Humans aren't intrinsically valuable - most human beings are boring
Humans aren't intrinsically valuable
The idea that all humans are intrinsically valuable in the same way to grant us all basic human rights is as silly as me saying all chickens are valuable and therefore all baby male chicks should survive just because they're baby male chicks even though they have practically no value to provide to society's goal of sustaining a resourceful food chain at all.
Because without something enabling us to exist, such as the body maintaining homeostasis, lack of understanding which is what curiosity is and leads to (lack of understanding is the very reason for motivation for pursuing curiosity, you can't be curious if you know everything already) you wouldn't even be able to exist proving that what makes you valuable or invaluable is the physical characteristics, not your intrinsic value - there is nothing that has intrinsic value.
Science is about understanding the comprehension process that human beings have to the environment around us.
This reason also does not work because there is no reasonable way to teach it. It completely disregards conditions and logic such as what if the world was overpopulated? What does it mean to be overpopulated? What are basic human necessities?
This belief is exactly what is stopping you from understanding people, as without this, you can't move on in life. If you don't know how to manipulate people to fit your goals, to change peoples' desires and wants, you will not ever move on in life.
By definition if what makes human beings intrinsically valuable is our ability to stop thinking when in the presence of human beings, that is, to stop considering them as a flesh of meat and instead a special flesh of meat that we must tolerate the presence of, you are not considering their continual existence, but rather make a mental idea of them when in the presence of people.
people are toys to you, too many kids in one class, overpopulation, quality over quantity, science of developing goals, identifying goals, identify humans are intrinsically valuable,
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