a limit on interpretation and setting goals what if arm chopped off can i run around in pain? what about if someone slapped me - am i allowed to run around in pain and (over) react by yelling (this is a child's initial reaction, but we build tolerance and resiliency during childhood) based on awareness.
- Without knowing why, mentally, how can you address the issue?
- Also how do you know that others will act the same as you? Is it level of trust? Assumption? Feelings? Intuition?
- If [insert convincing method] then you don't have strong arguments (compared to what)
- For example, if a picture of a human baby convinces you to be unconditionally pro-life and anti-abortion, would a picture of an animal baby convince you to be unconditionally pro-life for that particular animal? Better yet, if frogs had human dna would that be considered enough to convince you?
- "persuasion if that [insert persuasion method - ethos, pathos, logos] persuaded you, you don't know what persuaded you"
- "Persuasion if that persuaded you, you don't know what persuaded you" means that if something successfully influenced your decision or opinion, but you can't pinpoint exactly why or how it did so, then the persuasion was likely very subtle or subconscious, working on you without your full awareness.
- "If this changes your mind then you're not being justified or resilient in reasoning" as the goal is to understand not to develop an opinion.
- this is the fact about persuasion skills to focus on why you are being persuaded because I believe everyone can be persuaded using the same tactics as long as they're reasonable comprehensive human beings.
- For example, you can persuade an adult to do something by pointing a gun at their face, but you can't do that to a baby since a baby literally cannot comprehend what a gun even is.
- moreover, this is why making someone intrinsically feel bad just does not work longer-term as it does not help the person understand what they need to change - after all, to learn means to change, in most cases, it can mean to change your tolerance level or to change your level of self-control.
- Turning point = change goals or change plan
- This would have been much better in learning social goals and how to balance social goals, respecting the presence of people within your sense, etc.
- How to teach - it is not magic or free will, there are indeed mental variables that need to be changed and we need to focus on how to change instead of making people judge their past actions instead of actually understanding why.
- This is why I am against spanking and seeing thing as good or bad, rather I see things as how do they work and what should our next goal be?
- How do you know when something is a distraction or a time to change your goals
- Asking the right questions: how do you get people to change theor programming? their priorities? their goals?
- To learn means to change
- The logic of learning
- Feelings are good as they are an indication something is not perfect.
- Just like in the same way you feel angry whenever you hear talking noises from others when you mastrubate and it turns you off, the feeling of anger needs to be used productively to find another place to mastrubate and keep your goal of a suitable quiet place to mastrubate instead of lowering your standards.
- What should the goal of education be?
- not to teach opinions, but to teach facts.
- How to get someone to change goals - by realizing there is an objective way that the mind works and we need to tap into that
- What specifically are you unaware of that makes you come to this conclusion? How do i change your mind as a psychologist and car salesmen this is what I want to know.
- Ask yourself: Is this a justified feeling? should you feel this way?
- I say this because you can't just have feelings towards everything, for example, you can't just feel scared of the wind whenever it strikes for no reason, or you can, but, it would be considered justifiably irrational and in need of change or desensitization.
- How is someone reacting to vs. how should someone react to?
- When dealing with snarky comments such as "Go learn to cook" in response to a woman doing something very skilled, you should see it as a reflection of them: See it as such: "I want you to change your goals to cooking for the reason being my feelings can't take the presence of you bein successful as it is a central idea to my fragile masculinity"
- instead of intellectualism, conservatives teach their children strong opinions instead of learning the facts first, as learning the facts first will prevent someone from having an opinion to begin with - understanding leads to less biases.
- learn these feelings instead of learning to be at peace with the facts. This is because by intellectually learning something, you are indirectly learning the attitude of how to learn. This is called the hidden learning process, what you are not aware of the changes that are happening to you.
- Thinking formula
- The learning logic used to derive thoughts and conclusions
- How did you learn this [ex. how did you learn not to "steal" and have a measurable amount of self-control?]
- Once you learn that the goal of children is to be curious, you will want to expose them to an environment that can foster this curiosity.
- Acknowledging mental effects takes sympathy
- When you say "it's good" you're really saying "I feel good" -you're describing your feelings towards it, not their feelings towards it.
- Confusion is what allows a person to be easily convinced
- Convincing is learning
- logic of learning from being hit on the bum means that you are interpreting intention not actual physical action that happened, is it a valid form of learning and jeopardizing security? Is it sustainable practice and logic of learning to do something? Only here for the food? Focus on the spanking or the ideas shared via trust level in environment.
- Once you identify why you were really spanked and why it really worked, you will become unconvinced.
- Limits of interpreting as a "reminder" What about spanking (range of values) makes it specifically interpretable as a mere "reminder"
- What spanking actually means: the other persons' feelings are hurt - the way the other person feels about it? Why should you care? because it jeopardizes your sense of security.
- Science of doing and pursuing goals other than studying
- think like a kid: they want to learn more about how things physically work, rather we force them to subconsciously think as otherwise
- learning formula: to learn means to learn how to learn what you are wanting to learn (for example, learning how to tie shoes instead of what to tie does - that doesn't even make any sense does it?) this means to learn how to learn you must question the mental and physical processes
- Human calibration is as clear as day when you understand that everything starts from morning routine
- In order to desire to workout, you must have prerequisite desires tended to, the most obvious one is nutritional needs, without this, the mind can't prioritize addressing intellectual desires like exercise
- This is why I claim that how well one addresses the basics physiological needs will determine the rest of their day. Like how are you supposed to do well in school when you are starving, or how are you supposed to do well at school if you have a hostile work environment at home?
- Similarly: mentally effect - how small things affect longer term subconscious decisions this is why everything affects everything, like watching childhood videos don’t develop desire to pursue grappling
- Likewise, on can't do well in school without a bad home for specific people, for a lot of people. Some people can because they are just built differently with a different brain, like how Einstein was smart because he literally had a different brain - sized larger than common man brains.
- Love is a euphemism for trust which is a euphemism for being unaware of the real reason why and focusing in ideas like unconditional...
- I don't believe in love because I studied human behavior and thinking patterns by exploring the limits of the human beings both intellectually and physically
- Specific experiences matter because who you allow to control your limbs
- This is why specifics matter as to who you trust and who you hang out with
- Learn this and you won't want to be middle class anti-intellectual anymore. Stop those involuntary feelings from controlling you.
- Feelings always make sense and justified, if not, then it's your problem for not interpreting properly
- To understand someone you must understand their experience, this is what you must be looking for. You must attempt to recreate that environment that generated such a thought
- In doing so, you will realize the cause stems from deeper rooted experiences and always a measurable amount of trust
- Theory: can't reach a wrong conclusion if you actually try to think, this proves that we all work the same way
- Difference between consent vs. "make them want"
- For example, consent may be given out of voluntariness whereas another form of consent is also voluntary, but may come with some form of coercion such as if you don't do this I will kill you. Technically, you still want to do what they're telling you to do only because you trust that they will jeopardize your sense of security and only being here for the food.
- Your perspective on things depends on how you treat people/things
- For example, if your perspective on children is that they're bad, then you willing fully show that you are ignorant as to their behavior and what is allowing them to perform such actions.
- Respecting idiots having kids is like respecting the fact that robbers are robbing a store as a right or a pedophile raping a kid - point is don’t respect - tolerate the presence of - stupid things.
- This is also why environment matters
- This is called tolerance of intolerance - tolerance paradox
- This is why I theorize that: those who use spanking to convince others simply lack the understanding of how people work (salesmen training)
- those who believe in spanking are less likely to avoid problems as they use a flawed logic of learning.
- logic of learning: setting and pursuing goals by avoiding bad situations (not by impulse but by safe playing area)
- Identifying what is "subconscious learning" and examples of it:
- subconscious learning includes feelings, unspoken communication, etc.
- once you know why you'll change your mind - that's how persuasion works
- People change their mind when they see something better that is also practically achievable. I don’t mean just evaluating what is better theoretically, but practically given an opportunity and seeing a plan.
- if you knew that something would make you more stupid doing it would you do it?
- Asking an abused kid to move on is like asking a person who has been tortured why are you choosing to sleep (at the torture site) here because it's accessible and only known source of food water and shelter, lol - only know source of trust
- Why do you think prisons are built in isolation?
- Think like a leader.
- How it "insert reasoning here" supposed to change your mind?
- if tortured people weren't tortured thye would feel happier, like yeah obviouslty, but how do you mentally want to pursue that (what is convinving about this)?
- Understand that pursuing some social goals are simply impossible adn you should stop trying. This is why before pursuing somethijng you must evaluate if it's possible or not.
- Like trying to convince a conservative, in order to convince them, they must go to school.
- how you do the small things is how you do the big things
- Ask yourself: what variable does this question answer
- Observe your natural reaction with no putting on guard or not being vulnerable. Observe the feelings it creates, then go about understanding why behind the feelings.
- "can be bribed with candy"
- appeals to 5 senses - food
- The underlying reason for all goals set and pursued is survival - would we pursue something knowingly it would cause death?
- stop having hope for the emotionally impossible
- example: running away from your problems is a race you will NEVER win (know that is it impossible to change your mind - just like you know that it is impossible for the human body to survive a jump off the grand canyon due, same thing with all other areas of life - you don't need to be a scientist to figure this out.)
- Understand the relationship between physiological needs and feelings development
- This is why people are able to be bribed with candy and other things that appeal to the human specific senses.
Thought-Provoking Questions:
- Who to trust? What should be next goal be?
- Who to trust on guidance on how to live life? Curiosity?
- Instead of what do you want, what should you want? How should you react? What should the goal be? What are your limitations?
- How should you live your life?
- Should you kill someone?
- Should you pursue education?
- How should you learn language?
- Do animals have morals?
- Why is it convincing?
- Think of everything as a mental route
- The logic of you being persuaded is the same way you will subconscious be persuaded by other things- it makes sense as the way you practice convincing someone is the same way you will be convinced and vice versa
- Everything is identifying process: if not there would be no feeling of fear when being chased by a lion, no feeling of closeness when being spanked bare bottomed, no feeling of anything leading to no motivation. Feelings do matter and do indeed say somethin!
- Does it make sense to be convinced by violence?
- When convincing someone ask yourself: What exactly are you trying to change? Their attitude? Their way of thinking? Their feelings? And before you even consider doing so apply the thought process of evaluating weather or not they can even comprehend if - meaning don't waste time explaining calculus concepts to a person who doesn't even know algebra. And before you go about convincing them, make sure you first understand how their attitude works - as in how things like attitude are developed to begin with especially measuing in relation to childhood development.
- Vulnerability in the wrong areas will lead to disappointment this is why i learned to not be vulnerable, but this is also why i am not open to exploring which makes me stuck in life
- How does one learn to have feelings?
- How does one learn to be straight?
- What if you knew everything? Would you even want to pursue anything?
- What makes something (mentally) justifiable?
- A: My vision of having a developed desire in another more comforting environment and my instinct. This is why I want to leave as it's my bodies' way of telling me (guiding me) that I can do better, our instincts and subconscious desires guide our every actions, it's all about being aware of the cause of the and thoughts and avoiding it.
- understanding why feelings change to prevent manipulation
- Formulating thoughts curiosity
- Why is it that you want to change? Identify this variable and change it
- ethos pathos logos thinking criteria, developing desire, environmental encouragement,. practical value mental variables, make sure we are on the same page, education and crime level, education as crime prevention, god made me do it is a symbolic way of explaining, objectively explaining confusion, voluntary feelings, put a word on it, forced to live by involuntary organs, we are controlled by our brain - "we" are the brain - which is there by controlled by environment proving we are not in (complete) control of ourselves (control is either complete or not), mentally use for practical purposes, how what we senses affect our goal for survival, categorizing vague abstract ideas, emphasizing characteristics, trust environment, justification, self-control, goal setting process, goal, environment, situational need, deciding factors, change mind, identifying process, factor and criteria, mental variables, deciding what you want, objectively thinking, allow yourself to think about (after physical exposure), allow desires to develop, understanding human desire, formula, morality is mentally lazy without actually understanding why, communication with the environment, thoughts affect feelings, feelings affect thoughts, feeling is a sensation and is an emotion, the science of convincing, to learn is to change, persuasion techniques, subconscious practice, science of doing, what is mentally going on, explain the mental effects, unspoken communication, intrusive thoughts, all feelings are sourced from trust being broken, learning process, how to learn, comprehension process, evaluation process, why goal = how to use, mentally effect or affect, involuntary feelings, symbolism, trust, practice curiosity, sign of abuse, lesser of the two evils, see multiple emotional routes and know what is possible and impossible to sustain curiosity, question feelings and why feeling that way because feelings are always justified, think like einstien, treat it as a leadership decisions, idenitfy a better practical psosible route to pursue, emotions of a kid, kid as a scientist, justified emotion, study your own life, organize lifestyle,
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