Measuring the thought process behind the conclusion: morally right and wrong (opinion)

 Measuring the thought process behind the conclusion: morally right and wrong (opinion)

Purpose in explanation:

    The reason why someone decides to pursue something is complicated, it can't be explained in 1 or 2 words. If you are expecting a 1 or 2 worded or sentenced offer, then you are seeking a pre-conditioned goal of not pursuing understanding but just judging based on some set of criteria, which is fine, however, if you truly wanted to solve your problems, you'd look deeper into why you're performing certain actions.

    We all have mental process, it's just that in order to take things seriously, you need to stop considering stupid things "normal" and being conditioned to it.

    The purpose is  this to explain the rather complicated thought process behind mental symbolism and categorization and consideration of criteria.

    Think of those that cannot comprehend complex thinking a part of the people from the dark ages or intellectually disabled autistic people - in other words, they are simply not like you even though they might be considered human beings, but even a dumbass with no limbs is also a human being, human being can also encompass human filth and mistakes that need humbling and thereby shouldn't have been created

    Reviewing how we set and pursue goals made me learn that a lot of the problems we have in our adult life can be sourced from how we were treated as a child and what we directly and indirectly learned as a child. Moreover, it also helps learning the fact that a lot of our problems can be mirrored from simpler problems - like learning to control impulses from simpler situations to complex situations.

    The more I study my own childhood, I can identify the discrepancies I have in my current life that I can use to set and pursue more intellectual goals.

Measurement of mental variables:

  • Recognition of certain characteristics (consideration of characteristics, evaluation of factual information from a theoritical event based on emphasized characterlike for a pre-determined goal), setting the goal of mentally using them as an obstacle by focusing on priority goal, avoiding them and moving on.
    • Recognize that the word "recognize" and "consider" indicate mental actions? Recognition and learning from past experiences is a mental process. This is basic psychology vocabulary. This is how you explain to someone your own thought process and conclusion, not just identifying and concluding something as right and wrong.
    • This is just the basics of learning how to learn with words. Think of going back to pre-school before you learned to change and focus on different goals other than unbiased learning. People who haven't been taught this, do not understand what it means to "think" and "reason."
    • Understanding how we share and change goals and change our mind, based on the limits of our feelings and how things affect our senses and need for survival.
  • Recognize that right and wrong are opinions and the setting and pursuing the goals of identifying characteristics and mentally categorizing it based on a specific goal and using it to pursue another goal.
    • These are the mental processes occurring within your brain - use psychology to your advantage.
  • Yes, even self-defense a perspective
    • one might consider entering property as reasonable self-defense whereas another might consider that even if that were to happen unless somethign were to happen to to one's own body, then only is it self defense, others many consider property as a part of their body, etc.
  • I want to teach my children to use the public by focusing on their longer-term goals and avoiding things that don't achieve their goals, it's that simple.
    • I don't want to teach them morality in the sense that their purpose in life isn't to admire others
  • Goal: human cooperation
  • Moral comprehension
  • When you say don't kill, there are many ways to not to pursue that one of which is to prevent killing via cooperation education during childhood and the other is to look at those that are attempting to kill and stopping them via non lethal restraints.
  • When you do car sales and car buying, you know that there are multiple factors that go into the decision making process
  • Morality takes focusing on a goal
    • distract focus
  • Why does morality not apply to animals and bacterial cells - theoretically speaking if we were to come across another species that looked just like us but didn't have our specific human DNA on a microscopic level, would we not grant them rights?
  • If rather teach my kid to focus on a goal and build resiliency based on the fact that reaching that goal is worth it regardless of the obstacles faced. The goal isn't to unconditionally follow right and wrong but rather to pursue what you are there for in public. For example, when you are in public you will go with the intention of purchasing some goods, so, from there, develop the mental skills of purchasing goods and pursue it as being curious in a grocery store is not the most appropriate time to do so as our purpose is to feed ourselves and the store store is the only reasonable proximal source nearby.
  • Instead of morality, I would want my kid to learn the following values: focus on goal, building resiliency, avoiding distractions, measuring acceptable distractions, knowing what to avoid, cooperation, trust
  • There is an objective right and wrong because its a fact that I am trusting you, it's a fact about my feelings and thought process in the current moment
    • Subjective means it's a fact that it differs from person to person, it's a fact about a feeling.
  • Describing something as good or bad does not describe what the event actually is - being good or bad - it just describes how you feel about the event. You are merely putting your feelings into words.
    • Same thing with any other adjective, adjectives are meant to describe how one directly feels via verbatim. Grant it, feelings are complicated, and we don't have enough words to describe the complicated feelings we get, however, we can increase our emotional literacy by observing our own behavior even in times of emergency.
      • In social events, I theorize that we are constantly reacting by the millisecond to maintain homeostasis within the social setting. This means suppressing all inappropriate thoughts and feeling.
  • Instead of morality, I will teach my children to prioritize goal setting
    • This is literally how we set pursue and achieve goals - in other words, this is how human beings work. Instead of hyper-fixating on what is good or bad, I'd rather focus in practical, tangible goals to fill my time.
  • I will also teach my children that nothing is intrinsically good or bad because those are just adjectives to describe how you feel towards a particular idea
    • For example, when I say eating ice cream is good, it is not saying the ice cream itself is good, it is rather describing the variable of my feelings, basically saying, "the way I feel about consuming this ice cream (makes me) feel good." instead of framing your (moral) opinions in a factual context. Don't allow yourself to be easily manipulated with this flawed logic.
      • Sure, from here there can be justifications and un-justifications
    • What does good and bad? It describes your (the person who is expressing the words via verbatim) attitude towards a set of ideas and goals
      • For example, i can think something is bad or wrong and still do it, this is why good and bad represents the action of a feeling, not weather or not something is actually good or bad
      • Another way of thinking about it is such: I feel bad doing this, instead of saying this is bad, whereas saying this is bad puts it in an assumed objective light where people are justifiably offended if they don't agree or even if they agree
  • I will also teach my children to be aware of non verbal communication and using their sense to be aware of their environment - although this is naturally happening within children
  • it is pretty clear that focusing on the theoritical idea and goal of being good unconditionally does not work - that has been proven in history many times.
    • Thoughts can be immoral too, as that is considered a part of physical behavior and is therefore predictable thoughts.
  • specifically vague measurable amount of self control
  • define learn
  • define indoctrination
  • awareness
  • the science of maintaining homeostasis
    • the science of the complexity of the present-tense
  • bad feeling is not productive, that feeling indicates you require disapproval from others, whereas identifying mental variables of why does not.
  • Calling someone names - including good and bad feelings (is just as bad as calling someone a meany, they both use the same logic of judging) - is an indication you don't care to empathize with them, which is a lack of understanding on your part, which you should be careful of. There is really no such thing as justified "judgement" - only judgement people make when their security is at risk.'
    • This is why people ask: "Who hurt you?" in response to someone calling them names.
    • it does not affect everyone in the same way mentally what goals should be set and pursued. For example, someone may thing going up and going to the  fridge to get a soda is too much work because they are tired or they have learned someone else will do it for them.
  • The goal should not be to make someone feel bad (causing a feeling), but rather to identify the variable at faulty which is the present tense, you need to change entire schedule and limitations and not put as many exceptions for conditions as otherwise mentioned. Create a new normal. Create a schedule and stick to it. Think higher thoughts, spend more time elsewhere.
  • The goal is to identify the correlation of behavior to thoughts
    • This is how one unrelated action can affect mental health in other areas of life - this is called science of how the brain works and thereby proves free will is unreal
  • There is an objectively measurable limit to self control
    • For example, it takes more self-control when tortured to retain information for not sharing to expose to the enemy before you give up as opposed to merely being asked what is the enemy doing with no confrontation.
  • What does it mean to "deserve" something?
  • Everything is conditional weather or not you realize it. For example, without weather conditions you wouldn't exist to maintain homeostasis in this current environment
  • Self-control is fine, however, you must recognize that some conditions are unsuitable for certain behaviors.
    • For example, you wouldn't preach in a strip club would you?
  • Religion relies on fear of the unknown whereas understanding of the once-unknown changes minds
  • Morality is objective but many ways to reach same goal. For example, it's moral to avoid going into a bar to avoid temptation but it's also moral to go into a bar with friends and have temptation to drink alcohol and using self control to resist it from past experiences enabled by the hippocampus of your brain serving the memory part. Years ago we wouldn't have thought carrying a phone in picked leads to decreased sex life due to radiation causing gay people - now is carrying phone in pocket immoral I believe in objective values
    • Theory: When you are thinking of certain thoughts, it invokes a certain feeling based in characteristics emphasized and senses affected. This feeling is objectively measurable as we all knwo it does not hurt enough to be called torture, but it does not hurt little to the point where you can ignore it.
  • When I say you are a good person that does not mean you are (actually) a good person, it means that I feel like you are a good person (it's that shared sense of feeling why you might feel warmth afterwards) - it describes a feeling of mine expressed via verbatim
    • saying that is good is like saying you SHOULD feel good about this -> like trying to control someone's feelings (either directly or indirectly)
    • study this as this is how people's feelings change - you need to understand how your feelings work to determine what is justified and not for your goals, define your own good and bad depending on the goal.
  • good or bad is a feeling depending in goal
  • how should you feel about doing this?
    • should feelings motivate you to do a particular action?
  • decide what should and shouldn't affect your decision?
    • For example, should the color of a donut affect what kind of APR percentage a customer gets when financing a vehicle?
  • Think of human beings as a rock - we are inanimate objects with cause and effect, good or bad is a feeling
  • Focus on words or behavior of nature
  • We categorize ideas based on how it affects our senses
  • Thinking in terms of right and wrong don't make sense - who determines the justification? Our feelings based on how our physiological needs are tended to? our sense of cooperation? Our sense of
    • Everything - all of the environment - affects physiological needs - the current present tense affects our physiological needs - this is because we need the air quality index to survive.
    • Everything is a part of tending to basic needs (things we don't think about like air quality, longer-term effects of diet, etc.) as you must exist, and to exist means to survive, and to survive takes some basic necessities. This showcases that without the environment, nothing is possible.
  • There is no debating facts
  • We are all pursuing a goal weather we know it or not, this is called being aware of why you are doing what you are doing - becoming aware of your current goal, so that you can change it to make better goals.
    • Spanking does not allow the child to recognize what variables they are allowed to change and what variables they are not allowed to change and must blindly trust. For example, if your child sees another kids' toy, they aren't allowed to touch it, this might make them nervous in the presence of the toy since they don't know if they can be safe around it without first exploring it - this is similar to why cops pat down criminals before bringing them in. This sense of blind trust is exactly what can get people killed.
      • Spanking messes with child's ability to be curious and to optimize their goal and change their environment to optimize their environment for their goals and one more thing spanking runs deeper than that
    • The reason for the cause of far more complex than merely having the thought process of right and wrong.
      • As a matter of fact the cause can be on a minute complex level
  • Why specifically setting those boundaries? sometimes children don't want to be in public, why change that desire? Why change peoples' desire? Why change what people want? It's all based on how it physically affects you based on your level of understanding and how it affects your survival and senses. I want to find an objective scale I can use to understand people, doing this, will allow me to understand people and get what I want, past the typically it's all physical bullshit. I know there is a mental framework people work on and it is based on childhood developed trust and how our physiological needs are tended to.
  • How much you know about the environment says a lot about how much trust you're putting into the environment - for example, when saying it's wrong to hit someone, you're assuming that person will not jeopardize your security in any shape or form
    • It's better to emphasize with children's goals since because it requires understanding of their goals and how they identify their environment, in doing, so you can offer alternatives to their goals.
      • For example, if they see another child's toy and really want to explore it, you can offer to go to the toy store and play with it later, just not now. And to teach them to redirect and change their goals you can give them assurance it can get done later. This is why recognizing the why matters as it helps with problem solving skills and goal-setting skills.
      • This is really important is it develops the skills we use to set and pursue goals. This is the parents' job, to understand the goal setting process and offer assurance. This is how the feelings system work. I simply refuse to believe in free will. As free implies that a depressed person can simply "stop being depressed" even though the word "stop" is one that is rather vague and does not provide directions on how to get to that destination.
      • This is why when non understanding people explain how they set and pursue their goals 
  • Personal space and proximity and physical boundaries
    • This is what should be taught in replacement of "morality"
  • Proximity matters, what you are teaching isn't necessarily morality, but also personal space, impulse control, delaying gratification, goal-setting, when to stop thinking and start feeling, logic of learning of recognizing things based on certain shapes and characteristics, imagination, etc. This is how you can convey all of these factors.
  • How far ideas are from the current present tense will tell you how realistic the goals are
    • For example, if the idea/goal is to reach the moon, how would one do that?
  • By learning what an opinion, you will know what to avoid in order to avoid developing an opinion on topics - this is why I don't have an opinion is the greatest observation and evaluation there can be as it indicates that you understand something whereas an opinion indicates that you don't.
    • You will soon realize that everything you do is an opinion
  • The problem with morality is that you don't even know what you're chasing - you don't even know what variable to identify which leads to confusion, unclear goals
    • This is why you think of human beings which is really respecting a sack of meat does not make sense
  • Instead of addressing curiosity desire development
  • The "spanking" logic of learning elsewhere follows into present tense this is why it's hard to learn new things - this is the underlying cause for what is commonly known as unjustified "stupidity" or "ignorance."
    • The "Spanking logic of learning formula" is defined as using pain to the bottom to distract a child from focusing on curiosity goals and instead focus on the goal of whatever if being said. This is not a good way of learning as it hyper fixates on the conclusion instead of the process used to derive the thought. This is why dogma fails to learn how to learn process.
  • "Immoral" just means "unjustified," even if something is unjustified, we can change what is bad instead of teaching someone to feel bad


only you can tell how your brain works, unconditional morality, learn to feel your feelings, goal right now awareness, judging past actions instead of understanding why children do behaviors, desensitize force them to tolerate the presence of stupidity quote, how behavior works, empathize with goals, focusing in why is focusing in the past not setting present-tense goals, applying criteria, feelings trust, learning to trust, treating opinions like a fact, objectively measuring self-control, non verbal communication, body language, multi-tasking moral condition moral resiliency, tolerance, ethos pathos and logos, convincing, limits of self-control, logic of curiosity, formal boundaries, setting boundaries, being a leader, why convinced how convinced process, who hurt you, emotional condition, tolerating presence of, changing goals, respect is tolerating the presence of, mentally impossible, recognize variables, think like a scientist, what is the goal of the child in existing, curiosity level logic of learning, longer term effects, feelings goal, change feelings, sustain feelings, allow thoughts to develop, thinking process, goal of children, 
