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BIG Questions
BIG Questions
- What does it mean to be human?
- Study the creation of feelings
- What is love?
- Define love because too many people have different defintion of what "love" clearly indicating that we are not on the same page, which is an issue because love clearly objectively does not encmpass rape, therefore there are definitive limits to formulating this opinion, which is what I want to identify - the algorithm.
- What are your feelings telling you?
- How are laws set?
- What if you knew everything?
- Not curious about the boring stuff anymore: Once you know once you know them all - the formula
- How to become bored? Do the same thing over and over again.
- Consider all possiblities
- What does it mean to truly relax?
- Is it a feeling, like love?
- Is it possible to want a new family?
- What is your body and brain subconsciously looking for?
- What does it even mean to feel fine?
- When people say they were spanked and turned out "fine" - without clear standards, anyone can claim they are "fine."
- What makes something (intrinsically) right or wrong?
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