I don't want to make the same mistake I made
I don't want to make the same mistake I made Personal Feelings Blog Post
Coming from an imperfect mindset, and physical limits as a human being, I find it very hard to categorize the thoughts that I have been taught to not think of - Because I am trained to be a moral worker - not a thinker of new thoughts [1] [2]. Freethinking breeds new ideas, not old ideas. I wanted to think new thoughts, use a different method to identify how I identified thoughts, but it seems as if I am going too fast to study it.
There are a lot of ideas out here that I have discovered and uncovered that need categorizing but I am unable to do so as such because of the flawed interpreting style I practice. Still, I must use my flaws to get out of my flaws, or is this even possible? Will I stay stuck in this state of mind, this enclosed box, forever, like the salves who died working? I don't want that to be my fate. I can't help but thinking of anything else; Is this what Chomsky meant by "thinking new thoughts?"
Dear fact deniers, no matter what, facts are facts, weather or not you choose to interpret them as facts or not [1]. They'll still stay facts that are to be identified, no matter how much you want to deny evolution and accept the creationism conspiracy theory.
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