Our Body Is Basically Our Experience And Our Attitude

 Our Body Is Basically Our Experience And Our Attitude

Since everything affects us, this is why we are curious, we are curious because as a part of our surroundings, we are curious as to how our surroundings actually affect us [based on the way it's measured], simply being able to see, hear, touch, surroundings imply that we are being affected (this is what it being measured -> how we are being affected over time, that's how curiosity is breed) by them.

This is why you shouldn't curse anyone, as cursing someone is only going to make the content of the variable of your and only your memory suffer [1]. The more content a person remembers, the less they understand.

Taking Good Care of Yourself | Mental Health America

But you ARE your body. Here's why - Sheridan Kennedy Ph.D

[1 - if you want to change nature, you are the problem; If you want to see how things just are, set the goal to predict and just be and study feelings and the specific events you experience] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Note: I am not so sure on how to measure how I am interpreting things, I supposed I'll have to try the trial and error formula over time (since life goes on, with or without our permission, so practice thinking according to reality) and hope I don't die [2].

We have the parts of body, parts of speech, but we are not taught the parts of our attitude?!? Something fishy is going on. I suppose this is where the "it's up to you" rhetoric plays a role. [1]

Actions that you perform, from what perspective are you saying this from?

You are the action itself, be aware of this action. Be aware of the limits events that you are interpreting and that there is much more to interpret.
