Tips for whenever you're lost and are in need to get back to the science mindset
Tips for whenever you're lost
and are in need to get back to the science mindset
- Thinking in terms of variable and formula, because it's all about being aware.
- Thinking in terms of feelings, and not expressing feelings via verbatim, rather are pondering them to yourself.
- Remind yourself that all of the ideas you know only exist in the brain (categorize information in the brain) "Since it all exists in the mind as a variable with feelings attitude this is why it’s not up to anyone else’s to tell you what the governments' job is it’s all in the mind as a variable."
- Remind yourself that focusing is the only interpreting style that will lead you to be at the lost mindset.
- Reach conclusion focus mindset attitude, make a model out of this that you can refer too, like people store the model of formulas as a mental image through thought processes. [1]
- Energy is contagious
- Consciously considered -> Ideas
- Subconsciously considered -> human limits, involuntary muscles, things that basically make us human, things that are abused by other people to instill fear in others. The senses can either be abused to indoctrinate ideas (which are goals that are derived out of necessity for survival, not curiosity), or can be used to encourage and foster curiosity.
- The pattern of the problem being created is always done through social events
- You're lucky you're alive, some people don't even have this privilege and are still living like it's 1800's [1]
- If you want to get out of the brainwashed state of mind think in terms do phases like ask yourself where did I put my keys? Think in terms of past events.
- Quote: "Other people can only teach ideas only you can teach you about yourself" ~ Ebenezer Suresh
- Actually learn vs. think you learn
- Only you can teach yourself, all others is a mere social construct derived via fear mongering.
- Nobody will explicitly. verbally tell you this, so learn form your heart, listen to yourself, because nobody knows the truth so they cannot share it with you.
- Practice the best of all mindset; For example, when looking at information, think like a scientist [1]. Anything that's learned by other people is fake, the truth doesn't need defending, according to the limits of this world.
- All of your thoughts are yours. How it was leaned matters. What others teach is emotional dependency. Not teaching a man to fish rather telling them [1]. But, remember, all learned things can be unlearned -> this is why I advocate for liberalism and immorality.
- Use inspiration, everything is a science, apply this rhetoric whenever seeing (a form of sensing) events that make you contradict what you learned from the past
- We always learn new things by subconsciously comparing it to the past, either if it looks similar or causes fear.
- Never forget where you came from, you are merely a phase in human history, like an eroded rock that's a part of their environment. Mind is a prison. Necessity is the mother of invention, so make it a necessity according to the specific limits, not a vague word, like necessity.
- Even though, we don't explicitly say it, because no one will teach you to say it, we subconsciously set goals, this is called muscle memory [1].
- Judge yourself how you’d want other to judge you. Golden rule. Judge lifestyle, not the specific event, no fear motivated, be curious.
- It's not everyday that you're test subjects come out and attack you when you're not wearing goggles.
- It’s all your mind
- Mindset is a variable that describes state of mind, and expressing any feelings in any forms is a state of mind.
- For example; Capitalism -> like all expression of feelings and mindsets is a mere state of mind.
- We gain loads of information at a time, you just must be aware of it in order to realize and appreciate nature. This is why you must categorize the information you have gained.
- Everything you practice is a mere state of mind, a phase in life, therefore there is no formula as we constantly learn new things. Is there a formula though? Like the stages of grief formula? I see a pattern there.
- Phase of life state of mind refer stages of grief add this to phases post.
- Limits of human beings is our senses.
- For example, 180 degree view - this is what gets us physically.
- The ability to be able to be scared via sound [1]
- Limits of human being feelings is limits of body threatening. [hence the picture attached]
- Basically, what functions does your brain perform?
- [Forget] your conform zone, this is mere social stigma, get out of that brainwashed state of mind.
- The cool thing about brainwashing is that it happens so often that you don't even know it happens because it's so common.
- For all you know this information could be random and could all be a form of gaslighting and a bad learning curriculum. But when it has a pattern, you can recognize it as such and create a formula for it, and learn from IT.
- Whenever practicing speaking via verbatim, practice saying the part of speech before stating whatever else
- For example, "theoretically speaking about this idea about Jesus walking on water" -> this is good practice as it keeps you aware of situational fallacy.
- Difference between physical limit and creating new physical limits, that's why some phases in the English language make sense and others don't.
- It takes time to reach a conclusion -> this is called thought process action. Refer physical limits of a world.
- State of mind is a fact and facts don’t care about feelings. Therefore, all insults made are invalid and done through the anti-science mindset.
- All feelings come from cherry picked facts, cherry-picking facts classifies a mental thought process style.
- Learning is the only thing there is to life. So just become a scientist.
- Random -> pattern expectance.
- Ask yourself, what variable does it classify? An (theoretical) idea or an attitude/behavior?
- Doing this should make the ideal information easier to categorize, as well as in relation to human being perception limits of senses.
- Be aware of how the 'information' gained via senses sensed affects you. This is called studying your behavior in reaction to the experiences you've experienced
- Describe the phases of your life like the draw my life series, by doing this, you are being aware of the real reasons why you are acting as such.
- Perception of limits, vs. actual event ideal limits.
- The very joy is in the process of identifying it. Not being ideally manipulated via fear and patterns.
- Classify the phases of life because that's literally all there is to it as time constantly passes and there is no going back and age bias.
- Theory: The feelings are not about the 'what' - the content of the information that is gained - rather about how it is gained, the process, yes this is a vague word, this is why I am trying to specify how by identifying the limits of human beings' actions.
- "Let a kid, be a kid"
- Compare video game bigger meaning (fear as it abuses human limits) to interpreting it as pixels on a screen. Study how it's learned, and you'll quickly see that it uses false pattern words (like crying, etc).
- How it specifically affects you
- Use words like 'more likely' to do [insert action here]
- Like a conservative individualism take care of yourself. Know your own physiology.
- Scientific reasons can be expressed in models, variables and formulas. There is no reason to be blank.
Other notes:
Work on pattern words
Properties of information
Perception science behind it.
Make a model on how the information is categorized in the head.
Depict the slime and sponge model for learning. And how they can be narrow-minded assigning ideal variable manipulation through fear.
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