Pro-Choice Justifications

 Pro-Choice Justifications + Arguments

Reasons at a glance:

  • Practical Value of Invasiveness
  • Practical Morality
    • valuing all human life the same is a False equivalence
  • Valuing Mother Over Babies' Life
  • Logically Consistent with Life Applied to Non-Human Life such as bacterial cells
    • Theoretically speaking, if we had to kill bacterial cells to sustain a comfortable standard of life, why is it that our life is prioritized over bacterial lives?
    • Dehumanize, why not de-deer-inize or de-ant-inize
    • Why don't we give rights to trees?
    • If I spit on grass, that piece of grass has human DNA, does that mean we should give grass rights?
  • Free Will does not exist
    • The fact that it does not exist and behavior being predicable just not caring enough to perform calculations of each person's prediction provides an even stronger reason as to why we should likely implement sex education
  • Potential argument invariably justifies the idea that all woman should give potential to all life in her uterus because of all the unfertilized eggs there and that getting a vasectomy's would be immoral.
    • This is a good example to show that everything has practical limits, including the so called "unconditional" morality.
  • Value of Suffering
    • Use a theoritical example to over-exaggerated the effects of pregnancy to gain sympathy for the mothers' lifestyle, some may argue that if this was the case women wouldn't get pregnant as often, however I argue based on theory what if we didn't know of this information beforehand and it was a new phenomenon
  • Women can provide more value to society in the net timeframe of 9 months
    • I set 9 months instead of 90 years, as it's a reasonable timeframe to judge if one's productive or not within said timeframe as that is the timeframe for a pregnancy.
  • Everything has physical boundaries to logic being applied
  • The unborn baby is no less human with a grass that has my DNA on it
  • Why categorize it as a separate human being?
  • Evolution changes natural processes all of the time, as a matter of fact the desire of wanting an abortion is also natural.
  • if Human DNA is the logic that makes it unjust to kill an unborn baby
    • What if there where such a thing that, even if it looks and functions as a human, it does not have human DNA does it deserve rights?
      • For example, what if we found a new species of aliens that look just like us and perform like us but on a microscopic level, they didn't share our DNA - does this give us the right to kill them at will?
      • What if bunnies looked like humans but didn't have human DNA? It's like retarded people - why does such a microscopic DNA difference matter ? Where to draw the line?




symbolism, value of human life, value of life, pain in life, feelings are symbolic, 
