Examples of propaganda -> people taking advantage of interpreting style
Examples of propaganda -> people taking advantage of interpreting style
And why you should care
Why you should care:
YOLO (refer age bias)
Learn from mistake, you are making one right now, if you need to see this
All of what you learn should be a mere phase, nothing else.
Examples of propaganda -> people taking advantage of interpreting style:
Gaslighting: Social media uses the never seen always heard tactic. It’s like how showing (seeing is a form of communication, it's a about the process used to gain the information, the specific event, not eh idea interpreted of the event via fear; Stop putting feelings into words, basically adopting the goal-oriented mindset, the only goals that should be derived is ones that are out of curiosity - can't help but to gain information over time with an unbiased mindset [1] [2] - and not the ones that are derived our of fear which would be performing actions like manual labor, which run you into the ground mindconcept [1]; Not all expression of feelings must be expressed as such - via verbatim, that is.) the top posts without even asking. Go to CNNs' first page and you will be bombarded with gaslighting experience interpreting. see the specifics.
Bad Learning Curriculum: The entire U.S. Education system experience (past)
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