Defining Mental Health Variables | What does mental health depend on? How are mental health effects determined?

 Defining Mental Health Variables

    Theory: I believe that all abled bodied human beings have the same feelings system that we operate on. I believe that there is objective feelings that are able to be felt via certain experiences.

    For example, objectively it is scary for a person to be spanked as a child in a child's perspective. Furthermore, those who were spanked find less value in sports that require extreme motor skills like gymnastics. Just look at the correlation. When you are spanked you are forced to tolerate the presence of certain stimuli and not change the presence of said stimuli, moreover, you are forced to be in close proximity of those things that you can't change. This is why desires of a child soon change to pursue desires of living alone, as solidtude-ness is where one can explore unbiasedly and learn by oneself.

    I intuitively theorize there is a thinking formula behind all thoughts - I call this the logic of learning. This essentially gives one the formula of learning how to learn. The more flawed this logic, the harder it is to learn newer concepts. For example, if you learned (changed goals) to respect people because someone violently slapped your butt jeopardizing your basic needs of security comfort and physiological needs, this means you are only pursuing the goal of being moral due to retaliation, not because you actually learned or understand the reasoning behind your behavior. If someone calls your behavior bad or some other vague adjective, that describes how they feel, and, at the end of the day, there can be justified and unjustified feelings, sure, but, keep in mind, it's how you treat one's feelings.

    Varibles to look for and change in the event that your life goes south. How do you decide when is enough? Boundaries set by your feelings. This is the only way you can signal the brain that something is abuse. Since children don't know how to understand the implications of their feelings, they are more prone to abuse and will often not report it because they don't know any possible outlet.


    I am trying to understand how external stimuli affect my mental health instead of relying on "common sense." Doing so will help me understand how to optimize my goal-setting process and set and pursue other goals to eventually become a person with all my needs met and to live in isolation and to be a gymnast and grappler.

    I know this so far: How our physiological needs are met determines what the mind naturally prioritizes.

    I know that if free will was "real" - that would negate all neuroscience and psychology and the aspect of learning how to learn.

    To know what you are looking for.

Mental Health Variables:

    Basically, how the environment affects our 5 senses determines how we interpret the ideal past and present tense.
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    • A hungry person won't prioritize learning via reading books and develop the desire to pursue gymnastics and admire complex skills, but will constantly worry about when their next meal is.
  • If you run into to many things that aren't yours
  • Assuming you are able-bodied, we all have a subconscious mind that has the goal of surviving and performing auto pilot tasks. The purpose of life is to pursue curiosity, explore and awareness level from childhood till now. It is not to "find meaning" in family, friends, etc. Those who find meaning in family and friends are those who __
  • Psychologically speaking, we are only here for the food - that is the real reason why we live in a certain area
    • Whichever area tends to our physiological needs the best is where we will stay
    • This is why I don't believe in "Love" but rather how psychological needs are addressed, as even tortured people can live thru it. This is also why what justification can justify what range of ideas matters.
  • Safety'
    • Safe enough to develop a desire to read or not? War like enviornments do not fostor curiosity.
  • Comfort
    • Kids' perspective: I am safe enough to take my own clothes but not others' clothes
  • Adaptation level
    • Some enviornments objecitvlely take more adaptaion level than others
  • Trust
    • Trust is also quantifiable and observable
  • Torture
    • Torture is objectively measurable. Anyone who says as otherwise, can have their hands chopped off and compared that to a person who merely got slapped in the fase as a punishment for the safe offense. Both are forms of torture, more commonly known as ab. but the point is one objectively hurts more than the other. This is what I want to explore and measure. This is also why I am into exploring feelings of BDSM and torture - yes, I am turned on by gore and torture.

Big Questions:

  • What is the reason for this specific feeling?
    • Weather or not you are aware of it, you are always feeling something. Calmness is a feeling too.
  • What are examples of justified feelings? And what makes it justified? The process of recognizing intrinsic value? There is no formal learning process on recognizing official learning process. To learn is complicated as it requires planning and intricately manipulating behavior.
  • What are the mental implications of believing in God?
    • You will be less inclined to be curious in other parts of your life subconsciously using the learning logic of believing in God to "solve" (become comfortable) your problems.
  • Ask yourself: how would your life change if you won the lottery?
    • In doing so, you can recognize your limits of your current lifestlye. It will force you to think of a vision.
  • What keeps someone alive during torture?
    • Varibale: involuntary organs
    • Limits of "control" prove there is no "control" as true control has no limits


not looking for your opinion, don't analyze when not in a safe place, people aren't magical, trust in people, enlightenment awareness, curiosity is the only way to escape bad situation, controlling curiosity, fascaination with my feelings, "you" are always making a decision weathor or not you are aware of it, I am a part of my enviornment and my past, I am my circumstances, how goals change, life is involuntarily forcing me to stay alive (forced to breathe by involuntary organs), forced=subconscious, forced to be happy, forced to be sad, forced= equivliant to rape, studying religion, sociology of religion, long-term feelings, expect feelings, 
