I refuse to "like" mediocre shit

I refuse to "like" mediocre shit

 What I mean by "liking" mediocre shit

    People tend to think of desires are involuntary. However, I know how to control my desires and feelings. The concept is no different than using a flawed spanking logic like spanking for masturbation makes a child feels less confident about masturbating in the house.

    Similar to me wanting to pursue wanting a different desire. For example, if I were to ever develop a desire into a mediocre sport like basketball, I would calibrate myself to like and find fascination and be curious about passive athletic sports like tumbling dancing rock climbing parkour figure skating with transferability of skills into grappling.

    A more clear example of you are still confused: imagine yourself as raising a child, eventually that child becomes a teenager and says they are sexually attracted to dogs - as in Zoophilia - as a parent you would ask yourself: where did you go wrong?


    I want to desire for the best of the best stuff. For this, I must see the multitude of paths in public and take the one skilled one.

     Many people think of liking something as an involuntary feelings however I know how to calibrate my own desires by focusing on the formula of behavior. If it it something that requires encouragement or jeopardizing of security then it's not a desire worth pursuing - like ideas and goals learned by spanking.

     Similar to how wealthy parents would want their kids to develop a desire to study to become an engineer instead of being a janitor. Whereas a poor migrant who jumped the border would be happy if they could just score a job, any job, without having higher standards since they don't have their basic needs met.

    I want to prove how you're preferences affect your intellectual endeavors, for example, men who like feminine and submissive (as opposed to feminine and dominant, and fantasizing about tall black fat women - minorities) women are less likely to pursue skilled endeavors like gymnastics and more likely to pursue mediocre endeavors.

What I want to desire (be like):

  • "Sexual attraction to intelligence" (in women) - sapiosexuality
    • This is also leads into why I want to pursue femdom (female dominance)
  • Sexual attraction to skilled and dominant (and slightly submissive) women


take care of your brain, watch your evaluation, watch your thoughts, observe your thoughts, observe yourself, grappling, bondage wrestling, rope tying skill, preferences rope, i like being treated like a child, try not to laugh, desire empty gym, 
