Why the "Why" Matters
Why the "Why" Matters - Learning To Reason
Why this matters:
In response to those who ask why does the reason matter or why does the reason not matter.
I came across some moralists claiming morality is unconditional - which it is true, however, it does not explain human beings' ability to unconditionally follow these set of rules. Given the range of conditions humans are in - from torture to cuddling to isolation - human beings are subject to setting and pursuing a range of different goals.
For now, people who simply don't understand how the human brain works - more common amongst superstitious and flawed logic individuals such as conservatives and religious folks - use the excuse of "free will" to blame responsibility upon a person for "their" actions, when in reality, "their" actions are really just an encompassment of a wide array of causes including the actions of their parents which take lifelong effects.
As a matter of fact free will was just used an excuse for people not to consider neuroscience and psychological concepts in how to raise their children - literally anyone can raise children as long as they're able to procreate, which can go as early up to 4 years old - yes, a 4 year old human being female can procreate.
Free will does not accurately describe the mental comprehension and the limitations of the actions of the human brain, as the human brain is always limited by something: homeostasis encompassing mental calculations, constant exposure to stimuli (called homeostasis) - it would be ridiculous to describe a mentally ill person as choosing to do stupid things, when in reality it is their brain that forces them to do that our brain is controlled by our enviornment which in turn controls what we can think and are aware of. That being said, we are not in control of anything, we just think we are given our consciousness is controlling our involuntary muscles and voluntary muscles. There is no way to verify that we are in control, therefore, by default, we are not in control. You can't "feel" like you're in control because a mentally ill person can say the same thing, yet we know that they are not "in control" of their body at all, rather they simply cannot trust their surroundings, given our surroundings condition to be who we are as it gives us exposure to stimuli that can expose us to new ideas - see learning how to learn.
If I were to explain to these free will folks anything about stimuli and how thoughts are generated, they would be way too slow to comprehend simply because they lack comprehension skills as they don't value academic education - learning how to learn.
I can tell why people are confused about free will and developing desire and feelings. After all, the way human beings set goals subconsciously (homeostasis) or consciously is literally how human beings work and are wired to work, which is what we neuroscientists are trying to figure out at the moment.
We set goals based on desire, desire is based on what we sense, what we sense is based on uncontrollable factors depending on our awareness, mood level, genetics, mental fortitude, mental capacity, etc..
School should be about learning how to learn and how to spot and stop emotional induced propganda, unforuntaley, if we did that perfectly, no one would want to work stupid jobs anymore.
What does the "why" mean?
Examples and Specific Reasons:
- Scenario: When a person has committed murder, the judge does not solely isolate that specific event that has occurred, instead the judge will take a look at all of the influences that lead up to this event. For example, an adverse childhood can affect mental health conditions and trust leading to a distorted sense of self-defense and tolerance of others within the presence of, another thing is what if the murderer was incentivized to murder because a group of bad actors has taken his family as ransom and demanded that the murderer commit murder or else their family will die in response to lack of a murder being committed - in that case, the murderer's sense of security was compromised with such an incentive that the murderer was able to comprehend and therefore committed the murder in response to. Sure, this does not make anything right regardless of any external conditions, however, even so, it helps bring a clear understanding of why the murderer committed the murder and instead we can offer mental health services to said murderer.
- When most people use adjectives to describe the person - we usually see the person in isolation from their enviornment, we isolate the person from the enviornment and describe them. However, we need to realize that the enviornment makes the person.
- Why the conditions matter?
- Instead of describing the person, you are actually describing the enviornment
- Asking why leads to the cause, which is always something in the past, in doing so, this is just another method of learning from history - as a matter of fact all learning is done from learning from history. This proves that we must look at learning in terms of identifying the limitations of our experiences. This also proves that learning should be looked at in terms of experiences, not just mere ideas and events, because we cannot isolate ideas from events. Some events allow us to think of certain ideas. For example, when brainstorming for a project, one might go into a library as opposed to a busy subway. Moreover, we should learn from experiences by becoming aware of our past, without doing so, we will never learn are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
- When we are young we are conditioned to ignore certain things and to suppress our innate curiosity when being in public, in doing so, we suppress our inner desires. Doing so for an extended period of time, will lead to mental dysfunction and lack of intellectualism.
- Pursuing curiosity is it's own reward in and of itself, that's how humans derive pleasure - the feelings system matters. We mustn't be conditioned to not be curious anymore.
- The more you ask why, the better you understand how the system works, the better you understand how the system works, the more
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